

BVOCs Emission and Dynamic Variation of Pinus Bungeana Zucc.and Their Effects on Locomotor Activity in Mice

【作者】 董建华

【导师】 王成;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 生态学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 绿色植物是城市生态环境建设的重要组成部分,其释放的挥发性有机物(VOCs)对大气环境、空气质量以及人的身心健康都有一定的影响。因此,深入系统研究植物挥发物的化学成分和变化规律,以及人为干预措施对植物挥发物释放规律的影响,探讨其可能具有的保健功能,可以为城市休闲绿地的植物配置与管护、营造保健型城市森林群落提供一些科学依据。本研究以华北地区城市和庭园绿化中常用的白皮松为研究对象,采用动态顶空吸附法和自动热脱附-气相色谱/质谱联用(ATD-GC/MS)分析技术,对白皮松枝叶释放的挥发物进行采集和分析,研究了其挥发物的化学成分、日变化规律、机械损伤后挥发物的释放规律,并采用动物行为学方法,研究了白皮松枝叶挥发物的生理功效。结果表明:1、从白皮松枝叶挥发物中共检测出烷烃、烯烃、炔烃、醇、酮、醛、酯、酸、芳香烃、醚等11类130种化合物,从出现频率和相对含量看,萜烯是其主要挥发物,a-蒎烯和D-柠檬烯的含量较高。2、TVOCs浓度日变化曲线呈“三峰三谷(W+V)”型,中午13:00、傍晚19:00、夜间23:00出现高峰,凌晨3:00、下午15:00、夜间21:00出现低谷,总体来看,TVOCs浓度白天高于夜晚。3、烯烃相对浓度全天波动较小,最高值出现在傍晚19:00,最低值出现在上午9:00;烷烃相对浓度在一天中起伏较大,呈波浪型曲线,最高值出现在凌晨3:00,最低值出现在清晨5:00。4、对人体有利的挥发物主要是萜烯类物质,对人体不利的挥发物主要是含氯烷烃和C8以下的脂肪醛,对人体有利的挥发物的浓度在全天各个时段相对含量都很高,远远高于对人体不利的挥发物的浓度。5、机械损伤没有诱导白皮松产生新的挥发性物质,受机械损伤后,白皮松VOCs的主要组分和健康植株一样都包括烯烃、酮、醇和芳烃,但各组分组成比例发生了较大变化,烯烃相对含量在损伤初期明显升高,酮、醇类物质相对含量在损伤后期明显升高。6、受机械损伤后,白皮松VOCs中对人体健康有益的挥发性成分的总相对含量没有发生显著变化,但是损伤后不同时段各有益挥发性组分的组成比例发生了变化,对人体不利挥发物组分的相对含量明显降低。7、小白鼠对白皮松枝叶挥发物气味有一定的承受阈值。经过白皮松枝叶挥发物处理后,在一定浓度范围内,小白鼠的兴奋性增加、探究和认知能力的增强,并且这种变化与挥发物浓度表现为正相关;但当挥发物的浓度超过一定阈值后,小白鼠的兴奋性、探究和认知能力会受到一定程度的抑制。

【Abstract】 Green plants play an important role in urban ecological environment. They can release large amount of volatile organic compounds(VOCs), which have certain influence on atmospheric environment, air quality, human physical and mental health. Therefore, it’s important to thoroughly and systematically research the components and variation rules of plant VOCs、the impact of human intervention on the release of plant VOCs and the health functions of plant VOCs, all of which can provide scientific theory for configuring and managing reasonable woods, forming healthy forest that is good for human health. Based on above, Pinus bungeana Zucc.,one of the most widespread conifers in North China is chosen for research. By collecting volatiles gas with headspace sampling method and analyzing gas sample with ATD-GC/MS, we investigate the composition, diurnal variation and temporal pattern of volatile emission after mechnical damage. Besides, the health function of Pinus bungeana Zucc. is evaluated by animal ethological method. Results are showed as follows:1、The Pinus bungeana Zucc. could emit 130 kinds of compounds, including alkane, alkene, alkyne, alcohol, ketone, aldehyde, ester, acid, aromatic hydrocarbon and ether, etc. It could be seen that terpene is the mainly VOCs from occurrence frequency and relative concentration. The compounds which had higher relative concentration were a-pinene and D-limonene.2、The diurnal variation curve of TVOCs was“three peaks, three valleys(W+V)”, the higher concentration time appeared at 13:00, 19:00 and 23:00, the lower concentration was at 3:00, 15:00 and 21:00. Overall, it seemed that the concentration of TVOCs in the day is greater than that of night.3、The relative concentration change of alkene in the whole day was not evident. Its highest concentration time appeared at 19:00 and lowest value appeared at 9:00; The relative concentration of alkane fluctuated evidently, looking like a wavy curve, whose highest concentration time appeared at 3:00, lowest appeared at 5:00. 4、Among the VOCs in Pinus bungeana Zucc., terpenes were the mainly VOCs that are good for health, and the bad ones were alkyl chloride and aliphatic aldehydes whose number of C are below 8. The total concentration of VOCs that favors for health was large throughout the day and much higher than the VOCs concentration which was bad for health.5、The Pinus bungeana Zucc. did not release new compouds after mechanical damage. As same as the control group, its main compounds contained alkene, ketone, alcohol, aromatic. However, compared with the control group, the mechanical damaged group showed a great change in the propotion of each components: the relative concentration of alkene increased obviously in the early stages of injury, the relative concentration of ketone and alcohol increased obviously in the latter stages of injury.6、The relative concentration of TVOCs which has advantage for health did no change after mechanical damage, but its composition varied with time. In addition, the relative concentration of TVOCs which has disadvange for health decreased obviously.7、The mouse had some bearing threshold on volatile odor released by Pinus bungeana. After being treated of the Pinus bungeana VOCs, the mouse’s excitement increased, exploration and cognitive enhanced. In addition, this change was positively correlated with concentration, to some extent. However, the exicitability, exploration and cognitive ability of mice was inhibited if the concentration exceeds its threshold.
