

Research on Treatment of Film Unglued Wastewater

【作者】 孙娟

【导师】 朱乐辉;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国内聚酯聚合物及各类聚酯产品生产和需求的不断扩大,我国已成为聚酯生产和消费大国。各类废弃聚酯产品以及聚酯废料所造成的环境污染也越来越大,它们对生态环境及经济发展带来的破坏和损失已经成为亟待解决的社会问题。本课题以涤纶厂脱胶废水作为研究对象,对混凝-生化系统的可利用性作出了探索。确定预处理技术的最佳试剂组合,试剂的最佳投药量等操作条件,并对后续生物处理工艺进行了进一步探讨。难点在于解决生物处理过程脱钙补磷问题,及对最佳工艺综合思考分析。通过混凝试剂对比试验,证明FeCl2+PAM组合效果最佳,可有效去除单质银粒和大部分不溶性蛋白质。在pH=8-9, FeCl2投加量为5g/L,PAM为2ppm,搅拌强度为60r/min,沉浸时间为30min的条件下,原水的CODcr去除率可达48.4%,色度的去除率可达70.0%,使得进入后续处理工段的CODcr和色度减少,为后续生物处理减轻负担。通过采用活性污泥法处理后续综合废水,并采取传统好氧与A/O工艺进行处理效果对比,发现钙盐沉淀与缺磷导致后续生化处理效果恶化。碳酸钙累积使污泥中微生物含量降低,增大污泥有机负荷,处理效果变差;同时其对大分子有机物有吸附作用,在处理后期会成为新的污染源,缓慢释放有机物,使出水COD难以达到排放标准;缺磷导致硝化菌被抑制,硝化作用效果低下,脱氮效果差。进一步的实验证明,有效的补磷措施可以恢复生物硝化作用,而脱钙则可以去除污泥中碳酸钙,提高污泥活性,二者共同作用可改善该类废水由碳酸钙积累和缺磷引发的后期处理效果恶化,出水可达到一级排放标准。为解决我国新兴的再生化纤工业污染及其治理等问题提供了新思路,并对其他含钙废水的生物处理工艺研发起到一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 With increasing the domestic demand of polyester polymer and all kinds of PET products, China has become a main production and consumption country. Environmental pollution caused by waste PET had become an urgent need to address the major problem, which have not only caused economic losses, but also brought serious destruction of ecological environment.Objective To locate the best combination of reagent and operating conditions, further discusses in following biological process. The biggest difficulty lies in the solution of the question of decalcifying and filling phosphorus in biological treatment process.Chemical flocculation comparison shows effect of FeCl2+PAM is the best. The reagent could remove silver particles and insoluble protein effectively. The results show that the system can remove COD and color from unglued wastewater by 48.4% and 70% respectively when the concentration of FeCl2 was 5g/1 and the acidity of solution was between 8 and 9. This is very favorable to the following biological treatment.Activated sludge process was applied to treat integrated wastewater. The treatment efficiency by the A/O was investigated and compared with that by the conventional aerobic activated sludge process. Phosphorus (P) deficiency and calcium precipitation are two major factors of effective treatment deterioration.The accumulation of calcium carbonate made microbial biomass in activated sludge increasingly decrease and sludge loading increase. These resulted in poor effect.The adsorption of organic substances by calcium carbonate became a new pollutant source, which released organic matter slowly. As a result of that, the water quality of outgoing water didn’t meet target. Phosphorus (P) deficiency resulted in stunting the growth of nitrobacterium with poor effect of removing nitrogen. Further experiments suggested that effective measures of filling phosphorus and decalcifying to restore the vitality of Microorganisms, Which insure the effluent quality to meet the standard.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期