

Democratic Centralism: Study on Consensus Forming Mechanism of Public Governance

【作者】 李惜春

【导师】 黄显中;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放三十多年来,我国公共治理取得了前所未有的成就,政府体制改革不断的完善,多元化的治理主体格局形成。尤其是十七大以来,我国“党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与”的社会治理格局正在逐渐形成。这对我国公共治理共识的形成提出了更高的要求。公共治理共识已经上升到了一个新的高度,引起了全社会的高度关注。本文由五个部分组成。绪论部分介绍了研究的背景、意义及相关文献综述。第二章阐释公共治理的现实基础——约束性共识,它迎合了我国公共治理整体性的特点。传统的权威型和谈判型共识形成机制已经适应不了社会的发展而失效,已然成为时代的局限。民主集中制作为一种本土的理论,理所当然的担起了共识形成的重任,成为公共治理共识形成机制的本土化选择。在此基础上,第三章对共识形成层面民主集中制的基础进行深入探析,包括对毛泽东民主集中制新的解释,对民主集中制的根本使命、决策基础及共和要义的探析。民主集中制以达成共识决策为根本使命,其决策基础是群众路线,即“从群众中来,到群众中去”。作为共形成机制的民主集中制,与生俱来地具有共和主义公、共、和的中道秉性。第四部分,共识形成层面民主集中制的机制建构。通过分析毛泽东民主集中制形成共识决策的模式及其在实践中的失误,得出毛泽东民主集中制是共识形成的原初形式。在将群众路线进行分解的基础上,对毛泽东民主集中制加以适当的改造和运用,建构双层的民主集中制共识形成机制。最后,文章以具体的案例分析民主集中的共识形成机制的运用,以及从中得到的启示。

【Abstract】 Through three decades of reform and opening up, the public governance in China has made unprecedented achievement, the government system continued to improve, a wide range of governance body pattern was being formed. Especially since the 17th Chinese Communist Party Congress, the social governance structure consists of the Party leadership, government responsibility, social cooperation, and public participation is gradually formed. That put the formation of public governance consensus to higher requirements. Consensus of public governance, which causing great concern in society, has risen to a new level.This paper consists of five parts. The first part describes the background, significance and related literature review.The second chapter focuses on the realistic basis of public governance - binding consensus which caters to the integrity characteristics of China’s public governance. Because of the consensus based traditional authority and negotiation can not adapt to social development, so they are failure and hinder the development of society. As a native theory, Democratic Centralism, of course, should be shoulder the responsibility, and become public governance consensus forming mechanism of localization choice.The third part makes a deep analysis on the basis of democratic centralism. It includes new explanations of Mao’s democratic centralism, the fundamental mission of democratic centralism and the decision-making base of democratic centralism and republican essence of democratic centralism. To achieve consensus is the basic mission of Democratic Centralism. Its decision-making is based on the mass line, namely "from the masses, to the masses." As a consensus forming mechanism, democratic centralism have, "public, co-governance, peace" feature of republicanism.The fourth part builds a consensus forming mechanism of democratic centralism. Analyzing Mao’s decision-making model and its failures in practice, we can conclude that Mao’s Democratic Centralism is the original form of consensus formation. Through decomposing the mass line, modifying and applying democratic centralism, we can reconstruct a double-deck democratic centralism consensus forming mechanism.The last chapter specifies a case to analysis the consensus forming mechanism, and the enlightenment from it.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期