

Preliminary Study of Factors Affecting Teacher’ Decision-making under Inquiry Class

【作者】 郝杰

【导师】 曾平飞;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 物理科学与技术学院, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 教师的教学决策就是教师在教学课堂上所做出的一系列决策,其决策是否有效直接关系到教学质量和教学效果,也关系到教师与学生的成长与发展。本研究以探究课堂为立足点,分析影响探究课堂上教师决策的因素有哪些,通过分析可以让我从中找出一些相关的因素,希望可以引起大家的注意来对这方面多做研究,这样就可以更好的开展探究式教学,因为教学的开展直接依赖于教师。本论文分为五个主要的部分:第一部分为绪论的部分。本部分介绍了做这个研究的原因是受到广西师范大学科学教育研究所理念的影响,来到研究所接触最多的就是探究的理念以及探究式教学,所以就想对它有更深入的了解。还有就是从教学研究深入的必然性、课程改革的趋势的现实要求、教师自身成长的需要这三个方面介绍了本文的背景。在这个背景下我提出了我想要研究的问题即探究课堂中影响教师做出决策的因素,教师是课程的实施者,在课堂的活动中会做出一系列的决策,这些决策的效果直接关系到整个课堂的效果。第二部分为文献综述部分。本部分分别陈述了关于探究、探究式课堂、教师决策这个三个方面的相关研究跟文献。其中的重点放在了探究式课堂以及教师决策上,介绍了有关探究式课堂的特征,还有就是关于教师决策的内涵、教师决策的分类以及影响教师决策的因素的一系列的文献上。还搜集了一些国内外对教师决策的相关研究,介绍了本文的研究方法即文献研究与案例研究。第三部分的主要内容是探究式课堂的个案研究。这部分从“探究式课堂”的真实情景出发,对研究所的两次探究活动课做了个案分析,这两次探究活动是在研究所组织的两次教师培训中开展的,一次是科学(7-9年级)教师培训第五期,一次是国培计划(2010)—中小学骨干教师研修项目。分别对这两次课的教学过程进行探究、描述与分析,以便能从教师真实的教学实践中来分析影响教师教学决策的因素。首先对研究的班级的情况做了描述,他们是有科学教师与初中物理老师组成的。对组织探究活动的教师也做了介绍,他们是研究所的优秀教师,设计过多次的探究活动课并取得不错的效果。研究所用的案例也是经过多次的修改后的教学设计,得到多人的好评。第四部分为研究结论部分。这个部分主要是我通过课堂分析得出的一些结论,我的分析结论是探究式课堂中教授的内容、教师的经验和应变能力、课堂上学生的一系列反应、课堂上与活动相关的设施、探究问题的难易程度会对教师的决策有一定的影响,或许还有其它方面的因素有影响而我没有注意到,希望还会有人来做这方面的研究使其更加的全面,这样有利于教师开展探究式教学。第五部分为反思的部分。在这个部分我主要写到的是我的研究的不足之处,以及我对有关教师决策的一些新的认识,使我对教师教学决策有了更深入的了解。更能反思我以前在这方面的不足,在以后的学习中尽力去弥补。

【Abstract】 Decision-making of teachers is decisions that teachers made in classrooms, the validity of decision-making is directly affect teaching quality and teaching effectiveness, but also affect teachers and students of the growth and development. This study take inquiry class as a starting point, analysis factors impacting teacher’ decision-making under inquiry class, through the analysis, I can find some relevant factors, hoping to arouse the attention to do more research in this area, so that we can do better on carrying out the inquiry teaching, since teaching directly depends on the teachers.The paper is divided into five main parts:the first part is an introduction of the part. These sections describes the reasons for doing this research is the concept learned in the Institute, the most impressed is the concept of inquiry and inquiry teaching, and so I want to have a deeper understanding of it. There introduces the background of this article from three aspects, the necessity of deeper research of teaching, the practical requirements of the trend of curriculum reform, the need of teachers’ self-development. Then I raise the question that I want to research, that the factors impacting teacher’ decision-making under inquiry class, teacher is the perpetrators of the curriculum, will make a series of decisions that directly affect the effect of the entire class.The second part is literature review section. There states relevant research respectively:inquiry, inquiry-based class, teachers’ decision-making. It focuses on inquiry-based class and teacher decision-making, present the characteristics of inquiry-based class, the connotation of teacher’ decision-making, the classification of teacher’ decision-making and the affected factors. Also there collects a number of domestic and international research on teacher’ decision-making, and then introduces the research methods, the literature research and case studies.The main content of the third part is the case study of inquiry class. This part bases on the real scenario in "inquiry class", from two activities lessons made in Institute, the activities is organized by Institute in teacher training, one is the fifth science (grades 7-9) teacher training fifth, one is the country training program (2010) Primary and Middle School Teacher Training Project. There inquiry, descript and analysis the teaching process, in order to analyze the factors that affect teacher’ decision-making from the real teaching practice. First, introduces the situation of the class, there have science teachers and junior high school physics teachers. Also introduce the activities’ organizer, they are excellent teachers from the Institute, having designed several inquiry classes and got good results. The cases used are several times revised instructional designs, having good praise.The fourth part is conclusion. This section is mainly conclusions drawn from the analysis, my conclusion is that the content taught in the classroom, the teacher’s experience, students’ reactions in the class, classroom facilities related to activities, the difficulty of the problem will affect teacher’ decision-making, and perhaps there are other aspects which I did not notice, I hope someone will do research in this area making it more comprehensive, it is benefit in inquiry-based teaching.The fifth part is reflective part. In this section I mainly wrote about the inadequacy of my research, some new deeper understanding of decision-making, reflect on the deficiencies in this respect, trying to make up in the future study.

  • 【分类号】G424.21
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】237