

【作者】 茆娟

【导师】 韩秀景;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,因公务员腐败行为的频繁曝光,国家不断加大惩治贪污腐败力度,新的一轮吏治整顿逐步进入白热化阶段。然而,公务员行为并未因此而有所收敛,反而形成市场条件下“激励有余,约束不足”的畸状。全球化、专业化不断向纵深方向发展的今天,中国若要屹立于世界之林不倒,需要依靠一支具有较强执行力和奉献精神的公务员队伍。如何有效约束和控制国家公职人员的行为,建立一支廉洁、高效、奉公的公务员队伍,已成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。美国公务员的管理与约束可谓完善,其成功经验是完善我国公务员约束机制的最佳典范。文章从“公务员”内涵入手,根据中美两国不同发展历史及国情,对其公务员约束机制进行了分析比较,认为美国公务员制度始终秉承“功绩制”这一核心价值观,为捍卫“功绩制”原则,保证行为公正,美国从法律、道德及宗教文化上均对公职人员的行为加以严格限定,此外,透明、公开的媒体也成为对公务员监督和约束的最佳工具。我国公务员制度建立较晚,对公务员的约束是在不断探索中逐步建立起来的,制度供给不足、监督意识淡薄、惩处力度软弱是现行约束机制难以有效运行的主因,一部《公务员法》显然难撑大局。基于此,作者在借鉴美国成功经验的基础上,结合我国国情,试图从思想、制度和法律三个方面着手完善我国现行公务员约束机制,即:加强公务员职业道德修炼;完善公务员进入、在职及退出公务员队伍各阶段的制度建设;推进对公务员具有较强约束效果的几项法律建设。

【Abstract】 Recently, because of the exposure of scandals to the public, the nation has enlarged the punishment on embezzlement and corruption, and the new innovation of system has come into the incandescing. However, they had not regulated their behavior yet, on the contrary, it formed a strange phenomenon like "restriction over promotion". In those days which the globalization and profession turns to continuously, what can China do, if she wants to stand towering like a giant in the world? The answer is that, she wants an office-bearer’s troops with strong execution and dedication spirit. Nowadays, how to strict the behavior of the civil servants has become the most important question to solve.As we all known, management and restraint to civil servants in American can be said perfect, and its success becomes the best model for betterment our restraint mechanisms. This paper compared the restraint mechanisms of the two from the meanings of the "civil servant" on the base of differences between American and China. At the same time, we draw a conclusion that, the "fundamental of achievement" has been the core in American system from the compare. It has made some limitation to civil servants for the "fundamental of achievement" and "honesty" from law, morality and culture. In addition, the public media has become the hest implement to supervise and restrict actions of civil servants’to the American. In comparative, system of civil servant in China has been late to the west, as to the commitment mechanisms, it has established in the exploration, and exists kinds of defects, such as lack of systems’afford, sense of supervise and degree of punish. It is clear that just a<law of civil servant>can not support the whole civil servant troops. On the base of American’s success, the author tries to perfect our restraint mechanisms from ideology, system and law, for example, intensify the professional ethics, perfect construction of system while civil servants enter, incumbency and exit the troop, and advance the construction of law to restraint civil servants strongly.

【关键词】 中国美国公务员约束机制
【Key words】 ChinaAmericanCivil ServantRestraint Mechanisms
  • 【分类号】D630;D771.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】638