

Research on the Influence of Moisture and Physiology Growth of Populus Euphratica and Haloxylon Ammodendron and the Law of the Water and Salt Movement under the Salt Water Irrigation Comditions in China

【作者】 陈书飞

【导师】 何新林;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 农业水土工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在干旱和半干旱区,利用咸水灌溉耐盐的荒漠植物胡杨和梭梭(Populus euphratica and Haloxylon ammodendron),可以缓解农业用水和生态用水两者之间此消彼长的突出矛盾,提高人工造林的成活率,保持生态用水充分供给。本文通过测坑试验,研究了咸水灌溉对胡杨和梭梭的水分生理生长的影响及沙壤土的水盐运移和累积规律,得出以下结论:(1)咸水(1.2g/L-12g/L)灌溉3年生胡杨的总耗水量为580.34mm-694.16mm,平均为644.02mm;咸水(1.2g/L-15g/L)灌溉3年生梭梭的总耗水量为477.63mm-655.42mm,平均为581.66mm。两种植物月耗水集中分布在6月、7月和8月,其耗水占总耗水量的72.7%和75.4%。两植物耗水对比可知,胡杨整个生育期的总耗水量要比梭梭大,而且耐盐能力不如梭梭,人工移植造林可优先考虑选择种植梭梭。(2)盐分胁迫条件下,胡杨和梭梭的生长量与耗水量的关系符合对数模型,梭梭的基径、株高和新枝条的月相对生长量与生长天数符合三次多项式模型。胡杨和梭梭在6月初到7月中旬盐分胁迫影响不大,生长基本正常,7月末期之后,生长开始受到盐分胁迫变缓慢,高矿化度处理梭梭的冠层下部叶片盐分胁迫较重,致使叶片脱落死亡出现,9月基本停止生长。(3)随着灌水次数的增加,胡杨的生理胁迫加剧,叶片内的叶绿素含量减少,光合速率下降。灌溉水矿化度达9g/L时,光合速率下降显著,但同时,胡杨的水分利用效率却有所提高,充分显示抗盐植物在逆境下水分高效利用的生理特点。逆境指标脯氨酸(Pro)和和丙二醛(MDA)含量显著增加,且灌水的矿化度越高,Pro和MDA的含量在胡杨叶片内累积就越多。(4)叶绿素荧光参数普遍下降。梭梭整个生长季节咸水灌溉后,叶绿素荧光参数Fo、Fv、Fv/Fo、Fv/Fm值都有不同程度的下降,在灌水矿化度为1.2g/L-6g/L时,叶绿素荧光参数值下降不是很明显,当灌水矿化度在9g/L-15g/L时,叶绿素荧光参数呈现出大幅的下降,Fo、Fv、Fv/Fo、Fv/Fm值同比最大的降幅为34.0%、40.9%、19.7%、8.2%。这说明9g/L以上的咸水灌溉对梭梭的生理生长是不利的。(5)点水源土壤水分运动使灌后土壤水分重分布划分为三个区:滴头附近0cm-15cm的“富水区”,15cm-30cm的“水分过渡区”和30cm-45cm的“低水区”。微咸水(1.2g/1-3g/L)灌溉范围内距滴头15cm、30cm土壤剖面水分差异不大。(6)咸水灌溉土壤后,水平方向0cm-45cm的表层土壤(0cm-5cm)盐分沿滴头向远处陡增,垂直0cm-200cm土体中总盐含量都呈现不同程度的递增,土壤中积盐的多少和灌溉水的矿化度大小正相关,其中0-100cm土体盐分总量增加不大,100cm-200cm土体总盐的含量较大,且盐分增加很大,深层土壤盐分积累明显。

【Abstract】 The arid and Semiarid Areas in China, it is using the salty water irrigation of salt-tolerant desert plants, Populus euphratica and Haloxylon ammodendron, that can alleviate agricultural water and ecological water between reciprocal striking contradiction, and improving the artificial afforestation survival rate, and maintaining ecological water use fully supply, the influence of moisture and physiology growth of Populus euphratica and Haloxylon ammodendron and the law of the water and salt movement in the sand soil under the salt water irrigation comditions was studied by test-pit experiments,the results show that:(1)The total water consumtion of the 3 ages Populus euphratica and Haloxylon ammondendron is respectively 580.34mm~694.16mm 477.63mm~655.42mm, and its average value is respectively 644.02mm、581.66mm in the salt water (1.2g/L-12g/L 1.2g/L-15g/L).These two plants are centralized on water consumption in June、July、Augest. its total water consumption of water compared with 72.7% and 75.4%.Compared to the water consumption on the two plants, the former on water consumption is more than the latter in the whole growth stages, and the tolerance to salt of Populus euphratica is inferior to the Haloxylon ammondendron, therefore, the artificial afforestation should be prior planting the Haloxylon ammondendron.(2) Under salt stress conditions, the relationship of the growth increment and water consumption of Populus euphratica and Haloxylon ammodendron is accord with the logarithm model. The curve relationship of monthly relative growth and growth days of the basal diameter、height and new branches length of Haloxylon ammodendron is accord with the cubic polynomial model. Populus euphratica and Haloxylon ammodendron in salt stress is grow good in the early June and the middle of July, after July end, its growth become slow by salt stress, the leaf of Haloxylon ammodendron below canopies suffered damage, leading to the leaf dead and dropped in high salinity treatments. Their growth is nearly stopping in September.(3)With increasing the irrigation frequency, Populus euphratica physiological stress intensifies, and leaf chlorophyll content decreases, and photosynthetic rate drops.As the irrigation water salinity is 9g/L, photosynthetic rate dropped significantly, but at the same time, water use efficiency of Populus euphratica is improved.It fully shows that the Physiological Characteristics of salt resistant plant of high water use efficiency under adverse circumstance.The contents of stress physiology index, Pro and MDA, are increasing significantly, and the more heavier irrigation water salinity is, the more contents of Pro and MDA is in the Populus euphratica leaf. (4) Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters value, that is Fo、Fv、Fv/Fo、Fv/Fm, is generally decline on the Haloxylon ammodendron.After the Haloxylon ammodendron was irrigated with the salt water.it is decreased to some degree in the whole growing seasons. As the water salinity for irrigation is 1.2g/L-6 g/L, these parameters value is decreased slowly, as in 9g/L-15g/L, they showed the decline sharply.Compared to these initial value, Fo、Fv、Fv/Fo、Fv/Fm value is respectively decreased for 34.0%、40.9%、19.7%、8.2% in the most largest falling range.This shows that it is disadvantageous for physiology and growth of Haloxylon ammodendron under salt water irrigation more than 9 g/L.(5) Irrigated soil water redistribution was divided into three areas in the point water resources conditions:the water-rich regions that is far from dripper about 0-15cm、the water transition zones in the dipper about 15-30cm、and the water-poor regions that is far from dripper about 30-45cm. Soil profile moisture small differences exist in distance from dipper 15cm or 30cm soil range within the scope of brackish water (1.2g/L-6 g/L).(6) After irrigated the soil, surface soil (0-5cm) salt of horizontal 0-45cm range is sharply increase along the dipper to distance, the total salt of vertical soil layer also present different degree of incremental in the 0cm-200cm soil range, and the soil deposited number have the positive correlation with the irrigation water salinity, the soil total salt increase is not more in 0-100cm range, but increase is much more and the contents of total salt is bigger in the 100-200cm soil layer, that salt accumulating is obvious in deep soil.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】S273.5;S792.11;S793.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】207
  • 攻读期成果