

The Research of Treasures in Fairy Tales

【作者】 周秉荣

【导师】 伍美珍;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以童话中的宝物形象为研究对象,结合儿童心理学、民俗学、童话学等理论,对宝物形象作了从源到流的全面分析,阐述了宝物形象与儿童思维的天然对应性,指明了童话中的宝物形象的重要意义。本文的研究成果,对宝物类童话的创作有指导性意义。本文的第一章对宝物形象的起源进行研究,比较了童话中的宝物形象和生活中的宝物形象、神话中的宝物形象以及童话中的超人体形象的不同,明确了童话中的宝物形象具有以下特点:具有超凡能力,脱去神话性质,依附童话人物形象进行活动。第二章按时间顺序总结了中国童话中的宝物形象,从中窥见宝物形象的总体的发展趋势:宝物形象朝着人格化、生命化发展;它们的形式和功能变得更加荒诞、怪异;为了适应时代的发展,宝物形象具备了更多的科学精神;童话中的人物对待宝物的态度也不再是那么珍惜和小心翼翼,反而朝着消遣、调侃的方向转变。第三章分析了宝物形象和儿童思维的对应性,指明宝物形象和儿童思维形成初期的“自我中心”思想相契合;与儿童想象的特点相适应;并且在儿童阅读的过程中,宝物形象给他们提供安全感,制造诧异感。第四章阐述了宝物形象的重要意义。指出,宝物形象不仅建构了童话的大厦,而且给小读者带来审美和娱乐的享受,也具有一定的教育作用。另外,宝物形象所包含的奇妙幻想,还能充分发展儿童的想象力和创造力,对他们的心理发展极为有利。无论从宝物形象发展的历史,还是宝物形象的意义进行考察,都显示了它们是极其重要的一种童话形象。对童话中的宝物形象保持关注,并且在创作中开发新的宝物形象,是繁荣童话市场的必然要求。

【Abstract】 This paper shows the study of Treasure in fairy tales. In the research, I use Child Psychology theory, folklore theory, fairy tale theory, analyzed the origin and the development of treasures. Elaborate the contact of treasures and children’s thinking and the importance of the treasures. The research will guide the writing of fairy tales.In the first chapter, I do the research of the treasures’origin, compared the different between the treasures in myth and life, show the different of treasures and genius. Showing the features of treasures is action with human being, having the super power and get rid of divinity. In the second chapter, I summarize the development of the treasures in Chinese fairy tales, analysis the trends of treasures, they become to have more personification, turn to a absurd way. At the same time, they absorb more technology to go with the social development. The human beings in fair tales are no longer value the treasures. In the third chapter, I elaborate the contact of treasures and children’s thinking, point the treasures have many connections with the Self-centeredness, and they always adapt the characteristics of the children’s imagine. When children read the fairy tales, treasure can give them a sense of security as well as a sense of wonder. In the fourth chapter, I elaborate the importance of the treasures. Treasures formed the fairy tales. They give the aesthetic, entertainment and education to children. In addition, the fantasy of treasures can make children become more Imaginative.Both from the development of treasures, and the Significance of the treasures, we can see the importance of treasures. We must keep our eyes on treasures, trying to create more treasure in fairy tales.

【关键词】 宝物起源趋势儿童思维意义
【Key words】 treasureorigintrendchildren’s thinkingSignificance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期