

Research and Case Study in Measurement of Surface Deformation Monitoring in Landslid

【作者】 邓建华

【导师】 汪家林; 王小群;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 滑坡监测是滑坡灾害防治和预测预报的重要基础工作之一,可以具体了解和掌握坡体发展演变过程,可为坡体稳定性及发展趋势做出评价和预测、可为防护工程设计提供可靠的资料和科学依据。其中地表变形测量技术可直接监测滑坡体的三维位移量和位移方向与速率,在滑坡监测系统中占据了重要的地位。由于地表监测成果的科学性、可靠性、完备程度直接关系到滑坡研究成果的精度,因此系统的研究滑坡地表变形监测的各个环节是十分必要的。基于上述原因,本论文在查阅滑坡地表监测相关文献资料的基础上,并参考了大量工程实例,系统对滑坡变形特征与变形监测相关性进行探讨,具体成果如下:1、基于滑坡的演化过程时效性和空间形态的变形特征,结合变形测量技术特点,对监测方法的选择和监测点的布置提出了针对性措施,保证监测成果较好的反映滑坡体变形趋势,并结合相关工程实例进行分析说明。2、根据推移式滑坡和牵引式滑坡变形特征,结合了大量工程实例,说明了如何利用监测资料进行分析判定滑坡体的类型。对土质滑坡、岩质滑坡的变形特征进行了介绍,并根据它们各自的特点,进行了针对性布设监测点;由土质滑坡的破坏方式不同,提出相应的预测预报方式。3、结合了工程实例,详细介绍了地表变形监测控制网的布设原则和滑坡测点的确定。对监测仪器的各自的适用性进行了评价,并对变形监测方法进行了总结,并以相关工程实例进行了说明。归纳了由所得监测数据可以反馈得到滑坡体变形的信息,并结合了相关的工程实例进行详细阐述。4、以某库岸斜坡为例,详细的介绍了该斜坡地表变形监测的实施过程,对斜坡变形成因进行了分析,并根据斜坡体的工程地质条件和外界影响因子对时间效应、空间效应进行分析。

【Abstract】 Landslide monitoring is one of an important prevention and prediction of the basic work, which can understand and master the specific development and evolution of slope, which make the evaluation and prediction of the slope stability and the development, which provide reliable information and scientific basis for the protection. Surface deformation measurement techniques can directly monitor the three-dimensional landslide displacement and the displacement direction and velocity, which occupy an important position in the landslide monitoring. Because the science and reliability of the monitoring results of surface is directly related to the accuracy of results, the system of monitoring landslide surface deformation is necessary in all aspects.For these reasons, the surface of paper in the Journal of landslide monitoring data based on the literature and refer to a large number of engineering case, the system of landslide deformation characteristics and correlation of deformation monitoring, Specific results are as follows:1、Based on the evolution of the landslide and the deformation characteristics of spatial form, deformation measurement for monitoring the technical characteristics of deformation monitoring methods for the selection and arrangement of monitoring points put forward relevant measures to ensure better monitoring results reflect the trend of landslide deformation and Described with relevant projects.2、According to over landslide and landslide deformation characteristics of traction, combined with a large number of engineering examples to illustrate how to use monitoring data to analyze the type of landslide and to predict based on their spatial characteristics. On the soil slope, the deformation characteristics of rock landslide were introduced, and in accordance with their respective characteristics, were targeted monitoring points layout; destroyed by the landslide soil in different ways, the corresponding prediction method. 3、Combination of engineering practice, details of surface deformation monitoring and control network principles to determine the measuring point landslide. Of monitoring instruments to evaluate their applicability, and the deformation monitoring methods are summarized, and relevant projects are described. Monitoring data obtained can be summarized by a landslide deformation of the feedback information, combined with the related detailed engineering example.4、Taking a Landslide for example, it described in detail the surface of the slope deformation monitoring the implementation process, causes deformation of the slope analysis, and according to the slope outside the body of works conditions and effect factors of time and space effects analysis.
