

Investigation and Analysis the Employment Intentions for Interdisciplinary Physical Education Postgraduate in Jiangxi Provincial Universities

【作者】 刘书琼

【导师】 张军献;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 进入二十一世纪,在“科教兴国”、“人才强国”战略的影响下,考研热潮在中国这片土地上不断升温,研究生教育也如火如荼的进行,并在1999年开始大规模扩招。在校硕士生、博士生持续增加,毕业人数也不断创新高,虽然满足了一些紧缺行业对高层次人才的需求,但是,研究生的就业问题日益突出,形势不容乐观,成为越来越多人关注的焦点。跨学科体育硕士研究生,是近几年市场对体育人才多样化要求的产物,而且从目前的情况来看,这个新兴群体已初具规模,正有不断扩大之势。这部分研究生与体育本专业的研究生相比,既有不可企及的优势,又有一定的不足,他们就业的好坏同样关乎社会的和谐稳定,若能合理解决,我国的社会劳动关系将更加和谐。本文选取了江西省五所高校的30名在校跨学科体育硕士研究生和76名非跨学科体育硕士研究生为研究对象,通过文献资料发、问卷法、访谈法、数理统计法和对比分析法进行研究,以调查资料为依据,从就业意向、就业影响因素、就业认知评价、结果分析及对策建议对跨学科体育硕士研究生的就业问题进行系统论述。调查结果表明:1跨学科体育硕士研究生生源广泛,每年招生人数稳定,半数以上有工作经历,英语水平优势逐渐消失,对体育专业基础知识不了解。2就业意向主要表现为:直接就业为主,继续深造和考公务员为辅;大多数首选回老家工作,中等发达城市逐渐受欢迎;理性看待月薪水平,但高等院校仍然热门。3影响跨学科体育硕士研究生就业的因素主要有:研究生就业市场供求矛盾的社会因素,父母妻儿牵绊的家庭因素,本硕专业不一致,缺乏体育技能的自身因素。4对当前整体就业形势不容乐观,自身形势更加严峻,具有足够的就业信心;对就业政策的了解程度还有待加强;能够清楚认识到自身优劣势。5认为学校培养方向有待改善,对学校就业指导机构的服务工作,满意程度低,因此,主要通过网络、媒体、招聘会求职。6针对出现的问题,提出以下对策建议:1)限制招生人数,改变培养方向;2)引进有跨学科背景的老师,提高师资力量;3)完善就业指导机构,提供有针对性的就业信息;4)改变就业观念,多样化考虑;5)合理利用课余时间,提高自身综合能力;6)保持积极心态,扬长避短。

【Abstract】 Into the 21th century, Under the influence of“Scientific and Educational”and“Talent”policy, the boom of Postgraduate study continuously heat up. The number of graduate students in the nuiversity is higer and higer from nineteen-ninety-nine, it meets the shortage of high level workers as the number increases.But it’s not easy for a graduate student to find a job especially in recent years. The promblem of graduate employment has become increasingly prominent, and have be paid more attention.In order to the needs of market ,the interdisciplinary physical education graduate students are getting more and more and increasing to a certain scale. Compared with the physical education student, they not only have some advantages, but also have some disadvantages. Their employment related to the social stability too. If solution reasonable, our labor relations will more harmony.This paper investigate and analyze thirty interdisciplinary physical education graduate students and seventy-six physical education students in five Jiangxi Provincial Universities. Adopts literature data, investigation, interview, mathematical statistics, and versus analytical methods. The author of this paper analyze their employment problem form intention, influence,cognizance, and inquire suggestionsThe investigation show that:1.The source of interdisciplinary physical education graduate students are extensive, the number of student is stable, most of them have working experience, the advantage of english gradually disappear, don’t familiar learn the knowleage of phsical enducation.2.The firet selection is employment, the second is Doctor or civil service. Most of them select backing home, medium developed cities are getting popular. The salary level is reasonable,but universities are populared.3.The influence of interdisciplinary physical education graduate student selection have: social factors, family factors, self factors.4.The employment situation is not optimistic,have adequate confidence, many people are not know employment policy. But they can watch their insufficient.5.The culture methods of school should improve.Don’t satisfaction the working of agencies.So looking for the job form internet, media, recruitment.6.Suggection: 1)Limited enrollment student, change the culture methods. 2)The introduction of a interdisciplinary background of the teachers. 3)Improved career guidance agencies, and provide targeted information on employment.4)Change the concept of employment, diversification considerations.5)Rational use of leisure time, improve their comprehensive ability.6)Maintain a positive attitude, avoid weaknesses.
