

Small Single-Family Homes Incold Regions of Low Carbon Design

【作者】 王雯萱

【导师】 张子毅;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,中国二氧化碳排放量在世界排名第二位,其中有一个事实经常被忽略,它是:建筑业占所有行业氧化碳排放总量比重的几乎达到了50%左右,这一数据比例远远高于我国运输领域和工业领域。同时,根据有关资料统计,全球能源的50%的都用于建筑领域,人类从自然界所获得的多余50%的物质原料也都用于来建造各类建筑和与其相关的附属设施。环境总污染的1/3以上是由建筑业引起的空气污染和光污染以及电磁污染等,人类生活活动所产生的垃圾,其中建筑垃圾占到40%以上。另外,在建筑施工过程中使用的各种资源耗费的能量,如电能、汽油和柴油等都连带有CO2的排放,如煤经过燃烧所产生电能,而且电能或者汽油是运输建筑物材料的唯一动力能源,柴油的燃烧等,而且这些耗能都是非常大的。本文针对我国寒冷地区独立住宅为突破口,在独立住宅的设计基础上,提出了建造微型独立住宅的观点,并且针对寒冷地区建筑的低碳化存在的诸多问题进行解决。寒冷地区由于气候寒冷等原因造成建筑本身的高耗能一直是我国研究的主要课题,建造微型住宅概念的提出不仅弥补了以往独立式住宅造成的大面积的浪费,减少了寒冷地区独立住宅在生产建筑材料、建筑施工、建筑取暖等方面的碳的排放,还在利用建筑屋顶进行绿化形成了生态建筑与自然融为一体的理念。本本为了使微型独立住宅能够更好的适应和建设于北方寒冷的天气,从微型独立住宅的不同功能、不同环境、不同空间、不同材质、不同概念等五个方面阐述,还在太阳能、风能、沼气的等能源的循环利用以及垃圾处理污水处理等方面想出了一系列配套方案,以人类与自然和谐相处为原则使得建筑与建筑环境有机的形成整体,在本文的最后还深刻的揭示出低碳的生活方式引领低碳设计,低碳设计是设计史理念上的重要革命,是一种以生态统一为大前提的设计,是一种可持续性的设计,是一种以健康生活为中心的以人为本的设计。

【Abstract】 Currently, carbon dioxide emissions in China ranked second in the world, including a fact often overlooked, it is: the construction industry sectors accounted for the proportion of carbon dioxide emissions reached almost 50%, far more than the data in the field of transport and industry. Meanwhile, according to statistics, 50% of global energy are used for the construction sector, human nature, obtained from the 50% of excess raw materials are also used for the material to build all types of building and associated ancillary facilities. Total environmental pollution, over 1 / 3 caused by the construction of air pollution and light pollution, and electromagnetic pollution, human activities produce waste, which accounts for 40% of construction waste. In addition, the process used in the construction cost of energy resources, such as electricity, gasoline and diesel are all associated with CO2 emissions, such as coal to generate electricity by burning, and energy or fuel is the only transport the building materials power and energy, diesel combustion, and these are very large energy. Of this paper, the independent housing as a breakthrough in cold areas, the independent design house, based on micro-detached house presented the views of the construction and building low-carbon cold regions for the existence of many problems to resolve. Cold areas due to cold weather and other causes of high energy has been building itself is a major subject of study, proposed the construction of the concept of micro-house in the past not only detached houses make up a large area of waste caused by a decrease in the production of single-family homes in cold areas building materials, construction, building heating and other aspects of carbon emissions, is also used for green roof construction to form an ecological concept of building with nature. Books to make micro-detached house and construction to better adapt to the cold weather in the north, from the micro-detached house the different functions, different environments, different space, different materials, different concepts of the five aspects, also solar, wind, energy resources such as biogas and waste recycling sewage treatment and so came up with a series of supporting programs to harmony between mankind and nature makes the principle of organic architecture and the built environment form a whole, in the deep end of the article also reveals the low carbon-carbon leading lifestyle design, low-carbon design is the design of an important revolution in the history of ideas, is a premise of ecological unity of design, is a sustainable design, is a center for healthy living The people-oriented design.

  • 【分类号】TU241;TU201.5
  • 【下载频次】118