

Phone Media Individualized Travel Research

【作者】 吕丹

【导师】 周伯华;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 原本作为人际间信息交流中介的手机,如今已成为信息社会的主要信息载体与传播媒介,并在信息技术的推动下不断拓展空间,以实现手机功能的日益完善。伴随着手机广播、手机电视、手机无线上网等多种功能的出现,手机以不再是简单的通话工具,已逐渐演变成为一种新兴的媒体形式---手机媒体。在新媒体迅速崛起的今天,越来越多的人们开始将目光投向手机媒体,从现今的发展情况不难看出,无论是其内在的学术价值,还是其外在的商业运营潜在价值,手机媒体无疑是新媒体领域的佼佼者。在这样一个多媒体分争的时代,为何手机媒体可以在短暂的发展历程中融百家之所长,成为多媒体共融的集合体?为何手机媒体可以在日益完善的各个阶段,引领与其相对应的新兴媒体产业及文化的快速发展?为何手机媒体可以异军突起,成为时代的宠儿独领风骚?等等,这些亟待解决的焦点问题也正是本文构思的初衷。然而,手机媒体不同于以往任何一种媒体.它一方面以不断创新的姿态开拓着自身发展的广阔空间,另一方面也以令人无法想像的发展态势改变着人们原有的行为方式和生活习惯,因此,对手机媒体的传播特征及现实意义分析就显得尤为重要,不容忽视。本文从手机媒体的媒介特征着手,深入分析其传播特征及现实意义,把握其在传播中的规律,透视其所产生传播效果的积极作用,以及对现实人们生活的深远影响。

【Abstract】 Mobile phones as original interpersonal information communication intermediary, now has become the main carrier of information and the media of information in the information society, and has been developing with the information technology in order to achieve more perfect of mobile phone functionality. With the emergence of cell broadcasting, mobile TV and mobile wireless Internet, cellular phone is not the simple calls but already gradually become tools, one kind of emerging media forms-mobile media. Today new media rapidly rising, more and more people began to turn their attention to the mobile media. It is easy to say that the mobile media is undoubtedly the new media domain leader.In such a multimedia divided era, why mobile media become the aggregation of multimedia harmony in short time? The mobile media is different from other kinds of media. On the one hand it continues to innovate attitude to develop a broad space for the development of their own, on the other hand it also has been changing people’s original behavior and habits. Therefore, the propagation characteristics of mobile media and analysis of realistic significance is particularly important.This article from the characteristic of mobile media, analyses the propagation characteristics and the practical significance, grasp the regularity in spreading and make the profound influence on people’s life.
