

【作者】 杨磊

【导师】 李毅超; 陶国生;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 可视化管理系统以其方便、用户友好、直观的方式向管理员提供一种新型的工作管理解决方案,对提高企业的劳动生产率、降低生产成本起着重要作用。烟草物流中心当前正在大力推行关键流程、关键区域的6S管理,其中,分拣流程的可视化管理是重要的一个环节步骤。本系统基于烟草物流公司的实际应用需求而设计,旨在为其实现分拣流程的可视化管理;进而使其能够以全新的视角重新审视分拣流程,为其进一步提高劳动生产率、降低成本打下基础。本管理系统基于开源的OGRE开发,采用了MySql数据库系统和.NET技术;合理的使用设计模式以及软件工程学方法,使系统具有良好的可维护性和可扩展性。在设计上,采用了业务逻辑与控制逻辑相分离的模式,实现了最大的扩展能力。本论文主要完成的工作如下:1.烟草物流中心分拣流程可视化管理系统需求分析:分析了分拣线数据拟合的任务以及分拣流程三维仿真管理的任务。2.基于OGRE的应用程序的关键技术研究:对渲染循环、帧监听、场景管理等关键概念和技术进行了研究与实现。3.分拣线数据拟合中间件的研究与实现:消除不同数据源的差异,维护一致的中心数据库。4.设计并实现了分拣流程的三维仿真管理系统:完成了分拣场景的仿真管理、分拣线工作异常报警、动画展示等功能,并将其应用到了烟草物流中心的分拣线管理中。该系统经过烟草物流中心工作人员测试试用,使用效果良好。目前,在我国烟草物流领域,可视化管理仍是空白。本系统的开发是烟草物流可视化管理系统的初次尝试和创新。另外,本系统并不局限于烟草物流的可视化管理,其设计还可应用于其他需要可视化管理的行业领域,具有良好的推广应用前景和市场。

【Abstract】 Visual management system with its convenient, user-friendly, intuitive way to provide administrators with a new management solution which plays an important role to improve business productivity, reduce production costs. tobacco logistics center in Sichuan Province in the implementation of key processes, 6S management of key areas in which the visual sorting process management is an important step. Based on the practical needs of tobacco logistics company, we develop the system upon the sorting process to achieve visual management. Then a new perspective tobe able to re-examine the sorting process, to further improve their productivity, reduce costsand.Based on the open source 3D render engine OGRE, while using a MySql database system and .NET technology and rational use of design patterns and software engineering methods, the management system has good maintainability and scalability. Moreover, we separated business logic and control logic to achieve maximum scalability.The main work this thesis accomplished is as follows:1. Sorting process visualization management system requirements analysis: Analysis of the data fitting tasks and the task of the 3D simulation management.2. Key technologies of OGRE based applications: the render loop, frames monitor, scene management, and other key concepts and techniques studied.3. Data fitting middleware research and implement: the elimination of differences between different data sources, maintaining the same central database.4. Designed and implemented a visual sorting process management system: completed the simulation of sorting scenarios management, alarming on excepted sorting line, animation shows and other functions, and apply it to the sorting line of tobacco logistics center management.The system is tested in tobacco logistics center trial with favorable results. In the tobacco field of logistics, visual management is now a blank. It is the first attempt in tabacco logistics management system for visualization. In addition, the system is not limited to the visualization of tobacco logistics management, and also available for other needs of visual management areas, with good promotion prospects and markets.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】278