

Analysis on Ore-controlling Structure of Yanzigou Gold Dpeosit in Danba

【作者】 张欣

【导师】 汪雄武;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 丹巴燕子沟金矿位于松潘—甘孜造山带,丹巴滑脱-逆冲深层叠置构造岩片内,矿体主要赋存于泥盆纪危关群第四岩组中浅变质的板岩、千枚岩之中。为一受挤压造山作用形成的造山型金矿床。本文在充分收集,分析前人的资料以及研究成果的基础上,通过深入细致的野外调查,数据收集以及室内分析研究,运用构造地质学、岩石学、矿床学、地球化学、矿田构造学等理论与方法,从构造地质背景入手,重点研究地层、构造、岩浆岩与成矿的关系。分析矿区的地质构造演化、矿床地质特征以及各种控矿的因素,来论证构造与成矿的时空关系,总结成矿规律并提出构造成矿模式。通过研究认为,本区金矿的形成受构造的严格控制,金矿体类型根据产出的不同构造的形式或部位可分为含金石英脉型金矿和具密集石英网脉和大量黄铁矿的炭质板岩型似层状金矿两种。矿石种类类型较多,根据成矿作用及矿物的共生组合,矿区金矿化可以划分为热液作用期和表生期2个成矿作用期及6个具体的阶段。在长期的地质构造演化过程中,丹巴地区经历了三叠纪前构造作用复杂的海侵历史,并且在印支末期,区域开始了大规模的褶皱造山和推覆造山作用,通过前期南北向的挤压以及后期东西向的压缩,区域上穹窿构造以及NW-SE向的断裂发育,它们与矿区上的EW向、NE-SW向等次级断裂,顺层滑脱剪切(破碎)带共同组成了本区的构造格架。本区的矿床具有多周期,多期次的矿化富集特点,成矿流体运移、沉淀、富集的主要因素也是构造,构造的各种形变与转换都与成矿流体的运移有密切的关系。而本区成矿流体的运移沉淀也符合“断层阀-地震泵吸”模式特征。且成矿物质来至于矿区的围岩与深部的岩浆热液,具多源性。丹巴燕子沟金矿的主要控矿特征:区域上,NW-SE向、NE-SW向及近EW向延伸的三组断裂构造与穹窿构造组成主要的导矿构造,共同控制了成矿区(带)的形成、演化和时空分布;矿区内的构造格架以与区域上NW-SE向断裂配套的二级近EW向的断裂为主,并有近SN向、EW向、NE-SW向、等三级断裂和层间滑脱剪切带与其配套,显示了构造控矿的层次性和规律性。其中张性的次级EW向,NE-SW向断裂与层间滑脱剪切带为矿区主要的容矿构造。而在燕山晚期持续的东西向压应力下形成的NE-SW向小型叠瓦状断裂虽有一定的矿化蚀变,但是此类构造形迹的形成,错断了矿区的似层状矿体,一定程度上破坏了沿东西向展布的似层状矿体连续性。

【Abstract】 Danba Yanzigou gold deposit is located in Songpan-Ganzi orogenic belt, Danba spondylolisthesis-superimposed thrust deep tectonite-chip, the main ore body occurs in the moderately-weakly metamorphosed slate, phyllite of the fourth petrofabric of the Devonian Wenguan group,and Yanzigou gold deposit is orogenic gold deposits.Based on Predeeessor’s work,the author gathered geologic information,made field investigation, Data collection and laboratory analysis.With the help of theories of structural geology, petrology, mineral deposit geology, geochemistry, structure of ore field, obtains from the geotectonic background, focused on the relationship between stratigraphy, tectonics, igneous rocks and mineralization. Analysis the tectonic evolution, geological features and a variety of ore-controlling factors of mine,to proof the relations of space and time of structure and mineralizes, summarized the regularity of ore formation and structure mineralization model.The research shows that the the formation of gold strictly controlled by the structure. According to the different parts or form of structures, the ore can bedivided into quartz vein gold ore and carbonaceous slate type layered gold ore which has a dense network of quartz veins and pyrite. metallogenic evolution of the deposit is divided into,hydrothermal stage,supergene stage.and six periods.In the long process of geological evolution, Danba region has experienced complex tectonism of transgression history before Triassic,and in the late Indo-Chinese epoch, began a large-scale regional fold and thrust orogenic orogeny. through the early north-south squeeze and east-west compression of late, in the area dome structure and the NW-SE trending faults very develop,they form the structural framework in this area with EW trending,NE-SW trending subsidiary fracture and bedding ductile shear zone of mine.Deposits in this area with multi-cycle, multi-periods mineralization characteristics, principal factor of migration, precipitation and concentration of ore-forming fluid is structure, there is close relationship between deformation, transformation of structure and migration of ore-forming fluid, The "fault valve-Seismic pump" metallogenic mechanism of deposit structure also is the important factor of gold deposit formed.The source of metallogenic material are wall rock and deep hydrothermal.Structural ore-control characteristics of Danba Yanzigou gold deposit:three groups regional fracture of NW-SE trending, NE-SW trending, EW trending and dome structure composed the ore conducting structure,control of the mine area with the formation, evolution and spatial distribution; The tectonic framework of the mining area are Secondary fracture of EW trending,and complete a set with subsidiary fracture of subsidiary fracture SN trending, EW trending, NE-SW trending and bedding ductile shear zone,show the hierarchy and regularity of ore-control structure. Tensile subsidiary fracture of EW trending, NE-SW trending and bedding ductile shear zone are ore blending structure of mine.the small imbricate fault which formed in late of Yanshanian stage staggered near-bedded orebody, breaking the contiguity of orebody.
