

The Experimental Study on Pyrolysis Characteristics and Equipment of Medical Wastes

【作者】 张晓婷

【导师】 罗勇;

【作者基本信息】 石家庄铁道大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风与空调工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 国民经济水平的提高,促进了社会生活的消费,伴随而来的是医疗垃圾的大量增加。传统的垃圾处理方式或污染环境、或浪费土地和资源,相比其他垃圾处理方式,热解法具有环境友好性强、能源化比例高、经济效益好等优势,成为医疗垃圾处理方法的新研究课题。论文以实验为手段,研究了医疗垃圾热解处理的特性。研究所用的垃圾种类为棉签、输液管、手术手套、卫生纸以及棉签和输液管的混合物。分析了垃圾热解过程的残碳率和焦油产率,重点分析了这些物料的产气特性。实验结果表明:垃圾的热解处理相对于其他处理方式而言在减量化、无害化、资源化方面有着明显的优势。研究工作还涉及到热解气回收利用的问题。结果表明:将垃圾热解气回收作为加热用燃气可以减少液化气的消耗,达到节能的效果。在大量实验的基础上,对原实验装置进行了大量的改进、完善工作,包括产气管道的形状、连接方式、管道加热保温处理以及热解器的密封等。改进后的实验装置不仅可以分析固体垃圾热解特性,而且还具备热解气除酸功能,从而保证了后续分析所用的气相色谱仪免受损坏。所得实验数据以期为热解设备的产业化进程提供一定的帮助,同时也对存在的问题提出了一些建议。借助自制的两级固定床热解装置,在热解温度为700℃、催化裂解温度在700900℃的条件下,研究了混合型催化剂(高铝质耐火多孔熟料+铁粉)的催化特性。研究工作以锯末为生物质原料,催化裂解气氛分别为N2和水蒸气。研究结果表明:该催化剂在750℃时,生物质气中焦油的转化率达95%以上,产气率较重整前增加65%,具有良好的低温催化特性。在裂解温度为950℃时焦油的转化率达99.5%,产气率增加1.3倍,产气中H2浓度达59.5%,较重整前提高1.82倍,CH4浓度降至3.8%,较重整前下降60%。催化剂还具有较强的抗老化性和良好的再生性。

【Abstract】 With the development of the national economic level,the consumption in social life accelerated.However,what comes with the development is the increment of medical.The traditional methods of waste disposal may cause either the pollution to our environment,or occupy the soil and other resources.Compared with other traditional disposal ways of medical waste,the pyrolysis has many advantages such as friendly environmental,high rate of energy exchanging and better financial benefit.It is becoming a new research domain of waste disposal issue.The pyrolysis characteristics of waste disposal was studied in this reseach based on experiments. We used swab stick, perfusion tube,surgical gloves,bathroom tissue and a mixture of stick and perfusion tube as the expetimental matierial, analyzed the residual carbon and tar yields,and focused on the properties of the gases produced by pyrolysis. The results indicate that the waste pyrolysis has obvious advantages among other approaches because of being harmless,minimum and reusable. The research has shown that reusing the pyrolysis gas can reduce the consumption of liquefied gas to achieve the desired effect of energy-saving. We changed and improved the equipment in many parts including the shape, connecting types and heating treatment of the gas pipe, pyrolysis container sealing,etc. The equipment improved can remove the acidic gas,so that the gas chromatograph which is in the rear of the system will be protected. The data research will also has certain help for its industrialization.Meanwhile,this paper also studied the characteristics of mixed biomass tar catalysts.The experiments was taken on the home-made two-stage fixed bed pyrolysis reactor,with the pyrolysis temperature at 700℃.and the cracking temperature from 700 to 900℃.Sawdust was uesed as biomass raw material.N2 and steam were used as carrier gas respectively.The obtained results showed that the catalyst had excellent low temperature catalytic properties.When the cracking temperature was 750℃,the tar conversion rate of the biomass gas reached more than 95%,and the gas yield rate increased by 65% compared with non-cataltic situation. When the cracking temperature was setted at 950℃,the tar conversion rate reached 99.5%,gas production rate increased 1.3 times.The concentration of H2 reached 59.5%, improving 1.82 times than before;concentration of CH4 was reduced to 3.8%, dropping 60%.The catalyst also has strong anti-aging properties and good reproducibility.
