

An Appraisal Analysis of Address Forms in the Novel Eugénie Grandet

【作者】 江雪清

【导师】 廖福涛;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 评价理论是系统功能语言学在对人际意义的研究中发展起来的新词汇语法框架,它关注语篇中可以协商的各种态度。评价是语言使用者用以表达对事物、事件、或人物的看法、态度以及建立联系、联盟读者的语言资源。语言中处处存在并体现着评价资源,人们的言语中总是透露出对人对事物的评价。评价可以是显性的也可以是隐性的,可以通过单个词汇直接体现出来,也可以通过某个词汇所在的语义结构或是语篇中体现出来。称谓语是我们日常生活中必然会用到的语言形式,而对于什么样的人采用何种称谓语,都能够体现出说话者的感情态度、以及说话者对被称呼者的判断。正面的称谓语一般体现出正面的情感,负面的称谓语一般体现出负面的情感,称谓语的使用及其变化充分体现了称谓语中所蕴的评价意义呈韵律状分布。本文就以评价理论为基本指导理论,在系统功能语言学的框架下,以小说《欧也妮葛朗台》中出现的称谓语为研究对象,采用定性的方法分析这些称谓语所体现的评价意义,试图解决一下几个问题:(1)该小说中的称谓语是否具有评价意义?(2)该小说中的称谓语蕴含哪几种评价意义?(3)这几种评价意义是如何分布的?即称谓语中的评价意义是否具有韵律特征?(4)称谓语中的评价意义的韵律特征是否与小说中人物性格刻画有关。紧紧围绕这几个问题,本文将从以下几个步骤对称谓语的评价意义作具体分析:(1)找出葛朗台使用的称谓语并对其进行分类。(2)从评价理论中的三个个子系统——态度、级差和介入分析称谓语体现的评价意义。(3)通过分析称谓语的评价意义的分布探讨称谓语的选择和使用与小说人物性格和个人价值观念的关系。通过对称谓语的评价意义分析,本文发现:(1)小说中人物的积极情感和消极情感可以通过称谓语的使用体现出来。(2)称谓语的使用能够明显反映出小说人物的个人判断,尤其是与规范和能力有关的个人判断。(3)称谓语的评价意义可以通过三种韵律方式体现出来:渗透型、加强型和主导型。(4)小说人物的性格和价值观念也可以通过称谓语的选择与使用得以体现。(5)称谓语蕴含的介入意义主要体现在作者对小说人物的评价,进而体现在称谓语中。用评价理论分析语篇中的称谓语,具有以下四方面的意义:第一,从宏观方面来讲,为称谓语的研究提供了一个新的理论视角同时也为评价理论提过了一个新的研究视野;第二,从微观方面来讲,称谓语的评价分析可以是读者更好地理解小说人物的刻画,包括他们的性格、心理动机以及情感。人物情感态度、人物所持有的个人以及社会价值观念体现在称谓语的变化中;第三,对称谓语的评价意义的分析,也具有实际的教学意义,有助于提高学生的阅读能力与技巧;第四,对称谓语的评价意义的分析也具有现实意义,我们应该注意在适当的场合对于不同对象使用恰当的称谓语,以便更好地建立和维持人际关系。

【Abstract】 This thesis is an attempt to analyze address forms based on the Appraisal Theory as the theoretical framework, which positions itself within the background of Systemic Functional Linguistics. The data for analysis comes from the famous novel Eugénie Grandet written by French writer Balzarc. The present study will take a qualitative and interpretative approach to figure out appraisal meanings in these address forms and their distributive features. It will be conducted focusing on the following questions:1. Do the address forms in this novel realize appraisal meanigs?2. What kinds of appraisal meanings are included?3. How are these appraisal meanings distributed? In other words, do these appraisal meanings present attitudinal prosody?4. Is the attitudinal prosody related to the author’s characterization?To answer these questions, it will take three steps: firstly, the types of the selected address forms will be analyzed. Secondly, the appraisal meanings of those address forms will be explored under three subsystems of Appraisal Theory. Thirdly, the relation between choice of address forms and the presentation of the character’s motives and personal values will be revealed through the analysis of the distribution of Appraisal resources in address forms.There are four findings: (1) Positive and negative feelings of the character in the novel can be reflected in the use of address forms. (2)Address forms can explicitly express the character’s personal judgment, especially related to normality and capacity. (3) Attitudinal meanings in address forms in three types of prosodic realizations: saturation, intensification and domination. (4) The distribution of Appraisal resources in address forms can also indicate the nature and personal value of the character.The present study tries to make the discourse analysis of address forms in the novel by taking advantage of Appraisal Theory. It is important for the following reasons: Firstly, from the macro level, the present study provides a good theory to analyze the use of address forms; meanwhile, it also provides a new area for the application of Appraisal Theory. Secondly, from the micro level, through the analysis of address forms with Appraisal Theory, the readers are able to get a better understanding of characters in the novel, their temperament, mental motivation and fluctuation of their feelings. Moreover, the prosodic features of attitude can be realized by means of varying address forms. Thirdly, the present study plays an important part pedagogically. The analysis of address forms provides a new way to improve the readers’reading capability and to figure out the author’s stance. Fourthly, it also tells us that in real life, we should choose proper address forms to establish and maintain our relationships with others and we can also judge others through their use of address forms.

【关键词】 评价理论态度级差介入称谓语
【Key words】 Appraisal TheoryAttitudeGraduationEngagementAddress forms