

The Second Life in Cyberspace-a Study of Virtual Communities Culture

【作者】 杨柳

【导师】 麦永雄;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 形式多样的网络虚拟社区已与依托互联网技术发展起来的数字化智慧城市紧密结合起来,正方兴未艾;而与网络虚拟社区消费相伴而生的网络犯罪、法律纠纷等一系列问题更是引起了社会的广泛关注。很明显,互联网已经渗透进中国人生活的诸多方面,尤其在精神生活方面发挥越来越重要的影响;而网络虚拟社区的流行则带动了中国人生活方式的转变,由此产生的各种社会和文化现象也为比较文学的跨学科研究提供了新的资源。本论文旨在从文化研究的角度,并结合中国的具体国情,运用中外文艺理论对具有典型意义的《第二人生》3D虚拟社区作具体阐释,为当代网络文化建设提供参考。这不仅符合了文化研究的规定范畴,同时也属于比较文学中的跨学科研究领域,更是创新点之所在。本论文由“引论”、“正文”和“结语”组成。其中,“正文”又可分为三个部分。引论:自20世纪90代以来,比较文学开始面临文化研究的挑战,但同时这也是其自身发展的新机遇。网络文化的兴起更是推动了比较文学研究的跨界思考。随着网络技术的不断发展,虚拟社区正成为时下流行的文化现象。引论主要介绍研究背景,梳理和辨析国内外对虚拟社区的研究现状。其次,还对本文的研究方法和相关逻辑概念进行了说明。第一部分:以“漫游赛博空间”为题,突出在新的时代背景下,相较单纯的即时通讯和信件收发,依托先进电脑技术的强大虚拟现实显然成为时代的新宠。而《第二人生》3D虚拟社区无疑是综合了即时通讯、信件收发、在线购物和游戏互动等多种可视可感性功能体验,为玩家们提供了漫游赛博空间的新方式。其次,还对虚拟社区的概念进行梳理,评介《第二人生》3D虚拟社区的内容与特征。第二部分:以“开启第二人生”为题,主要运用了文献法和观察法对相关资料进行收集,并结合时代背景、来源演变和中国国情等诸方面从空间、时间、性别,身体这四个与存在密切联系的维度出发来对《第二人生》3D虚拟社区进行分析。同时,这四个维度又各自包含了两个层面的相关内容,由此可以看到:类似《第二人生》的种种3D虚拟社区,也确实让我们经历了自己的某种第二次人生,但这种人生显然不能用简单的语句概括出来,因为牵涉到虚拟现实与日常生活、虚拟时间与真实事件、虚拟身体与法律法规等诸多问题。因为介入网络,同样,这种介质反过来也推动着我们的生活,让我们的人生真的像一场复杂而有趣的游戏。第三部分:以“数字E—托邦”为题,在第一部分的具体分析之上,对第二人生3D虚拟社区作文艺美学理论上的反思。通过技术与艺术、意识形态迷雾和消费文化探究三个章节,揭示出高度仿真化的第二人生3D虚拟社区不管是在技术上还是艺术上都达到了一个新的层次,从某种意义上来说,在新的合作环境与新的艺术实践中,二者已密不可分。虽然赛博空间里无处不在的数据库牢笼使美好的乌托邦幻想成为不可能,但其消费文化特质并未遮蔽物质的所有神圣性和象征意义,而这,也是在当今混杂的社会背景和文化氛围中它令人着迷的原因。结语:俨然作为21世纪数字街角一景的3D虚拟社区,为我们提供了在赛博空间体验和行走的一种方式。同时,更重要的是,在多样性的全球化进程中,其特有的对空间、时间,性别和身体等生存维度的颠覆性认知与转变和在技术与艺术、意识形态以及消费文化上的多重审美经验建构,无疑为社会开辟了一条积极面向未来的新型的发展着的道路。本文对《第二人生》3D虚拟社区的分析虽然属于个案研究,并不具有普遍性,但这是结合时代背景与中国国情,对赛博空间中的虚拟社区作更切身化论述的一种尝试和努力,在一定程度和范围上具有参考价值。往后,我们还需根据具体情况进一步扩大研究规模,减少偏差,为中国的网络文化建设作出更多贡献。

【Abstract】 Various virtual communities which combine with the digital cities closely have the rampant development. Meanwhile, the network crimes and legal disputes which with the consumption of virtual communities arouse wide social attentions. Obviously, the internet has penetrated into many aspects of the Chinese daily life, especially in the spiritual aspect. However, the population of virtual communities have changed the Chinese life style and the following social and cultural phenomena also provide the new resources for the interdisciplinary study of comparative literature. With the angle of cultural study and the special situations of China, this article uses many literary theories to explain the "Second Life"(abbr. SL), a 3-dimention virtual community for helping the contemporary network cultural construction. This is not only accord with the category of cultural study, but also belongs to the interdisciplinary study of comparative literature, even more, the innovation point.This article is composed with "the introduction", "the main text" and the "conclusion". Meanwhile, the "the main text" can divide into three parts.Introduction:since the 1990’s, the comparative literature faces the challenge of cultural study. Meanwhile, it’s also the new chance for self developments. The rising of network culture even promotes the interdisciplinary thinking of comparative literature. With development of net technology, virtual communities have become the popular cultural phenomenon. Secondly, it explains the research methods, logical conceptions and the characteristics of "Second Life" 3-dimention virtual community.The first part:with the title "wondering in the cyberspace", it emphasizes that, compared with the instant communication and E-mail tools, according to the powerful virtual reality technology nowadays, the Second Life 3-dimention virtual community which provides the on-line shopping and interactive games that full of visual and sensible experiences has been the most popular way to wonder in the cyberspace. Then, it analyses the concept of virtual community and commends the characteristics of the Second Life 3-dimention virtual community.The second part:with the title "start the second life", combining the era background, origin evolution and the special situations of China. It analyzes the "Second Life" 3-dimention virtual community, by using the documentary and observational methods to collect the materials, from four aspects, that is, the space, the time, the gender and the body, which are closely related with our existence. So we can see:such 3-dimention virtual communities just like the "Second Life" really make us experience the second life in some degree. But, such life obviously can’t be summarized in few words for it is related with many issues such as the virtual reality and the daily life, the virtual time and the real cases,or the virtual body and the laws. Be in the net, meanwhile, it effects our lives also make them like a complicated and funny game.The third part:with the title "digital e-topia", based on the concrete analyses above, it make the aesthetical reflection about the "Second Life" 3-dimention virtual community. According to the three chapters, technology and art, ideology mist and the study of consumption culture, reveal the "Second Life" 3-dimention virtual community which has the high-degree simulation reached a new level whether in the technology or the art. In one sense, they are hardly to discriminate within the new cooperation environment and art practices. Although the ubiquity database cages in the cyberspace make the utopia fantasy impossible. However, its consumption culture characteristics don’t veil the sacred and symbolic signification of materials which fascinates the mass in the mixed social background and culture atmosphere.Conclusion:as one of the digital street view in the 21st century, the 3-dimention virtual communities provide us a way to wondering in the cyberspace. Meanwhile, the more importantly, within the various globalization processes, they change the acknowledges of space, time, gender and body completely and construct the multi-aesthetic experiences in many aspect like technology and art, ideology mist and the study of consumption culture. Though the whole analysis to the "Second Life" 3-dimention virtual community belongs to the case study which has no universality, it also shows the efforts to embody the virtual communities in cyberspace combining the era background and the special situations of China. So it has meanings in some degree. Afterwards, we should expand the study scales according to the situations, and reduce the deviations for contributing more to the Chinese net culture construction.
