

【作者】 李婕

【导师】 贾冀川;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 电影学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 革命历史题材电影一般认为指以近现代以来,在中华民族的解放过程中出现的历史人物、事件为题材的电影,尤其是指以中国共产党领导的新民主主义革命过程及建国后的重要事件,以及中国共产党政治人物为题材,并以弘扬主流意识形态作为最高意图的电影。由于特殊的政治历史原因,革命历史题材电影在中国电影史上一直占有重要地位。自新中国诞生之初至今的半个多世纪里,革命历史题材电影作为主旋律电影的主力军,得到了长足的发展并取得了丰硕的成果。新世纪以来,中国社会进入了全面转型时期。随着电影产业化脚步的加快,为了提高产业效益,革命历史题材电影在美学上也发生了相应的变化。本文着重从主题、人物形象塑造、叙事及艺术风格四个方面分析了新世纪革命历史题材电影。在主题上,除了继承对国家主流意识形态的宣扬外,新世纪的革命历史题材电影还力图深入挖掘人性内涵,使之更具普世价值。在塑造人物形象时,对于领袖人物的刻画,更为辩证地把握平凡与伟大、形似与神似的关系。在表现平民英雄时,更注重人性化、个性化,人物形象更为生动立体。在塑造特殊人物时,力求客观公正,还原其历史本真。在叙事的分析上,本文应用叙事学理论从叙事人称、叙事结构角度分析了新世纪革命历史题材电影不同的叙事风格和特点:有的作品追求全景式的宏大叙事,也有作品以个人视角切入历史。在艺术风格方面,史诗风格和纪实风格成为新世纪革命历史题材电影的两种主要风格。史诗风格的壮美浪漫和纪实风格的客观冷静常常交融在一起,使新世纪革命历史题材电影呈现出独特的美学面貌。此外,本文还分析了新世纪革命历史题材电影所存在的不足之处,力图对革命历史题材电影未来的发展有所借鉴。

【Abstract】 It is generally known that films on revolutionary history mean the films which show the persons and events appeared during the struggling of the Chinese people for liberation in modern history, especially mean the films which show the events appeared during the new-democratic revolution which led by the Chinese Communist Party or after the day when the P.R.C was founded in and the important Chinese communists.And the highest purpose of films on revolutionary history is to highlight the themes of the times.For the special political and historic reasons, films on revolutionary history occupy an important place in the history of Chinese cinema. From the early time of the new China up to the present, as the main force of the main-melody movies, films on revolutionary history have greatly developed and have achieved plentiful fruits. Since the beginning of the new century, China has been stepping into the period of comprehensive social transformation. With the further process of movie industrialization, films on revolutionary history change on film aesthetics. The thesis mainly analyzes the theme, characterization, narration and diversified artistic styles of films on revolutionary history of the new century.Besides carrying forward the tradition to highlight the themes of the times, films on revolutionary history of the new century endeavour to seek the deep-level connotation of humanity in order to reflect the universal value. Films on revolutionary history deal with the relation between the greatness and commonness, and the relation between the resemblance and the resemblance in spirit dialectically on portrayal of characters. Films on revolutionary history create humanized and individual plain hero. The characters are more vivid. The films characterized the special people more objectively and fairly to represent the truth. The thesis analyzes the characteristics in films on revolutionary history from the aspects of narrator and narrative structure according to the principle of narratology. Some films seek the vast narrative style. Some films narrate history in a straight angle. Epic style and documentary style are the two main styles of films on revolutionary history of the new century. The two styles are often mixed in the films, which makes the films have special aesthetic features. Besides, the thesis analyzes the insufficiencies of films on revolutionary history to provide experience in the development of films on revolutionary history in the future.
