

The Language Art of Bi Shumin’s Prose

【作者】 谭旖旎

【导师】 李伯超;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 毕淑敏,20世纪80年代走向文坛,被王蒙誉为“文学界的白衣天使”。她的散文集思想性和审美意蕴于一体,不仅在创作的角度上独具一格,且语言的艺术多样化。她的散文把人人想说而又没有说出的话诉诸于笔端,把日常生活中看似非常普通平凡的事物作为审美客体,把好像人人所经历过的事情写得生动有趣,极富艺术性。本文以她的散文语言为研究对象,主要采用了判断法、描述法、分析法及统计法等多种方法,从语言美学的角度探讨分析了其语言艺术。第一章绪论部分主要介绍了毕淑敏的散文及研究现状,本论文研究的意义及方法。第二章从三个方面分析了散文语言的“生活化”。一是分析了毕淑敏通过选取以通俗化词语为主体,并融入独具个人特色的医学语言,及大量选用口语性较强的俗语、惯用语等熟语来构成丰富的“生活化”词汇,二是分析了毕淑敏使用大量的短句,形成了浓郁的生活氛围。三是重点论证了比喻。论述了毕淑敏选取了大量的通俗化比喻,并注意比喻结构形式的大众化,使比喻达到形象贴切,精彩传神及独特新颖的大跨度等艺术效果。第三章主要对散文语言的诗化艺术进行了分析。第一节论述了语言的音乐性,包括对叠音的妙用和自然的押韵;第二节论述了作者灵活搭配长短句,广泛使用排比、反复等句子,增强了语言的音乐节奏感;第三节论述了通过善用、活用古诗词来形成散文诗意的意境;最后一节探讨了作者善于运用“陌生化”的手法使语言诗化。第四章对毕淑敏散文语言的幽默感进行分析,论证了毕淑敏通过变异语言,移植词语的语用,即易色和移用词语的感情色彩、语体色彩;进行语义的超常规配置,表现为语义的转移和语义的别解,形成语用上的不协调性,以此获得幽默的情趣;采用奇设和巧设辞格,寓庄于谐,使语言产生幽默感。最后,通过对毕淑敏散文作品的研究,通过对其散文语言艺术的分析和阐述,以期提高我们对散文的鉴赏能力,加深读者对毕淑敏散文作品内容的理解,并为以后的写作和人际交往的艺术提供参考。

【Abstract】 Bi Shumin,having stepped into the literary world in the 1980s,was praised by the famous writer Wang Meng as“an angle in the field of literature”.Her prose combines ideological level and aesthetic implication. It is not only unique in the angle of creation, but also diversified in language art. In her prose, she had said out what other people wanted to say but had never been said, and what seems common in the daily life has become her object of aesthetics. The common things in her prose are full of humor and artistic. This paper strives to conduct a thorough analysis on language art of Bi Shumin’s prose from the linguistic perspective, taking language of her prose as study object in the methods of judgment, description, analysis, statistics, and so on.Chapter One is the introduction of the article, mainly introduces the prose of Bi Shumin and the present situation of study. Meanwhile, it established the practical significance and methods of studying this thesis.Chapter Two mainly analysis the language of Bi Shumin’s prose as“life–oriented”, The analysis is from 3 aspects: First on which Bi Shumin puts personal language of medical, the common sayings with strong verbal elements and the phrases to form the multiple elements of the life-oriented language, on the basis of the popularization words, with a large selection of the oral idiomatic expressions as well. Next on which she also chooses a large number of short sentences to form the full-bodied atmosphere of the life. Then, study on the art of parable .Analysis Bi Shumin has selected abundant popular parable, and paid attention to the popular form of the parable structure, as to the art effect of parable, like visualization and suitability, wonderfulness and vividness ,as well as long-span artistic charm.Chapter Three mainly discusses the poetic language of Bi Shumin’s prose from four aspects. Section One dissertates the musicality of the language including the magic use of reiterative locution and natural rhyme .Section Two focuses on artistic conception of the prose by use of ancient poem . Section Three analysis the rhythm of the language, which is used by long and short sentences, and extensive Parallelism to strengthen the rhythm sensation of music by the writer. The last section discusses that the writer is good at using artistic techniques of defamiliarization to form the poetic of languageChapter Four focuses on the humor sense of language in prose. First, discuss the language variation, by transplanting the pragmatics of the expressions i.e.misapppropriate the emotional colors and the stylistic colors. Second, the semantic of the collocate hyper normally, which existed in semantic transfer and a distorted view, and form the incompatibility of the pragmatics in order to obtain the humor sense. Third, set the figures of speech in a odd way to make the language have the sense of humor. Discuss the strange imagination and various rhetoric technique, with an aesthetic effects of“contain seriousness in humor”to get sense of humor.Finally, through the research about Bi Shumin’s prose, through the analysis and expatiation for language art of her prose, so that it can enhance our percipience of prose, and deepen the readers’intellect in the content of Bi Shumin’s prose, It is in order to make a reference to writing in future and art of communication among people.

【关键词】 毕淑敏散文语言生活化诗化幽默感
【Key words】 Bi Shumin’s proselanguagelife–orientedpoeticsense of humor
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期