

Implementation and Application of Electric Energy Information Collection and Monitoring System

【作者】 张丁伟

【导师】 任建文; 郝建军;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 电能计量是完成电力营销部门电费计算工作的重要环节,而传统的人工抄表方式是通过抄表人员定期现场抄表、手工审核完成电量统计,电能统计分析在实时性、准确性上受到人为因素的影响,存在错抄漏抄等不确定性。因此,本文通过设计高效的电能量信息采集系统,实现远程集中自动抄表,解决抄表环节的瓶颈问题。本文结合作者的实际工作,分析了电能量集抄系统的现状及其在国内外的发展趋势,指出主站软件开放性不足、数据接口不规范、现场结构不统一、抄表成功率低是目前集抄系统存在的弊端。提出基于SOA设计思想的一体化主站设计方案,并对其总体架构,功能模块,关键设计进行了分析及具体要求,总结分析了系统研发过程中尚待解决的问题。对电能远抄系统中的核心即现场数据传输模式进行了详细分析,并编写了适合的主站转发程序,实现了主站与终端异步交互通信。从应用的角度对电能量采集系统功能模块进行了研究,阐述了各模块基本设计流程,并重点对外部接口标准,以及接口请求操作过程进行了详细说明。分析了系统功能完善中遗留的问题,给出了未来系统的改进方向。电能信息采控系统的上线使用,实现了用户负荷、电量、电压等重要信息的实时采集,完整准确地为营销业务系统提供了基础数据,从而为企业经营管理各环节的分析、决策提供决策支持,提升了企业的集约化、精益化和标准化管理水平。

【Abstract】 Electric energy metering is an important part of completing calculations in electric power market department. the traditional manual meter reading is through periodic local meter reading and manually checking to complete consumption statistics. Power Statistical analysis will be on the influence of human factors in real time, accuracy.that would cause rong copy or leakage uncertainty. Therefore, this paper design energy efficient information collection system, completing remote automatic meter reading, in order to address a serious bottleneck of meter reading session.This paper is based on the writer’s actual work,introducing the actuality of electric energy Information Collection and Monitoring System and the trend of it. The writer Pointed out that the lack of station software open, non-standard data interface, local structure were not uniform, is the drawbacks of the meter reading system. Based on SOA design concept, integrated design of the main station, analyzed and specific the Integrated Design structure, function modules and key design requirements , summarized and analyzed the process of system problems unresolved.Energy information collect & control system has worked, achieved the user load, power, voltage and other important information in real-time collection, timely, complete and accurate to provide a basis for the marketing business system data to the enterprise management of all aspects of the analysis, decision Provide support, enhance corporate intensive, lean and standardized management.
