

The Bearing Capacity and Structural Analysis of Rock-socketed Piles Under the Geological Condition in Chongqing

【作者】 王焱

【导师】 梁波;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 岩土工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 由于桩能将上部结构的荷载传到深层稳定的土(岩)层中,大大减少基础的沉降和建筑的不均匀沉降,所以桩基在民用建筑、高层建筑、重型厂房、桥梁等工程中被大量采用。重庆地区岩石埋藏浅,岩石是建筑物主要地基持力层,以岩石为持力层的嵌岩桩基础是主要的基础形式。近几年通过工程技术人员的工程实践,已积累了大量试验资料,在嵌岩桩受力模式及计算方法方面取得了一定的研究成果。岩土工程的具有很强的地域性,规范中涉及到有关以岩石为持力层的嵌岩桩基础设计内容还较少,因此结合重庆地质条件对嵌岩桩的承载力和构造进行分析很有意义。本文通过对重庆地区地质条件进行调查,借助有限元软件在数值分析、解析分析、原位试验的基础上对重庆地区常用的圆桩的竖向承载力进行分析,在国标和地标的基础上对规范方法进行了修正并提出了建议;对穿越不同强度岩层时的圆桩竖向承载力进行解析分析,通过考虑上层岩石的侧阻作用,对国标桩基计算方法和重庆地标计算方法进行对比分析,对重庆地标的计算方法提出了修正建议;借助有限元软件,通过建立三维模型分析矩形桩在不同岩性时假想压力扩散角大小,与原位试验结果进行对比分析,验证了重庆地标计算方法假设的合理性,并提出了修正建议。此外,还对重庆地区常用的异形桩的竖向承载力进行分析探讨,提出了相关的计算方法并对人工挖孔桩的护壁计算方法进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 As the pile can put upper structure’s loads to the deep stable soil (rock) layer, which can greatly reducing the settlement of foundation and the uneven settlement of construction, so piles were largely adopted in civil buildings, high-rise buildings, heavy factory, bridge engineering. As the rock layer buried shallow in chongqing area, so the rock layer is the main bearing stratum of foundation, and the rock-socketed pile foundation which take the rock layer as the bearing stratum of foundation is the main form of foundation of buildings. In recent years, the engineer has accumulated a lot of test data by the practice of civil engineers, the computation model and calculation method of rock-socketed pile has made a certain amount of research results. Geotechnical engineering has strong regional. As the design of rock socketed pile foundation which take the rock layer as the bearing stratum is less considerated in the specification, so under the chongqing’s geological conditions make analysis of bearing capacity and the construct of rock-socketed piles is meaningful.By the investigation on chongqing geological conditions, accounting and analyzing the rock-socketed circular pile vertical bearing capacity under the chongqing’s geological conditions by method of numerical analysis, analytical analysis, in-situ test verification, modifying and suggesting the calculation method of standards of DBJ50, JGJ94. Analyzing the rock-socketed circular pile vertical bearing capacity when the pile crossing different strength rock layer, modifying and suggesting the calculation method of chongqing’s standard of DBJ50 by considerating pile side resistance.of the upper rock layer based on the comparison analysis of chongqing’s standard of DBJ50 and the national standard of JGJ94.By establishing three dimensional model of rectangle pile with the large generally used finite element software ansys, analyzing the simulation pressure diffusion angle of rectangle pile with the different bearing stratum of rock layer,and verify the rationalization of the simulation calculation method of chongqing’s standard of DBJ50. In addition, the paper has analysed the vertical bearing capacity of abnormal shape pile which were commonly used in chongqing area and analyzing the calculation method of retaining wall of manual hole digging pile
