

The Innovation System of Career Guidance Work in University

【作者】 孙亮

【导师】 段华洽;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国高等教育的快速发展和教育规模的迅速扩张,高校毕业生的就业问题已经成为一个日益受到关注的社会热点问题,且业已成为一个关乎社会和谐与稳定的问题。我国高校毕业生就业问题面临着严峻的形势,就业率呈逐年下降的趋势,高校就业指导工作压力骤增。当前我国绝大多数高校都设立了专门开展毕业生就业工作的部门,在完成日常工作的基础上,有针对性的开展了就业指导教育工作,逐步建立了“自主择业、双向选择”的高校毕业生就业制度,就业指导工作已初见成效。与此同时,我国高校就业指导工作也存在许多不足,在巨大的毕业生就业压力下,就业指导工作体现出与我国高等教育的快速发展要求的不协调。大学生就业是一个长期的、系统的浩大工程,需要全社会共同努力才能完成,针对我国目前高校毕业生严峻的就业形势,政府和高校必须通力合作,多方探索,共同努力,寻求构建科学、完善的大学生就业指导工作体系。本文在分析比较当前国内外大学生就业指导工作的基础上,借鉴国外高校就业指导的先进做法和经验技术,对我国高校大学生就业指导体系进行了研究。提出了高校就业指导工作体系建设需要内外兼修:从内部来看要建立健全就业指导组织结构,实现两级管理和三级运作的工作模式;强化制度建设,规范各项工作制度,形成科学的就业指导制度体系;坚持“专兼职并进”和“校内外结合”的原则,构建专业化、职业化、专家化的就业指导服务队伍体系;强化就业指导课程体系内涵建设,实现就业指导课程教学安排全程化、管理规范化、多样化、科研化;学校要以就业指导课为依托,通过鼓励学生积极参加实践实习,开展创业教育;采取行业互动、区域合作、基地依托等措施建设就业基地市场体系;强化就业工作目标管理,加强就业工作督查与考评,完善就业工作考核激励体系。从外部环境来看,教育主管部门加强高等教育体制改革,改变高等教育方式和手段,从根本上提升毕业生就业能力,从国家、地方、高校三个层面调整高校学科专业和人才培养结构,以市场需求为导向,遵循教育理念和人的自身发展规律,在此基础上加强大学毕业生的思想品德教育、创业能力的培养、实践能力的锻炼和就业素质的提高;政府要发挥宏观调控作用,建立健全就业机制、加强政策的制定和引导,拓宽就业渠道,提供更多就业服务和就业机会;进一步完善高校毕业生就业工作管理体制,强化政府人力资源市场的中介服务作用,建立毕业生就业工作经费投入的保障机制和就业工作评估体系

【Abstract】 With the rapid development and expansion of higher education, the employment of college graduates has become an increasingly hot issue of social concern, and has become a matter related to social harmony and stability, the college graduates is facing a severe situation since the employment rate is on the decline, therefore the pressure is imposed upon the university employment guide.Currently Most universities have established special departments to carry out the work of graduate employment, conducted targeted education employment guidance, and gradually established the university graduate employment system of "choosing jobs on self will, two-way choice". The success is remarkable. At the same time, employment guidance of College also has many deficiencies, in the huge pressure of graduate employment; there is a disparity between employment guidance and the rapid development of higher education. Student employment is a long-term, systematic enormous project; the whole society should work together to solve the problem. The government and universities must work together to explore a sound Student Employment Guidance System based on scientific perspective.Based on the analysis and comparison of the current domestic and foreign students career guidance work and learning from foreign universities the best practices of career guidance, the paper researches on career guidance system for college students in China and proposes a new system. Internally, career guidance needs to establish a sound organizational structure including a 2-level management and 3-level operational mode. Courses on guidance should take various forms and have research value. School should rely on the course of career guidance to encourage students to actively participate in practical training and conduct entrepreneurship education. Moreover, it is important to strengthen the management of work target and supervision on career guidance work.From the external environment, the education department should strengthen higher education system, changing the ways and means of higher education, and fundamentally improve the employability of graduates by adjusting talent training structure and discipline structure from national, local and college levels. Oriented by the market demand, schools should follow educational philosophy and law of human development, and then enhance ideological and moral education, entrepreneurial ability, and practical ability. Government should play a role in regulation and control, establish and improve employment mechanisms, strengthen policy development and guidance, and broaden employment channels to provide more employment services and employment opportunities; further improve the employment of college graduates management system, strengthen the government’s human resources market role and provide adequate fund for graduates career guidance work.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期