

Analysis of Seismic Facies and Study of Reservoir Predition of the Changxin Formation in the Fuling Area

【作者】 胡修权

【导师】 施泽进;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 涪陵地区位于四川盆地东部,东邻大池干气田、西邻大天池气田。据古地磁资料,长兴期四川盆地位于赤道附近的低纬度区,气候温暖潮湿。这一气候特征也是二叠纪生物礁广泛发育的原因之一。“开江-梁平海槽”东段发育有普光、黄龙场、高峰场等礁滩型气藏,西段也发现了元坝、龙岗等礁滩气藏,而涪陵地区长兴期位于“开江-梁平海槽”西段。2010年,兴隆1井在长兴组测试获得天然气日产量51.7×104m3。为了解该区勘探前景和认识礁滩体发育、展布特征,本论文依据钻井资料、测井资料、地震资料,以多学科理论为指导,地质-地球物理结合为主线,在对区域地质背景充分了解基础上,开展了以单井沉积相分析、联井对比指导地震相分析以及沉积相平面展布的刻画。利用测井资料结合正演模拟技术分析储层地球物理响应特征,提取对储集体发育敏感的地震属性,与地震反演一起开展储层预测,最终对储集层进行综合评价,确定有利勘探目标区。通过层序地层分析,研究区长兴组可划分2个三级层序,都主要保存了海侵体系域和高水位体系域,且海侵体系域厚度明显小于高水位体系域厚度。根据区内露头剖面观察、钻井岩性特征、岩电关系特征等,将研究区划分为碳酸岩台地、斜坡及陆棚相。在长兴组2个三级层序的海侵体系域中,台内及台缘礁滩相都不发育;高水位体系域时期礁滩微相则比较发育,开阔台地与台缘亚相的礁滩微相随着海水逐渐向北和北东方向迁移。地震相分析结果得出,区内划分出4类区域地震相和包括迭瓦状前积、丘状及波状、串珠状、地层超覆歼灭等在内的五大类型局部地震异常。采用地质-地震相结合分析了长兴组储层地球物理响应特征,提出了适合研究区的储层预测方法,即首先用敏感地震属性结合地震相分析刻画礁滩有利发育带,再开展波阻抗反演和伽马反演,在去泥质的波阻抗反演剖面上拾取礁滩储层,进而实现长兴组上、下旋回储层厚度的平面预测。综合地震相及沉积相、波阻抗反演和储层厚度预测的成果,同时考虑敏感属性,并结合局部微幅构造进行了综合评价和有利区带预测。在长兴组上旋回划分了5个有利区带,其中Ⅰ类2个,Ⅱ类2个,Ⅲ类1个;长兴组下旋回划分了4个有利区带,其中Ⅰ类1个,Ⅱ类2个,Ⅲ类1个。

【Abstract】 Fuling area lies east of Sichuan basin. It is east of the Da chigan gas fields, west of Datianchi gas fields. According to paleomagnetic data, the Sichuan Basin was located in the low latitudes near the equator in the Changxing Period when the climate was warm and humid. The climate characteristic was one of the reasons for reef widely developed in the Permian. In the east of KaiJiang-LiangPing trough, many gas fields of reef flat were found, such as Puguang gas pool, huanglongchang gas pool, Gaofengchang gas pool etc. Meanwhile, in the west of KaiJiang-LiangPing trough, many gas fields of reef flat also were found, such as yuanba gas pool, longgang gas pool etc. Fuling area was west of KaiJiang-LiangPing trough in the Changxing Period. In the 2010, Well Xinglong 1 set of tests obtaining gas production 51.7×104m3 in the Changxing formation. To see the exploration prospects and comprehend reef flat development and distribution characteristics. On the guide of a multi-disciplinary theory, this thesis , with geology association with geophysics as the main line, according to drilling data, log data, seismic data and combining with the regional geological background, carry out to the single well analysis and well comparison which instruct seismic facies analysis and sedimentary distribution of the plane characterization. We analyze geophysical response characteristics of the reservoir using log data analysis with forward modeling technique. Also, union with seismic inversion and extraction of seismic attributes which are sensitive to reservoir development in the area, we carriy out reservoir prediction. In the end , we run comprehensive evaluation of reservoir and determination favorable exploration targets area.Through sequence analysis, the Changxing formation in the Fuling area is divided into 2 3rd-order sequence which all are mainly preserved transgression systems tract(TST) and high systems tract(HST), the thickness of TST is smaller than of HST. According to observation of the area outcrops, drilling lithology, lithology-electrical characteristics, the sedimentary facies in the study area was divided into carbonate platform, slope and continental shelf. In the TST of the 2 3rd-order sequence, the reef flat of platform and platform margin is not developed. But in the TST, the reef flat is developed, with open platform and platform margin gradually as the water moving to north and northeast. From seismic facies analysis, it’s concluded that the area be divided into four categories regional seismic facies and five major local seismic anomaly including imbricated prograding structure, moniliform, stratigraphic overlap pinchout ,dome-shaped and wave. By combing with geology and seismic, we analyze geophysical response characteristics of the reservoir in the study area and propose for reservoir prediction method, it is that bonding with seismic facies ,we firstly confirm the favorable development zone of reef flat by sensitive seismic attributes, and then carry out impedance inversion and gamma inversion, and pick up the reservoir of reef flat on the impedance inversion section from which we remove mudstone, predict reservoir thickness of the 2 3rd-order sequence on the plane in the end.With taking into account the sensitive attributes and local small structures, Integrated seismic facies, sedimentary facies, impedance inversion and reservoir thickness prediction, we comprehensively evaluate and predict favorable zones of the study area. In the first circle round ,we think there are 4 favorable zones, including one typeⅠ, two typeⅡand one typeⅡ. In the second circle round ,we think there are 5 avorable zones, including two typeⅠ, two typeⅡand one typeⅡ.

  • 【分类号】P618.13;P631.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】377
  • 攻读期成果