

Research on Our Country Criminal Activity Supplementary Civil Spirit Damage Compensate System

【作者】 陈大颖

【导师】 李潇;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 法学理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着2010年4月29日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议对《中华人民共和国国家赔偿法》的修正,我国国家赔偿法终于从立法上明确确立了精神损害赔偿制度。该法第35条规定:“有本法第三条或者第十条规定情形之一,致人精神损害的,应当在侵权行为影响的范围内,为受害人消除影响,恢复名誉,赔礼道歉;造成严重后果的,应当支付相应的精神损害抚慰金。”这是我国国家赔偿立法的重大进步,彰显了我国依法治国,以人为本的法治理念和全面保护人权的决心和行动。至此,我国在民事、行政诉讼中均确立了精神损害赔偿制度,但是在刑事附带民事诉讼中却没有确立精神损害赔偿制度,不仅如此,最高人民法院2002年7月15日对云南省高级法院的批复规定:“对于刑事案件被害人由于被告人的犯罪行为而遭受精神损失提起的附带民事诉讼,或在该刑事案件审结以后,被害人提起精神损害赔偿民事诉讼的,人民法院不予受理。”即最高人民法院以司法解释的形式回绝了当事人在刑事案件中请求精神损害赔偿的权利,甚至刑事案件受害人单独就严重精神损害赔偿的民事诉讼权利都没有,这是目前被众多学者和实务界法律人广为诟病的地方,与世界和我国全面保障公民人权和法治国家理念背道而驰,不符合现代人权和以人为本发展理念的趋势,不利于我国法律体系的逻辑统一和融合协调,因此笔者认为,建立我国刑事附带民事诉讼精神损害赔偿制度,对于完善我国精神损害赔偿制度,减少部门法冲突,使我国民事、刑事、国家赔偿法共同建立统一完备地保护和保障公民权利的精神损害赔偿制度,这对于建立我国真正的以人为本的社会主义法治国家具有十分重要的现实意义。另一方面,我国近年来越来越多的刑事案件当事人向法院提起刑事附带民事精神损害赔偿请求,我国法院的相关判例也越来越多,遗憾的是,由于受到刑事诉讼立法和司法解释的影响,刑事附带民事适用精神损害赔偿的判决还是不能满足现实的需要,究其原因,就是因为司法解释的禁止性规定,因此从当今社会的现实需要出发,从刑事诉讼立法上规定刑事附带民事精神损害赔偿制度迫在眉睫。本文一共四章,第一章,作者从几个典型案例入手谈谈对我国刑事附带民事诉讼中当事人提出精神损害赔偿请求,司法实践几种做法的思考。第二章,对刑事附带民事精神损害赔偿制度概念进行定义,介绍我国刑事附带民事精神精神损害赔偿制度现状和国外刑事附带民事精神损害赔偿制度的现状;以及关于我国刑事附带民事精神赔偿的理论争议。第三章,对我国建立刑事附带民事精神损害赔偿制度必要性、可行性进行分析;本章从建立刑事附带民事精神损害赔偿制度的法理依据,建立刑事附带民事精神损害赔偿制度是我国司法实践的迫切需要,建立刑事附带民事精神损害赔偿制度是建立法治国家,以人为本、切实保障人权、符合国际潮流的需要等几个方面论述我国建立刑事附带民事精神损害赔偿制度的必要性。第四章,论述构建我国刑事附带民事精神损害赔偿制度应注意的几个问题以及构建我国刑事附带民事精神损害赔偿制度的几种方法和立法建议。

【Abstract】 Along with the revision of the people’s Republic of China Country Law of restitution by April 29,2010 by the 11th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress 14th conference, our Country Restitution Law has finally established the spirit damage compensate system, The 35th stipulation declare:"has one of the third or tenth stipulation of the law, cause the person energetic harm, must in the abuse of authority influence scope, eliminate the influence for the victim, restores the reputation, apologize; and pay the corresponding comfort gold for the serious result." This is our country compensation legislation tremendous progress, showed our country manage affairs according to law, humanist government by law idea and the determination of protecting human right. Up till now, our country has established the spirit damage compensate system in Civil and Administrative proceedings, but has not established the system in the Criminal Supplementary Civil proceeding, the Supreme people’s Court on July 15,2002 gave a written reply to the subordinate Yunnan Province High court of justice:"the victims request spiritual damage compensate in the criminal activity supplementary civil proceeding, or after this criminal case settlement, the victim braces oneself the damage compensate request in civil proceeding, the People’s courts do not accepts." That is the Supreme People’s Court declined the right of the request the spirit damage compensation in the criminal case by Judicial Interpretation’s form.this is present the place which denounced widely by the numerous scholars and the practical law people. It does not meet the need of safeguard the citizen human rights and manage the country under the rule of law idea, and it does not fit the logical unification and coordinated of our country’s legal system. Therefore the writer believe that establish our country criminal supplementary civil spirit damage compensate system, it has significance important for consume our country spirit damage compensate system, reduce the conflicts between department laws, unify our country’s civil and criminal law. On the other hand, in recent years, more and more criminal case victims and their close relatives request the criminal supplementary civil spirit damage compensate to the court. But none is insist by the Court, because the Judicial Interpretation of Supreme people’s Court. Authough the comfort gold is very important and very useful for some serious criminal victims as well as according to the special situation, this is no dout unjust to the victims and unreasonable. Therefore, to meet the reality urgent needs, It’s imminent that the law stipulate the criminal supplementary civil spirit damage compensate system.This article altogether have four chapters, the first chapter, the author written from several illustrative cases to think about and discuss our country criminal supplementary civil spirit damage compensate system, the several judicature practices procedures to the ponders. The second chapter, carries on the definition to the criminal supplementary civil spirit damage compensate system concept, introduces the present situations of our country criminal activity supplementary civil energetic spirit damage compensate system and the overseas criminal supplementary civil spirit damage compensate system’s present situation; As well as the theory dispute about our country criminal activity supplementary civil spirit compensation system, The third chapter, discuss the necessity of establishes the criminal supplementary civil spirit damage compensate system, and the feasibility to carry it on.This chapter consists the legal principle theory basis of establishment criminal activity supplementary civil spirit damage compensate system, the criminal supplementary civil spirit damage compensate system is our country judicature practice urgent need, establishes the criminal supplementary civil spirit damage compensate system founds the country under the rule of law, humanist, the practical assurance of human rights, meets the international tidal current need and so on several aspects. The elaborate establishing the criminal supplementary civil spirit damage compensate system’s necessity. The fourth chapter, we should pay attention to several questions on elaborate construct our country criminal supplementary civil spirit damage compensate system as well as several methods and the legislative suggestions.
