

The Research on Promoting the Development of Carbon Emission Right Transaction of Anhui

【作者】 郑萍

【导师】 郑兰祥;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 金融学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 全球气候变暖正影响着全球社会经济的可持续发展,为应对气候变化问题,世界各国进行了一系列的谈判。2005年2月《京都议定书》生效,使碳排放权交易有章可循,有利于全球碳市场的发展。《京都议定书》为各国参与者开展碳排放权交易提供了全新的框架,使碳排放权具有商品的属性,可以被买卖,产生了一种新的交易市场——碳排放权交易市场。根据《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》的相关规定,中国作为发展中国家不承担强制减排的任务,目前我国主要参加以项目为基础的碳排放权交易,即CDM交易;国内也陆续建立了环境交易所平台,但这交易并不活跃,且并不是真正意义上的碳交易。从长远来看,我国应该探索国内碳排放权交易如何开展,了解碳排放权交易流程,一方面可以有效落实节能减排工作,另一方面为提高我国在国际碳排放权交易中的地位做铺垫。安徽是煤炭生产和消费大省,在安徽省产业结构中,电力、钢铁、有色、建材、冶金等高耗能、高污染、高排放的产业比重大,随着我省工业化城市的快速发展,六大重点耗能行业能源消费总量始终保持在较高水平。由于我省实体经济产业整体处于高碳时期,这也就决定了降低碳排放的碳资源市场是广阔和巨大的,推进安徽省碳交易市场的发展将极大地推动我省走向低碳经济。本论文的主要内容主要包括以下几个部分:第一部分从全球气候变暖带来挑战、《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》的诞生两个方面对本文的研究背景做了描述,并说明了本文的研究意义和研究思路。在分析国内外研究现状的基础上,进行总结指出本文的写作角度和创新之处。第二部分对国际和国内碳排放权交易的现状进行了分析。对于国际碳排放权交易市场,先是概述了全球碳排放权交易的情况,然后选取了了国际上几个知名的且运作较为成熟碳排放权交易体系进行介绍;对于国内碳排放权交易市场,从参与清洁发展机制下碳排放权交易的发展和碳市场交易平台建立两个方面进行分析,并单独介绍了安徽省在上述两个方面的发展情况,通过这种比较体现安徽省在碳排放权交易方面存在的差距。第三部分分析了安徽省推进碳排放权交易的存在的障碍和问题,针对安徽省环境能源交易所成立20多天零交易的现象,从以下几个方面分析:由于碳交易是新生事物,很多人不大了解;由于我国没有强制减排的义务,安徽省企业现实需求不大;安徽省经济金融化程度不高;安徽省金融专业人才供给不足。第四部分论述了在安徽省推进碳排放权交易发展的必要性和意义。在安徽省推进发展碳排放权交易市场是改变产业高耗能高排放的需要,安徽省高耗能产业比重大,减排压力大,需要通过碳交易市场机制来降低碳排放,促进安徽省走向低碳经济;是加速安徽省企业减排技术创新的要求;在安徽省推进发展碳排放权交易市场是安徽省气候资源得以优化配置的手段。第五部分对安徽省推进碳排放权交易市场的建立进行具体构想。由于欧盟碳排放交易体系运行效果较好,减排成绩较优,因此安徽省的碳排放权交易市场可以借鉴欧盟碳排放交易体系的经验,建立总量限制交易制度。由安徽省的环境管理者根据实际需要为安徽省的总碳排放量设定一个最高限额,所有受管辖的企业排放量总值不能超过这个最高限额;然后将一定数量的碳排放权分配给企业;企业通过引进先进技术,重视节能减排,能够把自己的实际碳排放量控制在碳排放许可范围内,就可以将多余的碳排放许可额度放到市场上予以出售,以此赚取利润;如果企业暂无法有效减少自身的碳排放量,使之超出了分配到的许可额度,那就要到碳排放市场上购买碳排放权,以此获得超标那部分的碳排放权利,否则就要遭受处罚。推进安徽省碳排放权交易市场的发展要分三个阶段:一是完善相应法规,确保在安徽省碳排放权交易的顺利开展;二是建立碳排放权现货交易市场;三是建立碳排放权期货交易市场。在安徽省开展碳排放权交易,其价格形成机制值得研究。本文在借鉴关于国外碳排放权价格形成机制的研究成果,分析了影响安徽省碳排放权价格的因素,为以后安徽省碳排放权价格机制提供依据。

【Abstract】 Current global climate change is affecting the sustainable development of social economy.In order to solve the problem of climate change, all the countries in the world carried out a series of negotiation.In Februuary 2005,《The Kyoto Protocol》force to promote global carbon market development. The Kyoto Protocol for between countries on carbon emission trading rights provided a new framework,,make caobon emission rights such as a commdity,have been fraught with out one kind of brand-new caobon emission rights trading market.According to the Regulation of《UN framework Convention On Climate Change)) and《The Kyoto Protocol》,as a developing country China need not bear the obligation of total emissions reduction.So fai our country has been involved in the caobon emission rights trading through CDM, in our country some environment Exchanges has been build,butt trading volume is not active and it is not real caobon emission rights trading. In the long run our country should research on caobon emission rights trading hometown and learn the trading mechanism..Anhui is a province that products and consume much coal.In the Industrial structure of Anhui,steel, Metallurgy, Nonferrous,Power etc industry proportion is large. With the rapid development of our province Industrialized, the total energy cinsumption of six high energy-consumption industries still keep a high level.This decides that the carbon market about reducing carbon emission is large, promoting the development of carbon emission right transaction of Anhui will drive the development of Low carbon economic of Anhui.This Paper mainly includes some parts as follows:The first part describes the research background from two aspects:current global climate change brings challenges, the production of《UN framework Convention On Climate Change》and《The Kyoto Protocol》.Besides, this part introduce the research meaning and thought. On the basis of analysis on resrarch Situation at home and abroad,this paper indicate innovation points. The second part analysis the situation about caobon emission rights trading at home and abroad. For international caobon emission rights trading, this part analysis the baisc situation of international caobon emission rights trading and main caobon emission rights trading system. For caobon emission rights trading hometown, this part analysis two aspects:caobon emission rights trading through CDM and some environment Exchanges. And introduce the Situation of caobon emission rights trading in Anhui from the two aspects. Through this comparion we learn that the shortcomings of the development caobon emission rights trading in Anhui.The third part analysis the problems existing in promoting the development of carbon emission right transaction of Anhui:a lot of people don’t know caobon emission rights trading because it is a new thing; there is not much need of companies in Anhui.The fourth part analysis the necessity and meaning of promoting the development of carbon emission right transaction of Anhui:the need of changing the situation of high energy-consumption industries; Favourable to Optimize distribution of climate resources in Anhui.The fifth part popose the concept about carbon emission right transaction in Anhui,The Process about promoting the development of carbon emission right transaction of Anhui can includes three acpects:improvment of regulations;the built of carbon emission right transaction spot market;the built of carbon emission right transaction futures market.

【关键词】 碳排放权交易安徽期货
【Key words】 Carbon emission right transactionAnhuiFutures
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期