

Research on the Problems and Cuntermeasures of Rural Land Expropriation and OCmpensation System in Out Country

【作者】 王军

【导师】 王凯伟;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,城市化呈现快速发展的趋势。城市化使社会财富以前所未有的速度累积,土地等生产要素从农业向非农产业急剧转移,由此引起经济增长速度进一步加快。大量的农业用地转为城市用地,给国家粮食安全问题和生态环境的保护造成了极大的压力。土地征收是一个不可逆的过程,农业用地一旦征收为城市建设用地,将很难逆转。这个问题已得到理论界和各地相关政府的广泛关注。在推进城市化的实践中,将发达国家的成功经验与我国各地的优势相结合,总结出符合本地区农民利益的补偿标准流程和安置,使征地工作得以顺利进行,加快农村地区城市化建设步伐。通过研究失地农民征地补偿机制,正确处理好各方利益问题,使各土地主体权利得以实现和维护,可以化解农村社会矛盾,从而实现农村社会的稳定,实现社会和谐。本文首先较为深入地解析了土地征用和土地补偿的概念内涵、特征以及原则,分析了土地征用补偿的相关理论。其次,以湖南省衡南县为例,介绍了土地征用补偿取得的成效。再次,探讨了土地征用补偿存在的突出问题,并剖析了土地征用补偿存在问题的原因。最后,结合湖南省衡南县农村土地征用补偿的实际情况,从加强土地征用总体规划、加大土地征用执法力度、加强征地干部队伍建设、完善土地征收相关制度以及健全土地征用补偿机制等角度提出了完善农村土地征用补偿的对策建议。从而促进城市化过程中的土地合理利用,最大限度地提高土地资源的效益,促进我国的经济建设,提高人民的生活水平,维护社会的稳定。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of the social productivity and the acceleration of industrialization, the urbanization of our country is being quickened. At present, with the development of the urbanization, a chain of problems occurred. Such as, the over quickened urbanization coursed the Social wealth accumulated in a unprecedented speed, and coursed the land and other production elements shifted suddenly from the agriculture to non-agricultural. And finally coursed the economic growth is being quickened. The fact that a lot of agricultural land was transferred to the Urban land has become a direct risk to food security and ecological environment. The land expropriation is an irreversible process. The agricultural land, once transferred to the urban construction land, will be very difficult to reverse. This problem now obtained both the theorists and the regional related government’s widespread attention.This thesis is divided into four section. The first section discussed the fundamental definition, characteristics, theoretical basis and principle of land expropriation and compensation. The second section took Hengnan county of Hunan province for a example to introduce the outcomes of the system of the land expropriation and compensation. The third section discussed the problems which existed in the system of land expropriation and compensation, and analyzed the reasons why these problems existed. The fourth section presented some advices that how to improve the system of land expropriation and compensation in our country, with the actual situation of Hengnan county. Hope these ways can help make good use of land during the urbanization, enhance the benefit of land resource in the uttermost, promote our country’s economic development, raise people’s living standard, and build a harmonious socialist society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期