

【作者】 舒可

【导师】 周宗放;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济体制改革日益深入,产业结构调整力度不断加大,居民收入不断增加,家庭财富的积累和居民金融消费需求迅速攀升,国外现代商业银行纷纷抢滩登陆国内市场,与中资银行在同一个平台上展开竞争,我国商业银行面临的市场和政策环境发生了巨大的变化,国内银行业以往所熟悉的游戏规则已发生了根本的改变,受经济全球化、利率市场化、金融产品多元化以及“金融脱媒”的影响,单纯依赖资产、负债规模扩张的传统发展模式已经难以为继,以存贷利差收入作为主要盈利来源的收入增长方式受到严重的挑战。迫使我国商业银行进行战略调整,纷纷提出了经营战略转型。零售银行业务因其占有经济资本小、收益稳定、风险较低、抵御经济周期能力较强和持久经营等特点,日益成为现代商业银行增长最快、最具活力和发展潜力的业务领域之一,是各家银行经营转型的重点业务。从巴林银行倒闭到全球金融危机暴发后贝尔斯登被收购,以及雷曼兄弟公司破产,无一例外地说明过度关注投资银行等批发业务,可能对金融机构带来极其严重后果,这也从反面证明了零售银行业务的价值。自20世纪90年代起,国际现代商业银行开始大规模向零售银行业务进军,零售银行业务所带来的收入已成为商业银行的重要收入来源。近年来,我国商业银行紧跟全球银行业发展步伐,正在国内掀起一股零售业务经营转型的浪潮,而银行营业网点作为实施零售业务转型的基础和渠道,迫切需要进行管理创新和价值提升。本文介绍农业银行四川省分行营业网点的发展现状,从面临的内外部经济金融形势和经营环境的变化以及同业市场的竞争,结合现阶段农业银行大力发展零售业务的客观条件以及其他商业银行的经验分析等方面探讨农业银行在四川省辖内实施营业网点经营转型的原因和对策。

【Abstract】 This essay aims at an exploration in details into the reasons and measures of business transformation in Sichuan branch including analysis of the objective condition in the development of retail banking and experiences of other domestic commercial banks in front of the economic and financial situation both at home and abroad ,the change of the business environment and competition in the inter-bank market on the basis of the given development statue among business sub-branches and banking offices in Sichuan branch of the Agricultural Bank of China.Many foreign commercial banks have been landing on China and competing in domestic market with Chinese commercial banks on account of the continuous increase of individual income ,stable accumulation of household wealth and rapid consumption for financial products since our government has been pushing on the reform of the economic system and constantly adjustment of the industrial structure and a series of great changes have taken place in the domestic financial market ,policy environment as well as the rules of the game.Moreover the economic globalization ,diversity of financial products and financial disintermediation have brought strong impacts and challenges upon the scale expansion of assets and liabilities ,and revenue growth depending on deposit loan spreads.Most of the domestic commercial banks have made their strgedy adjustment and trnsformed from the wholesale business to retail business , characteristic of small economic capital,income stability,lasting operation and a strong ability to withstand economic cycles,which has become one of the most rapid,most potential business fields with full of vitality ,accounting for more than 50% revenue of modern commercial banks in the developed countries.Especially the purchase of Bear Sterns and bankrupt of Lehman Brothers Inc during the global financial crisis last year have proved the value of retail banking.However,it is necessry for the domestic commercial banks to make management innovation and value enhancement in the management of their sub-branches and banking offices as the basis or channel by which the transformation of business stragedy be carried out.

【关键词】 农业银行营业网点经营转型
【Key words】 agriculture bankworking branchworking transfer
  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【下载频次】173