

Yi Chuan Ji Rang Ji Vocatulary Research

【作者】 杨佳佳

【导师】 林源;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《伊川擊壤集》是宋代理學詩派創始人邵雍的一部詩集。論文结合《漢語大詞典》封《擊壤集》的祠彙進行了專書研究,從而整理總结出《擊壤集》中詞彙的一些情況及特點,其中既有古代漢捂詞彙演變過程中的全局性特點,如:《擊壤集》詞彙的歷史繼承性即概述了自先秦时期至宋代的詞在《擊壤集》中的用例;也有《擊壤集》词彙的獨特性,如《擊壤集》中存在不少同素逆序詞和迭音詞;另外還有《擊壤集》詞彙的创新性,如《擊壤集》中出现的一些未被《大祠典》收缘的新祠、新義等。此外,《漢語大詞典》是目前最具權威性的一部漢語語詞詞典,在收詞、释義、書證等方面都取得了前所未有的成绩。然而,由於其祠目浩繁,書證所涉及的文献非常廣泛,所以我们在使用《大词典》的遇程中難免發现祠目漏收、释羲不確、義项不全、書證偏晚等問题。為了封辭書的编纂修訂盡一點绵薄之力,論文以《伊川擊壤集》的詞彙研究為視角,探用專書研究的方法從有利於辞書编纂的角度集中探討了《大詞典》的疏漏與不足,補充《大词典》漏收條目18例,失收義项8例,明確義项3例,提前書證35例,明確書證年代2例等,並且對《大詞典》吸收《擊壤集》用語為首引例證和相詞例證的祠語造行了描述。論文有以下四部份组成:第一章绪論,介绍本論文的選题依據、《擊壤集》的研究價值、作者、《擊壤集》的版本,已有的研究成果和本文的研究方法等。第二章描述《擊壤集》的祠彙概貌。第一節考證《擊壤集》中出现的新祠新羲。第二節從春秋戟國峙期、雨漢时期、魏晋南北朝时期、隋唐时期和宋代五個时間段考察《擎壤集》中词彚的歷史继承性。第三節整理《擎壤集》所收詞的特點,同素逆序詞和迭音詞。第三章從《擊壤集》中的祠彚入手,考察《大词典》出现的疏失。第一節考察《大词典》中出现的詞語或義项是以《擊壤集》中的詩句為引例的说明《大詞典》對《擊壤集》的吸收和採納。第二、三、四、五、六、七節,分别考察了《大词典》中出现的诸如漏收詞目、義项缺失、義項不確、書證偏晚、書證年代不確、書證未溯源流、时代跨度過大等方面的缺失,為大型語文辞書的编纂、修訂做一點贡献。第四章结論,總结《擊壤集》詞彙的創新性、繼承性和所收詞的特點;總结《大词典》出现疏失的種類和數目等。

【Abstract】 Yi Chuan Ji Rang Ji is a poetry written by Shao Yong who is the founder of Neo-Confucianism school in Song Dynasty, combing Great Dictionary of Chinese Vocabulary, The thesis has conducted a special research to the vocabulary in Yi Chuan Ji Rang Ji. So it summarizes some situation and characteristics of the vocabulary in Yi Chuan Ji Rang Ji. It refers to the comprehensivesness during the development of the Chinese vocabulary in ancient times. For example, the historical succession of the vocabulary in Yi Chuan Ji Rang Ji outlines the examples of the vocabularies from the pre-Qin period to the Song Dynasty. It also refers to the distinctive quality of the vocabulary in Ji Rang Ji. For example, Ji Rang Ji contains many words with the same element but in reverse order and the repeated sound words. In addition, the vocabularies in Ji Rang Ji has innovativeness. For example, Ji Rang Ji contains some new words and new meanings whichwere not included by Great Dictionary of Chinese Vocabulary.In addition,Great Dictionary of Chinese Vocabulary is the most authoritative Chinese words and phrases dictionary which has achieved unprecedented success in collecting vocabulary, phonetic alphabet, explaining the meaning, proofs of book ect. However, because of its heavy and complicated terms and its extensive documents which are related to proofs of book, we find such problems as omission of terms, inaccuracy of explaining, incompletion of meaning items, later of book proofs etc when we use it.In order to do my bits for dictionary’s editing and revising. This thesis intend to probe into the careless omission and shortage of Great Dictionary of Chinese Vocabulary from the angle of Yi Chuan Ji Rang Ji’Vocabulary research, using the method of special book studying and from the angle of benefiting to dictionary editing. The thesis describes the vocabularies which adopt Yi Chuan Ji Rang Ji’sentence as the first proof of book in detail and supplies eighteen omission of terms and eight incompletion of meaning items for Great Dictionary of Chinese Vocabulary to complement its shortages. The paper also brings forward Great Dictionary of Chinese Vocabulary’s first book proof of thirty-seven vocabularies. This thesis consists of four chapters:The first chapter is exordium, introducing the accordance of the topic, the Ji Rang Ji’reserch value, author, the Ji Rang Ji’edition, the foregone research achievenments and this paper’research method.The second chapter describes general introduction of the vocabulary in Ji Rang Ji. The first section researches the new word and new righteousness which Ji Rang Ji appears.The second section inspects Ji Rang Ji the glossary historical succession from five time section:the Chunqiu Zhanguo Period, Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties, the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Sui and Tang dynasties and the Song Dynasty. The third section reorganizes the characteristic of the words in Ji Rang Ji, such as reverse order words and repeated sound words.The third chapter proceeds with the Ji Rang Ji phrases, inspects some problems in the Great Dictionary of Chinese Vocabulary, such as late proofs, no exact date of Proofs, overextension of the time span of Proofs, omission of Proper nouns, to contribute to the Great Dictionary of Chinese Vocabularies’editing.The forth chapter is conclusion, summing up three characters of the Ji Rang Ji’ phrases:innovativeness, history sueeession, specificity. Summarizing the mistaken type and the number in Great Dictionary of Chinese Vocabularies presents and so on.
