

Shanxi Province State-level Poverty Counties Rural Junior Middle School Physical Education Situation and Countermeasures

【作者】 张耀

【导师】 徐向军;

【作者基本信息】 首都体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 农村教育是中国基础教育的主体,我国目前有54.32%中小学学生就读于农村(数据来自中国统计年鉴2010)。在新形势下,随着国家大力推进社会主义新农村的建设,农村面貌发生了很大的变化。但是,在我国一些贫困地区,特别是国家级贫困山区,学校体育的教育重视程度不容乐观。中共中央、国务院曾多次指出要加强特别是贫困地区的教育事业,并作为实现教育公平的一项重要内容,并强调指出:农村教育成功与否,决定我国教育改革的成败。临汾的国家级贫困地区主要集中在西部山区,这里交通不便,道路崎岖。县城也处于大山的包围之中。经济发展以农业为主,几乎没有工业的支撑,经济发展水平相对较滞后。其中农村中学分布较零散,学生以就近走读为主。本文选取临汾地区的国家级贫困县为个案,通过这一个案的深入分析,找出制约国家级贫困地区学校体育发展的共性问题。并提出具有建设性的意见,为学校的管理者和教育者提供建议。为政策的制定者提供参考。本论文主要针对临汾地区的国家级贫困县进行调查,通过深入分析,发现问题,并提出解决问题的具体方法。主要从四个部分进行分析:第一部分学校体育管理的基本情况,包括学校基本状况、学校体育管理方式、学校体育工作条例的执行情况、学生的体质和营养状况等问题;第二部分是体育师资队伍的建设,从体育教师的数量、年龄、教龄、学历、职称、待遇、工作量、科研状况和再教育培训等方面进行分析;第三部分是课余体育方面,包括早操、课间操、班级体育活动,课余训练、课余竞赛和校外体育竞赛;第四部分是学校体育的资金投入和物质器材等方面的内容。本文运用了文献资料研究法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法和数理统计法等方法,对临汾地区的五个国家级贫困县18所农村初级中学现状进行调查和分析,得出研究结论:1、该地区农村中学体育管理体制基本健全,但缺乏规范性,体育教学开展情况不容乐观。放羊式教学普遍存在;2、该地区国家级贫困县的学生体质状况总体不容乐观,大部分学生的体质处于及格水平;3、该地区农村中学体育教师能够满足教学之需要,但教师以青年教师为主,教龄较短,经验相对不足; 4、该地区农村中学课余体育活动总体较差,阳光体育运动每天锻炼一小时的落实情况不尽人意;5、该地区农村中学学校体育物质条件较差,体育经费和器材严重缺乏。对蔬菜、水果类、肉类和奶制品等食物的摄入量较少

【Abstract】 Rural education is the main body of China’s basic education. At present, 54.32% of primary and middle students are studying in Chinese rural areas (data from China statistical yearbook 2010). In the new situation, as our country vigorously promotes construction of the new socialist countryside, rural situation has changed significantly. But, in our country some poor areas, especially national impoverished mountainous area, School Physical Education emphasis is not optimistic. The party central committee and the state council have repeatedly pointed out that we should strengthen the education of the poor areas, and as an important content to achieve educational equity. And emphasizes: the success of rural education, decided the success or failure of education reform.Linfen national poverty areas concentrated in the western mountain areas, where transportation is inconvenient and rugged road. These counties surrounded by big mountains. Agriculture is the main economic development, almost no industry support; economic development level is relatively backward. And the countryside middle school distributes scattered, the student who attend school while living at home. This article selects Linfen area the state-level poverty stricken county as a case, through this case’s in-depth analysis, finding out common questions of restricting state-level poor area countryside school sports development. Putting forward constructive advice to solve these issues .To provide advice for school administrators and educators and policy maker.This thesis mainly carries out a survey to Linfen area state-level counties, through in-depth analysis, find out problems, and puts forward some specific methods to solve the problem. Mainly analyzed from four parts: the first part is school sports management of the basic situation, including school basic situation, school sports management mode, each school sports work regulations on the implementation of the constitution and students nutritional status; The second part is the sports teachers team construction, from the number of PE teachers, age, school age, education background, professional title, treatment, workload, research status and re-education training analysis; The third part is extracurricular sports, including morning exercise, the class-break setting-up exercise, class sports activities, after school training, extracurricular competition and sports outside competition; The fourth part is school sports funds and material aspect content.By using the method of literature, questionnaire, expert interviews and statistics and other methods, This article carries on the investigation and the analysis to Linfen area’s five state-level poverty stricken county 18 countryside Junior middle school present situation , draw conclusions: 1, the rural middle school sports management system basic sound, but lack of normative, the region rural middle school sports teaching situation is not optimistic. Flocks type teaching widespread; 2, the region student physical condition overall is not optimistic, most of the students’constitution are in the passed level;3, the rural middle school sports teachers can meet the need of teaching, but young teachers mainly, inexperienced; 4, the region rural middle schools extracurricular sports activities overall poorer, the situation that Sunshine Sports Exercise one hour per day carry out is unsatisfactory; 5, the region rural middle school sports material conditions is poorer, sports funds and equipment shortage.

  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】4
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