

Experimental Analysis of Chinese Vowel Acquisition among Myanmar Students with Primary Chinese Level

【作者】 侯娟

【导师】 关英伟;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 第二语言习得一直是对外汉语教学界的一个重要论题,研究汉语学习者的习得特点,旨在有针对性地开展教学。本文以汉语初级水平的4名缅甸学生和汉语普通话发音标准的4名中国学生的发音样本为研究对象,对缅甸学生的汉语元音习得进行了调查分析。有关外国留学生的元音习得问题,前贤已进行了一些论述,但是针对缅甸留学生习得汉语元音的难点偏误并无人涉猎。因此,本文通过对汉语初级水平的缅甸留学生所发汉语普通话元音进行较大样本的采集,借助实验语音学的分析手段采用抽样调查的方法和定量定性分析相结合的方法对缅甸留学生习得汉语元音的特点进行全面系统地声学分析。本文通过用Praat软件测得的数据及语图来考察缅甸学生习得汉语元音的偏误表现及重难点,并试图寻找偏误原因,以期能够选择更适合他们的教学方法,帮助他们更快地达到习得汉语的目的。本论文共包括三个实验:第一,考察初级水平的缅甸学生习得汉语一级元音情况的实验;第二,考察初级水平的缅甸学生习得汉语二、三、四级元音情况的实验;第三,缅语一级元音的声学实验。本论文主要包括五个部分:第一部分,引言。这一部分首先明确了选题的缘由;然后概括介绍了国内外有关语音习得方面的研究成果和研究现状,并概括了本文所依托的理论基础和本文所借助使用的研究理论;最后,在综合前人研究成果的基础上,确定了本论文的研究内容、研究方法、研究目的和意义以及本论文的创新之处。第二部分,通过声学实验考察初级水平的缅甸学生习得汉语一级元音的具体情况。第三部分,通过声学实验考察初级水平的缅甸学生习得汉语二、三、四级元音的具体情况。第四部分,考察和分析初级水平缅甸学生习得汉语元音的特点和偏误情况。第五部分,是论文的结语和余论部分,对前文的实验结果进行归纳总结,提出论文的不足之处和有待继续深入研究之处。本文采用实验语音学的方法,运用石锋先生的元音格局理论,对初级汉语水平的缅甸学生习得汉语元音的情况进行了全面系统的考察。经过实验得出如下结论:(1)一级元音方面,缅甸学生习得较好的是汉语和缅语相似的元音/i、a、u/。而缅甸元音中近似音位的迁移或缅语中缺少某些元音而造成发音明显偏离的元音包括:/γ、y、(?)、(?)/。(2)二级元音方面,音段间协同发音不佳。缅甸学生所发的二级元音都存在开口度偏大的问题,衔接得不自然,每个音都发得十足到位,多像是两个单元音的简单组合,而不像是个复元音。发/ia、i(?)、y(?)/中的二级元音/(?)/时舌位偏前;发/ua、u(?)/中的二级元音/(?)/时则舌位偏后。这说明缅甸学生受到韵头前、高元音/i/的过度影响使缅甸学生发/ia、i(?)、y(?)/时开口度偏大,舌位偏前;而韵头后、高元音/u/的影响使缅甸学生所发的/ua、u(?)/开口度偏大且舌位偏后,同时/u/的圆唇动作偏强也使舌位靠后。另外亦可能是受到母语近似音位/ε/的影响,缅甸学生所发/i(?)、y(?)/中的三级元音/(?)/开口度偏大、舌位偏前。(3)三级元音方面,音段间协同发音不佳。缅甸学生也都存在开口度偏大的问题。缅甸学生所发的三级元音受前、后鼻音的影响明显,前鼻音发得偏后,后鼻音发得偏前。缅甸学生发/au、an、a(?)、(?)i、(?)(?)/中的三级元音/a、(?)/时舌位偏前;发/ai、(?)u、(?)n/中的三级元音/a、(?)/时则舌位偏后。发/(?)r/中的三级元音/(?)/时开口度偏小,舌位偏后。大概因为受到母语/o/的影响,缅甸学生所发的复韵母/(?)u/中的三级元音/(?)/开口度偏大,舌位偏后。(4)四级元音方面,和二、三级元音的偏误情况相似,缅甸学生所发的四级元音也存在音段间协同发音不佳和开口度偏大的问题,缅甸学生/i(?)n/中的四级元音/(?)/发音较好;他们发/iau、ian、ia(?)、ua(?)、i(?)(?)、u(?)(?)、u(?)(?)/中的四级元音/a、(?)/时舌位偏前;他们发/i(?)u、uai、uan、u(?)i、u(?)n、yan、y(?)n、y(?)(?)/中的四级元音/a、(?)/时则舌位偏后。笔者希望本文所得出的结论和做出的数据能够为对外汉语教学提供课堂教学和理论研究的依据,也期望更多的语言爱好者关注汉语元音习得研究。

【Abstract】 Second language acquisition is an important topic of foreign language teaching profession. Studying the characteristics of Chinese learners of the acquisition is to carry out more targeted teaching. In this paper, we investigate the Chinese vowel acquisition of Myanmar students, taking the four Myanmar students with primary Chinese level and Chinese students with standard Mandarin pronunciation as the research object. Vowel on acquisition of foreign students, before people have had some discussions, but for the Myanmar students learned the difficulties of Chinese vowel errors of no one. Therefore, this article on the primary level of Chinese students studying in Myanmar issued by the Chinese Vowels for larger sample collection, sample survey method by using experimental phonetics of the analytical tools and quantitative and qualitative analysis method of combining learning students in Myanmar Have the characteristics of Chinese vowel acoustic analysis of a comprehensive and systematic manner. In this paper, we study the performance of vowel errors and difficulties of Chinese Vowel Acquisition among Myanmar students, by the Spectrogram and data measured Praat software, and trying to find reasons for bias in order to be able to choose more suitable teaching methods to help them studying Chinese more quickly. This paper includes three experiments:first, the experiments of examining Chinese level 1 vowel acquisition among Myanmar Students with Primary Chinese Level; second, the experiments of examining Chinese level 2,3,4 vowel acquisition among Myanmar Students with Primary Chinese Level; third, Myanmar level 1 vowel acoustic experiments.This paper includes five parts:The first part, Introduction. First, The part has recommended the reason of the selected title; then introduces the research results and research status of Chinese Phonetics acquisition at home and abroad, and summarizing the theoretical basis of this paper and based on this paper through the use of theory; Finally, in the consolidated Based on the results of previous studies to determine the content, research methods, purpose and significance and innovation of this paper. The second part investigates the specific circumstances of Chinese level 1 vowels Acquisition with Myanmar students. The third part investigates the specific circumstances of Chinese level 2 vowels, level 3 vowels, level 4 vowel Acquisition with Myanmar students. The fourth part investigates characteristics and bias conditions of Chinese Vowel Acquisition among Myanmar Students with Primary Chinese Level. The fifth part is the conclusion and the remainder of this paper, which summarizes the experimental results, the inadequacy of proposed papers and Next to be further in-depth study of the Department.In this paper, we investigate the Chinese vowel acquisition of Myanmar Students with Primary Chinese Level comprehensively and systematically, with the method of experimental phonetics, using of of the vowel pattern theory of Mr. Shi Feng. After experiments the following conclusions:(1) Level 1 vowel, the better acquisition of Myanmar students is the Chinese and Myanmar similar vowels /i、a、u/. Vowel phonemes in the approximation of Myanmar or Myanmar migration of certain vowels caused by the lack of significant deviation from the vowel, including:/γ、y、(?)、(?)/. (2) The co-articulation between segments of Myanmar students’ Level 3 vowels is also poor. Myanmar students’ level 2 vowel exist the bigger openness and convergence unnaturally, which are full of every sound, more like a simple combination of two vowels, not like a complex vowel. Their tongue of level 2 vowels /(?)/ in /ia、i(?)、y(?)/ are pushed forward towards the position; Their tongue of level 2 vowels /(?)/ in /ua、u(?)/ are pushed backward towards the position; This shows that Myanmar students /ia、i(?)、y(?)/ openness become bigger, and tongue are pushed forward towards the position because of the influence from the front, high vowel/i/, Their/ua、u(?)/ openness become bigger, and tongue are pushed backward towards the position because of the influence from the back, high vowel/u/and the /u/ strong side of the circular lip action. In addition, their tongue of level 2 vowels /(?)/ in /i(?)、y(?)/ are pushed forward towards the position, which may be influenced by the mother-tongue approximated phonemes /□/. (3) The co-articulation between segments of Myanmar students’ Level 3 vowels is also poor. Myanmar students’ level 3 vowel have the bigger openness and is influenced by front-nasal and back-nasal. Myanmar students tongue of level 3 vowels/a、(?)/in/au、an、a(?)、(?)i、(?)(?)/ are pushed forward towards the position; their tongue of level 3 vowels/a、(?)/ in/ ai、(?)u、(?)n/ are pushed backward towards the position; Their bigger openness and tongue of level 3 vowel /(?)/ in /(?)r/ is pushed backward towards the position; Their bigger openness and tongue of level 3 vowel /(?)/ in /(?)u/ is pushed backward towards the position, which are influenced by mother tongue /o/. (4) The errors situation in Level 4 vowels and level 2 vowels and level 3 vowels are similar. The co-articulation between segments of Myanmar students’ Level 4 vowels is also poor. Myanmar students’ level 4 vowel exist the bigger openness. Myanmar students’ level 4 vowel /(?)/ in /i(?)n/ sound good; their tongue of level 4 vowels /a、(?)/ in/iau、ian、ia(?)、ua(?)、i(?)(?)、u(?)(?)、u(?)(?)/ are pushed forward towards the position; their tongue of level 4 vowels/a、(?)/in/i(?)u、uai、uan、u(?)i、u(?)n、yan、y(?)n、y(?)(?)/ are pushed backward towards the position.The author suggests that the conclusions and data can be made through the software for the foreign language teachers based on teaching and research in order to promote foreign language teaching in voice teaching voice play a role, but also hope that more of the language-loving teaching and research are concerned about the Chinese vowel acquisition.
