

Lines of Action Drama of Theory and Practice Research

【作者】 杨晶

【导师】 陈万才;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 戏剧是行动的艺术,它必须在有限的舞台演出时间内迅速地展开人物的行动,并使之发生尖锐的冲突,以此揭示人物的思想、性格、感情。台词本身也是行动。由于台词具有鲜明行动性,所以有研究者将表演中的台词称之为“语言行动”,言语行动指那些主要用语言完成的行动。本文主要研究与其相关的问题。在厘清相关概念与内涵的基础上,简要介绍台词的特征以及强调说好台词的重要性;着重探讨台词行动性的内涵及特征,并重点研究台词行动性的形成过程;并通过对中外戏剧表演片段的分析和比较,并对相关案例进行提炼与整理,尝试为进一步思考提出些许有价值的分析。最后强调台词行动性处理中应该注意的两种关系,主要是在前文相关理论和比较分析的基础上,提出一些思考。本文拟解决的关键问题:在戏剧台词行动性的理论与实践两方面进行研究,为戏剧表演中的台词表演的具体实施提供参考依据。希望可以为培养适应我国社会发展需要的表演人才提供理论依据,并为戏剧台词表演模式的创新提供理论和实践参考。希图寻求一种利于戏剧台词表演的切实可行的方式方法。

【Abstract】 Drama is art of action which requires to develop action on stage in a limited period of time and makes it sharp conflict in order to reveal characters’ideology, personality and emotion. Since lines possess distinct action, some researchers call performing lines as language action which means that certain action need to be completed by language. This paper mainly studies language action and related problems. After indicating correlative concept and connotation, this article briefly introduces lines’feature and emphasizes the importance of making lines well. This article also discusses intension and feature of lines and primarily researches the formation process of lines’action. According to analysis and comparison Chinese and foreign drama’s fragment and refine or sort out related case, the paper tries to put forward some valuable analysis for further thinking. Finally, this paper lays stress on two relations which needs to pay attention during processing lines’action and advances certain thinking on the basis of related theory and comparison. This paper aims to resolve below key problems. One is to provide reference reasoning for specific practice of lines’performance in the term of theory and practice of drama lines’action. The author hopes this paper could offer basic theory principle for cultivating performing talents who can satisfy the demand of our country’s development and provide reference of theory and practice for creation of performance pattern of drama lines. The author also expects to search effective approaches for the benefit of performing drama lines.

【关键词】 戏剧表演台词行动性表演实践
【Key words】 drama performancelinesactionperformance practice