

Study on Multi-objective Decision Evaluation of Certificate a Office Intellectualization

【作者】 乐乐

【导师】 郭小宏; 刘昌仁;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 甲级写字楼智能化系统技术是由现代通信与信息技术、计算机网络技术、现代建筑科学技术、智能控制技术汇集而成的,随着信息技术的不断发展,其技术含量及复杂程度也越来越高。甲级写字楼智能化系统包括楼宇智能化系统BAS,通信智能化系统CAS,办公智能化系统OAS,消防智能化系统FAS和安保智能化系统SAS,简称写字楼智能化5A系统。通过甲级写字楼的结构、系统、服务和管理之间的内在联系,运用系统工程的观点,对智能化5A系统进行优化组合与系统集成。多目标决策即决策者通过提出问题、确定目标、收集资料、结合科学合理的多目标决策方法,建立有效的系统模型,对技术经济指标进行综合评价,为决策者提供客观、合理的排序结果,从战略决策的角度筛选出最佳方案,以解决经济、技术、环境、社会相互协调的问题。论文从选题的背景、研究的意义出发,结合国内外研究现状,提出了研究的技术路线,阐述了甲级写字楼智能化5A系统工程方案的设计原则、设计标准以及系统的组成、工作原理,并以楼宇智能化系统工程方案为研究主线,用多种多目标决策方法对各方案的系统结构及技术经济特性进行评价研究,最后得出方案排序,推荐出最优的备选方案。文章的创新点是通过对重庆市某甲级写字楼楼宇智能化系统方案选型的案例分析,采用传统多目标决策方法TOPSIS法与不劣于级别法ELECTREⅠ和ELECTREⅡ法,从客观角度,引入决策偏好,递进分析备选方案。就设计单位提供的五种知名品牌备选系统,从技术、经济、环境、社会的角度确立评价指标,进行定量的多目标决策分析。结合PROMETHEE法研究灵敏度,应用Decision Lab 2000软件,通过GAIA平面分析权重灵敏度,评价项目多目标决策的评价指标数据的变化对决策结果的影响程度,从而确定影响该决策问题的灵敏性评价指标。结合三种递进方法综合考虑决策者的主观偏好,在不影响决策者决策的前提下,决策者将选取最优方案西门子APOGEE楼宇智能化系统,江森自控Metasys楼宇智能化系统作为备选方案。能耗率和通信速率的优势对最优方案的贡献较大,投资造价这一指标因素相比其他因素而言是最为灵敏因素。因此决策者要严格控制投资造价的大小。

【Abstract】 Certificate A office intellectualization system technology is combined with the communication and the information technology, the computer network technology, the modern architecture science and the intelligent control technology. As information technology unceasingly develops, its technique content and the complex degree is also getting higher and higher. Certificate A office intellectualization systems are included building automation system, communication automation system, office automation system, fire automation system and security automation system.Certificate A office intellectualization makes great use of link of building’s structure, automation system, the service and management, with system engineering viewpoint to carry on the optimum composition of the above five systems (system integration). The multi-objective decision means that the decision-maker proposes a question, sets up goals, collects material, combines science reasonable multi-objective decision methods to establish a effective system model, carries on the quality synthetic evaluation to the technical economy target, provides the reasonable sorting result for the decision-maker and screens the preferred plan from strategic decision’s angle, in order to solve the coordination problem among the economy, technology, environment and society.The paper embarks on a selected topic background and research significance. It unifies the domestic and foreign research present situation, proposes the research technical route and elaborates the design principle, the design standard as well as system’s composition, the principle of work on intellectualization systems. The article takes engineering plan of building automation system as a master line and conducts the evaluation study on the various plans’ system structure and the technical economy characteristic with many kinds of multi-objective decision methods. Finally the paper obtains plan sorting, at the same time recommends the most superior alternative plan.The article innovation spots are to make analysis on certificate A office building automation system in Chongqing, to use multiple objective decision-making method--TOPSIS and inferior to rank--ELECTREⅠand the ELECTREⅡ. From objective angle, the paper introduces decision preference, progressively analyses alternative plan. Focusing on five kind of well-known brand alternative systems which provides on the designing department, the paper carries on the quota multi-objective decision. The paper unifies the PROMETHEE to research sensitivity, applying the decision Lab 2000 software with GAIA plane analysis weight sensitivity to appraise the influence degree by evaluating indicator data change to decision-making result, thus determine evaluating indicator that affects the sensitivity of the case.Unifying three kind of progressive method overall evaluation decision-maker subjective preference, the decision-maker will select the optimal solution- Simens APOGEE building automation system, Jonson automatic control Metasys building automation system is taken as an alternative plan. Recourse consumption rate and communication speed make great contribution to the optimal solution, the investment of construction cost compared to other factors is the most sensitive factor. Therefore the decision-maker should take strict control of construction cost.

  • 【分类号】F49;F426.92
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】155
  • 攻读期成果