

【作者】 徐浴泉

【导师】 刘启和; 尉作鹏;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国务院正式批复“黄河三角洲高效生态经济区发展规划”,位于中心城区的东营市,房价持续坚挺上涨,各大商业银行的住房公积金贷款业务也随之迅猛发展,已成为商业银行的主要融资模式。中国银行东营分行自1998年开展住房公积金贷款业务以来,各类违约案例时有发生,违约贷款金额也一直不断攀升,大量不良贷款的出现,极大地制约了东营分行该项业务的健康发展,这就对代发住房公积金业务管理提出了更高的要求。因此,借助于信息技术,建立一套实用、高效、先进的管理系统成为一个必然趋势。本文针对中国银行东营分行代发公积金业务实际情况,在对系统业务流程的详细调查的基础上建立了数据流程和UML面向对象建模分析过程模型。本系统采用.NET平台和ORACLE进行开发。设计实现上采用模块化设计,充分考虑重用性;实现上,分析研究了基于.NET平台的软件设计模式的特点及关键技术,给出了一种基于的C/S三层框架,这种框架层次清晰明了,能有效降低开发复杂度、缩短开发周期。本系统为商业银行的代发住房公积金业务的提供了一套科学、有效的实现方案,大大提高了工作效率和管理水平,降低了人力成本,提升了企业自主竞争力,对其他兄弟城市的公积金管理信息化建设有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 With the State Council officially approved the "Yellow River Delta Economic Zone Development Plan”, housing prices of Dong Ying City, which is located in downtown, continued to firm up. The housing provident fund loans of commercial banks have made a rapid development, and also become a main financing way of commercial banks.Dong Ying Branch of China Bank has carried out housing fund loans since 1998. Various types of breach of contract cases often occurred, and the amount of default loans has been rising. The emergence of a large number of non-performing loans greatly restricted the healthy development of the business of bank, which also issued on behalf of the business management of housing provident fund. Therefore, with the help of information technology, establishing a practical, efficient, and advanced management system has become an inevitable trend.This paper reflects the actual situation of business processes of Dong Ying Branch. Based on the detailed investigation of business process, we established a data flow and a process model of object-oriented UML Modeling. The system is based on .NET platform and ORACLE for development. We use a modular method for design, fully considering reusing. Also, we analysis characteristics and key technologies of .NET platform, and give a middleware technology based on C/S three-tier framework, which can better reduce development complexity. These can greatly shorten development cycle.This application provides a scientific and effective implementation for providing housing fund of commercial bank, which greatly improved work efficiency and management level, lower labor costs, enhance the enterprise competitiveness. And also this system gives other brother cities some reference value of funding the construction of management information.

【关键词】 公积金商业银行.NETC/S
【Key words】 Provident FundCommercial Bank.NETC/S
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】67