

A Study on the Development Strategy of Cultural and Creative Industries in Yanbian Area

【作者】 柏桐

【导师】 许明哲;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 民族学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文利用民族学学科理论知识与方法,结合对延边地区文化创意产业现状、现有的文化创意资源的深入调查和资源整合,分析文化创意产业发展的成功经验,并结合延边地区的实际情况,联系当前正在如火如荼展开的中国图们江区域合作开发实际,探索延边地区文化创意产业的发展道路,有针对性地提出发展对策,以达到提供可行性策略,促进延边地区文化创意产业的发展,进一步追寻能够发展延边地区经济的目标。同时,发展文化创意产业是延边地区提升综合竞争力和国际竞争力,全面推进现代化建设的重要举措。本论文的研究是对延边地区文化创意产业发展现状的分析与解读,以延边地区文化创意产业发展策略为题,重点对延边地区文化创意产业发展的条件、策略提出研究建议,其意义在于丰富和填补延边地区在该项研究中的理论研究成果,寻求合理的发展项目,具有一定的实际意义。本论文主要由绪论、本论和结论三部分构成,其中第一章为绪论、第二、三、四章为本论、第五章为结论,共五章内容。第一章为绪论部分。本章主要目的在于阐明论文选题的目的、意义、研究现状及存在的问题,并介绍了研究方法和创新点等内容。第二章为文化创意产业的基础理论,一是介绍文化创意产业的定义以及文化创业产业的定义及分类,二是对国内外文化创意产业的发展现状予以归纳探讨,作为延边地区文化创意产业论述的背景与理论基础。第三章主要是延边地区文化创意产业现状分析,和延边现有文化创意产业资源的挖掘。以延边地区为中心,介绍文化创意产业的发展情况、存在的问题、发展中的机遇等,着重研究探索延边朝鲜族自治州现有文化创意资源。在此基础上分析延边地区文化资源产业化的可行性,并探索其发展项目。第四章为延边地区文化创意产业发展策略。在前几章的基础上,重点分析延.边地区文化创意产业发展策略,主要提出以下几方面建议:从国家政策、法规,城市、园区建设、人才技术等方面着手,促进本地区文化创意产业发展,全力打造一个具有良好品牌文化的创意产业区,进而带动延边地区的经济增长。第五章,结论。总述全文,提炼本文观点。

【Abstract】 This paper uses ethnology and sociology, and other disciplines theoretical knowledge and methods of Yanbian area, combined with the present situation of cultural and creative industries, the existing culture creativity resource survey and analysis, with the current is being spread Chinese Tumen river area cooperation in Yanbian area, developing a practical in cultural and creative industries development strategy in Yanbian area, focusing on issues of cultural and creative industries development condition, strategy proposes research suggestions.Meanwhile, the development of cultural and creative industries is the most important way for Yanbian area to enhance its international competitiveness, comprehensive competitiveness and process.of modernization. This essay means to analysis the present situation of cultural and creative industries, and titled as A Study on the Development Strategy of Cultural and Creative Industries in Yanbian Area. The’advising of social condition development strategy is the key point of this essay, has priceless practical significance to abundant the theoretical achievements in Yanbian area. This paper mainly includes the introduction, body, and conclusion, and there are five parts in it. The first chapter is the introduction, the second, third, and fourth chapter is the main body, the fifth chapter is the conclusion.The first chapter is the introduction section. This chapter illuminates the purpose, significance, research present situation and problems of the thesis, and introduces the methods of the research and innovation points, etc.The second chapter is the basic theory of cultural and creative industries. On one hand, it introduces the definition of cultural creative industries and the definition of culture and classification of entrepreneurial industry at home and abroad, on the other hand, it concludes the development of cultural creative industries.The third chapter basically includes analyze the cultural creative industries in Yanbian area, and the current situation in Yanbian existing cultural and creative industries resource mining. Yanbian area as the center situation, introduces the development of cultural creative industries, problems and development opportunities in Yanbian, explore resources which is existing culture creativity characteristic, nationality, richness, on the basis of Yanbian area, this paper analyses the feasibility of the industrialization of cultural resources, and explores its developing mode.The fourth chapter indicates the development strategy of cultural and creative industries in Yanbian area. On the basis of the preceding chapters in Yanbian area, this paper analyzes the development strategy of cultural and creative industries, mainly puts forward some aspects of development strategies and implementation rules: the government takes advantage of Changchun Jilin and Tumen to drives cultural and creative industries development; We emulate the center city to develop the cultural and creative industries; Establish image of urban culture, create Yanbian area culture creativity brand; Integration of cultural resources, construction in Yanbian area characteristic of cultural and creative industries park; Make full use of universities and introduce talents, avoid the brain drain.Chapter 5, conclusion from the paper, refine viewpoint.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】G124
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】235