

Lithologic Trap Prediction of Ns2-1 Formation in Chunguang Block, Chepaizi Uplift

【作者】 花彩霞

【导师】 徐国强;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 车排子凸起春光区块位于准噶尔盆地西部隆起区东部,凸起长期继承性隆升,是油气良好的运移指向区,且地层埋藏浅,地质历史过程中也不曾深埋,具有十分优越的油气地质条件。春光区块为向北抬升的平缓单斜构造,圈闭类型主要为岩性、不整合等隐蔽圈闭,因此隐蔽油气藏的勘探在该区显得非常重要。在勘探早期,排2、排8和排206井取得了较大突破,但后期部署的探井相继落空,主要原因是研究区圈闭不落实及成藏地质条件认识不清。针对上述问题,本论文以层序地层学、地震地层学、沉积学和构造地质学理论为指导,以春光区块沙二段1砂组为研究对象,综合利用测井和地震资料,在前人研究基础上,结合研究区沉积环境和沉积相特征,主要依据波形分析原理在等时层序地层格架内识别含砂反射层,确定骨架砂体的平面分布,并综合油气输导条件分析,对有利圈闭进行预测。论文主要取得以下进展和认识:1)初步形成了一套利用波形分析方法,由岩相-地震相-岩相的砂体地震识别技术,研究区的应用条件为砂地比小于0.5;2)沙二段同深度下砂岩速度小于泥岩速度,存在波阻抗差异,在地震剖面上产生明显或较明显的负反射,负极性显示剖面上,波形特征为右下倾斜对称波形(波谷-波峰);3)沙二段骨架砂体平面上沿湖岸线呈北东-南西向带状展布,砂体主要集中发育于研究区春7-春6-排206-排2-30井一线以南,为开阔的滨浅湖滩坝沉积,是有利的油气储集体;4)新近系沙湾组主要发育一系列带有走滑剪切性质的正断层,断层走向主要为北西西、北西-南东向,是油气运移的良好通道;5)落实岩性圈闭13个,预测有利勘探目标3个,面积约1.6km2,不足之处,圈闭面积偏小。

【Abstract】 Chunguang block of Chepaizi uplift is located in Zhunger Basin. Because of the continuing uplift over a long period of time, it is favorable for oil accumulation, and the sedimentary formation in this area are in low burial depth which were not buried too deep in the history of geologic evolution, so the area has a very favorable oil and gas geology condition. Chunguang block is a gently monocline structure uplifted northward, and the types of the traps mainly are lithologic trap and unconformity trap, so the exploration of subtle trap is more important in the block. In the early exploration of this area, it had obtained great breakthrough in the well of Pai2, Pai8 and Pai206, but the prospecting wells which were deployed later were all stepped out, the main reasons are that the traps are not so clearly located and the geologic condition of hydrocarbon accumulation is unclear.To solve these problems, in this paper the author applies the sequence stratigraphy, seismic strarigraphy, sedimentology and structural geology as the theoretical guidance, and use the Ns2-1 formation as the research object. On the basis of well log, seismic data and previous studies, and according to the technology of waveform analysis the reflection of sandstone in the framework of sequence stratigraphy is identified, the distribution of sandbody and sedimentary faces are confirmed. And then, based on the analysis of hydrocarbon migration pathway, the favorable traps are predicted. Main progress and understanding obtained are as follows:1) A new method, which could be used to better identify sandstone, based on the method of waveform analysis, from lithofaces to seismic faces, then back to lithofaces, is preliminary formed, the condition is that the sandy ratio must be less than 0.5. 2) The velocity of sandstones is more lover than mudstones of Ns2-1 formation, resulting in apparently seismic reflection, and the character of reflection is skew symmetric waveform (trough-crest).3) The sandbody of Ns2-1 formation distributes as band in the direction from northeast to southwest along the lake strandline. The sands which mainly distribute in the south of the connection of Chun7, Chun6, Pai206 and Pai2-30, are the beach bar sandstone of shore-shallow lake facies and favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation,4) The Shawan formation of Neogene develops a series of strike-slip shear normal faults, and the strikes of the faults mainly are in the direction of NWW and northwestward to southeastward. They are the well migration path for hydrocarbon.5) Find 13 lithologic traps, and predict 3 favorable exploration targets, and the area is 1.6km2, but the shortcoming is that the area of every target is a little small.
