

The Preliminary Study on Secondary School Students’ Argumentation Ability in Science Inquiry

【作者】 袁静

【导师】 赵光平;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究的目的是通过访谈法探讨初中生和高中生在科学探究活动中论证能力的差异与特征。研究工具以自行发展之以“淘米水—碘酒—柠檬”为主题的科学探究活动为主,研究的参与者为30位高中生和30位初中生。本研究以通过文献综述法制定的论证能力评价表为依椐.从“理由的正确性”、“理由的数量”、“主张的数量”、“支持的质量”、“反驳的质量”、“论证的认识论”六个方面评价中学生的论证能力。在数据分析中,通过量化资料的结果来分析论证元素,质性资料的结果来分析论证过程。研究结果显示高中生的论证能力明显比初中生的论证能力强,高中组在提出“支持主张的理由”、“支持的质量”、“论证的认识论”的得分显著优于初中组:初中组和高中组在“反驳的质量”的得分都不高。中学生论证过程中的主要缺陷与困难主要是论证框架不完整,特别是缺少利用反驳来支持其主张;面对真实情景的问题时,论证能力减弱;论证过程中遇到困难时,过分依赖外界。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this study was to explore the differences and characteristics of secondary school students’ science argumentation abilities under the treatment of scientific inquiry activity. The data were collected through interview and participant observation. The interview tool used a self-developed scientific inquiry activity, whose theme was about "rice water- iodine- lemon". 30 middle school students and 30 high school students were invited to participate. The students’ science argumentation abilities were assessed by 6 dimensions:the quality of reason, the quantity of reason, the quantity of claim, the quality of backing, quality of rebuttal and argument epistemology. The data were classified to quantitative data and qualitative data. The quantitative data were used to analyze the argument element and the qualitative data were used to analyze the argumentation procedure.The results indicated that high school students’ argumentation skills were much better than middle school students. High school students were significantly different from middle school students on the scores for formulating supportive arguments, the quality of backing, and argument epistemology. Both high school students and middle school students are not good at quality of rebuttal. Students’ main argumentation defects and difficulties were the argumentation framework was uncompleted, especially lack rebuttal to support its claims; demonstration ability is abate when facing the real situation problems; relying too heavily on the outside when argument process encounter difficulties.

【关键词】 论证论证能力科学探究
【Key words】 argumentationargumentation skillscientific inquiry
  • 【分类号】G633.98
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】198