

A Study on the Framework of College English Network Teaching Platform Based on Students’ Needs

【作者】 孙锐

【导师】 周晓玲;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机和多媒体技术的发展,运用现代教育技术提高英语教学水平日益成为英语教学研究中的热点问题。《大学英语教学改革》提出大学英语教学的主要目标是培养学生的综合应用能力和增强其自主学习的能力。根据《大学英语课程教学改革要求》,各个高校应该充分利用多媒体网络技术,改变原有的单一课堂教学模式。新的英语教学模式应该以网络技术为支撑,充分利用网络资源,改变传统的以教师为中心的模式。因此,利用网络技术研发----一个动态化、交互式和个性化的大学英语网络教学平台是必要的且有一定的实际意义。本文回顾了一些研究者在网络教学方面的研究,采用问卷和访谈的方式,以广西师范大学09级和08级的140名非英语专业学生为研究对象,对以下三个问题进行研究:1、非英语专业学生对大学英语教学平台需求的总体情况如何?2、理科生与文科生对大学英语网络教学平台的需求有何差异性?3、大学生英语网络教学平台的结构如何?调查问卷包括五个维度:资源库、师生互动、监控、评估和个性化页面设置。通过SPSS12.0统计软件对收集的数据进行分析,得出以下研究结果:1、学生对平台资源库有比较高的需求,同时学生更期望系统提供教材以外的网络资源;2、学生对于平台的互动更多的倾向于同学之间的互动交流,而且网络互动形式多样化;3、学生对平台的监控需求比较低,学生更倾向于自我监控而不喜欢平台或教师的监控;4、学生对平台的评估需求说明了教师应该对学生的网络学习实施有效的评估;5、学生对平台的个性化设置并没有过高或过低的需求;6、男生和女生对平台设计的需求没有显著性差异,但是理科学生对平台设计的需求要高于文科生,主要是体现在网络资源库,平台互动和平台监控方面。本文通过探求学生对大学英语网络教学平台的需求,提出了一个基于学生需求的大学生英语网络教学平台的建构框架。基于研究结果文章得出以下几点启示:1、构建一个以学生为中心的网络学习环境;2、充分发挥教师在大学英语网络教学平台中的指导作用;3、实现英语学习策略模式与大学英语网络教学平台的有机结合;4、不断更新网络教学资源。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of technology, using the modern educational technology to improve the standard of college English teaching has became a hot topic. College English Curriculum Requirements says that the objective of college English is to develop students’ability to use English in a well-round way, so that they will be able to communicate effectively, and at a time enhance their general culture awareness so as to enhance their capacity of studying independently. According to the Requirements, colleges and universities should take full advantage of modern technology to revolute the traditional teaching model. Thus, making fully use of the multi-media technology to establish a college English network teaching platform, which is featured by dynastic, interaction, and individual-orientation, is necessary and useful.Based on overviewing the research about the network teaching platform, the author uses questionnaire and interviews to explore the students’needs on college English network teaching platform. In this paper, a total of 140 students from non-English major at Guangxi Normal University participated in the study. Based on the survey, the thesis investigates the following three questions:1. What is the actual situation of students’need of college English network teaching platform?2. What are the differences between art students and sciences students in the need of college English network teaching platform?3. What is the framework of college English network teaching platform?The whole questionnaire consists of five factors:Web-resources, On-line Interaction, Monitoring, Assessment and the Individual Design. The author employs SPSS 12.0 for quantitative analysis, and the results can be summarized as follows:1. Students have higher needs on web-resources, and they accept more resources expect those related to the textbook.2. Students are more inclined to the communication with peer, and they like the way of on-line communication.3. Students have lower needs on college English network teaching platform’s monitoring, meanwhile they like self-monitor more than being monitored by platform or teachers.4. Teachers should take effective assessment for students’on-line learning.5. Students have no higher or lower interests in college English network teaching platform’s individual design.6. The male students and female students have similar needs in the teaching platform design, and the science students have much higher need than the art students especially in web-resources, on-line interaction and monitoring.The author concludes the principle of college English network teaching platform and puts forward a new college English network teaching platform which is based on the students’needs. In accordance with the above findings, the implication of this research can be summarized as follows:1. Building a learner-centered and relaxed language learning environment.2. Playing fully the role of the teacher in the college English network teaching platform.3. Combining learning strategies with the college English network teaching platform.4. Updating the on-line resources constantly.
