

The Risk Disater Assessment of Geologic Disastere in Sichuan-Tibet Highway

【作者】 刘盛健

【导师】 陈洪凯; 唐红梅;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 自然地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 地质灾害的频繁爆发给川藏公路的正常通行带来严重影响,不但影响西藏地区的经济社会发展,也直接威胁到人民的生命财产安全。本文通过对川藏公路地质灾害的现场调查及大量的文献资料收集检索,结合专家咨询,对川藏公路地质灾害形成的地质环境背景进行分析,总结沿线地质灾害的发育特征以及对川藏公路地质灾害发育的影响因素,建立川藏公路地质灾害评价指标,对川藏公路地质灾害危险性进行研究和评价,为川藏公路地质灾害的防治提供依据,论文主要的研究工作如下:(1)总结川藏公路地质灾害的发育特征:分析川藏公路沿线地质灾害的类型、分布特征及分布规律。通过川藏公路沿线地质灾害的发育特征进行详细分析,研究影响川藏公路地质灾害形成的内、外动力地质作用。(2)构建川藏公路地质灾害危险性评价的指标体系:以川藏公路沿线地质灾害为研究对象,根据沿线地质灾害的特点和对川藏公路的危害程度,选取泥石流、崩塌、滑坡、水毁四个主要的地质灾害进行研究,并选取路基位置、地层岩性、地质构造、暴雨、年均降雨量、年均气温、地貌类型、地震烈度、以及植被覆盖率作为地质灾害发育的主要影响指标,建立了川藏公路沿线地质灾害危险性评价的指标体系。(3)川藏公路地质灾害危险性评价:根据所收集的相关资料,并与GIS、CAD等软件相结合,获得影响川藏公路地质灾害危险性的主要评价指标图。采用层次分析法与模糊评价相结合的方法,确定评价指标的权重值。将川藏公路按沿线市县划分为15段,并根据指标权重对每段川藏公路的危险性进行评价,再结合地质灾害危险性构成要素,综合考虑,最后获得川藏公路地质灾害危险性评价图。本文将川藏公路分为低易发区、中易发区、高易发区和危险区四个等级,得到川藏公路地质灾害危险性评价结果为:在将川藏公路划分的15段中,有2段为低易发区,占川藏公路全长的13.4%,为288.6km;7段为中易发区,占公路全长的40.4%,为867.1km;5段为高易发区,占公路全长的43.8%,为941.1km;1段为危险区,占公路全长的2.4%,为52.2km。所得结果与实际情况相符。

【Abstract】 Geological disasters frequently outbreaking brought serious impact on transportation of Sichuan-Tibet Highway, which not only affect the economic and social development but also directly threat people’s lives and property. Through field investigation, large collection of literature retrieval of Sichuan-Tibet Highway, combined with expert advice, thesis analyzed geological environment, summarized the development characteristics and influencing factors of geologic disasters, established geologic hazard evaluation index system for risk evaluation of Sichuan-Tibet Highway to provide the basis for prevention and control of geological disasters, the research is as follows:(1) Summarized the development characteristics of geologic disasters of Sichuan-Tibet Highway:through the detailed analysis of development characteristics include geological hazards type and distribution along Sichuan-Tibet Highway, studied internal and external dynamic geological processes which affected the formation of geologic disasters of Sichuan-Tibet Highway.(2) Constructed geologic hazard risk evaluation index system of Sichuan-Tibet Highway:take the geological hazards along Sichuan-Tibet Highway as the research object, analyzed four major geological hazards of debris, collapse,landslide and water damage according to the characteristics and harm degree of geological hazards selected subgrade position, formation lithology, geological structure, rainstorm, average annual rainfall, average temperature, landform type, earthquake intensity and vegetation coverage as the main influence of geological disasters indicators to establish geological hazard risk evaluation index system of Sichuan-Tibet Highway.(3) Geological hazard risk evaluation of Sichuan-Tibet Highway:according to the information collected, combined with GIS and CAD etc software to obtain geological hazard risk map of main indexes. Using AHP method and fuzzy evaluation to determine the index weights. Divided Sichuan-Tibet Highway to 15 segments by cities and counties along the way, evaluated geological disaster risk according to the weight of each index, and finally get risk zoning map with combination of geological hazard elements and comprehensive consideration.Sichuan-Tibet Highway can be divided into dangerous area, high easy-happening area, medium easy-happening area, low easy-happening area, each in terms of their sections of 2,7,5,1. The dangerous area is 2.4% of total Sichuan-Tibet highway length, and it is 52.2 km. The high easy-happening area is 43.8% of total highway length, and it is 941.1 km. The medium easy-happening area is 40.4% of total highway length, and it is 867.1 km. The low easy-happening area is 13.4% of total highway length, and it is 288.6 km. The results is actual.
