

On the Analysis of the Daisha Language in Literature Works

【作者】 李梦贞

【导师】 李军华;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在中外文学作品中,有形形色色的人物形象值得我们关注。例如在很多文学作品中就塑造了这样一群特殊的文学形象——呆傻人。他们是因智力、能力低于平均标准,以及言行脱离基本规范,因而游离于常人群体之外或被边缘化的一类人。文学作品中的呆傻人是作家因为作品的需要,根据“傻子”的模型创作的一个功能符号。在“傻子”面具的笼罩下,他们更多的在自在地实施着不傻的行为。而这类人在作品中的言语就是呆傻语。本文从中外十余部文学作品中搜集了大量的呆傻语语料,主要运用描写和解释的方法,着重分析了呆傻语外在的言语特点及其隐喻的表现手法。论文主要分为四个部分:首先从其用词的单调、语调鲜明的语气词等词类的频现、粗鄙的詈词以及替代词的使用等方面分析了呆傻语在词语表现上的独特性,又根据其在句式、句法结构、话题、语段和情感表达上的特点探讨了它的话语表现;其次,分析了呆傻语的隐喻性及其四个实现手段:词语反常、话语多义、矛盾意象及短句子;然后,文章又从语言缺陷的遗传性和言语的生成分析了呆傻语形成的心理机制、并解析了呆傻语和短时记忆、失语症及惰性言语能力的关系、同时也指出作家写作意图对呆傻语的影响,从而从心理机制、神经机制和作家意图三个方面多角度探讨了呆傻语的形成原因;最后从它对作家意图的体现、社会现实的写照、人物形象的刻画和文学陌生化的建构等方面阐述了呆傻语在文学作品中的独特功能。

【Abstract】 In Chinese and foreign literary works, many kinds of characters worth our concern. For example in many literary works created such a group of special literature image - DaiSha people. They are excluded from ordinary or marginalized groups,as the result of intelligence,ability below the average standards, words and deeds from the basic specificication. DaiSha people in literature works is a function symbol who are the writer created according the "fool" model for the needs of work. In the "fools" mask, they are more in free to implement the intelligent behavior. And the words of such people is DaiSha language.This article gathered a lot of DaiSha language corpora from more than ten Chinese and foreign literary works, mainly utilizes the description and interpretation methods,analyzed the characteristics of Daisha language and metaphors.Thesis mainly divided into four parts: Firstly,from its monotonous words and the frequent use of tone of voice words, vulgar and alternative words etc,we analyzed DaiSha language’s uniqueness of performance in words,Then according to its structure, syntax structure, topics, and emotional expression segment of language features,we discussed its discourse performance; Secondly, we analyzed its metaphor and four means of realization:words abnormal,words polysemous. contradictions images and short sentences; Then, the article from the geneticof language defects and the words’generation analyzes the formation of psychological mechanism,resolved the relationships between DaiSha language and short-term memory, aphasia and inert speech ability, also noted the influences of the writer’s writing intention, thus discussed the formation reasons of DaiSha language from psychological mechanism, neural mechanisms and writer intention three aspects; Finally,the article elaborated DaiSha language’s unique function in literary works from four aspects: the embodiment of author’s intentions, the portrayal of the social reality, the depiction of characters and the construction of literary defamiliarization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期