

The Study on Applications about High-speed Railway Precision Control Network Retest Based on GPS

【作者】 李建

【导师】 秦岩宾;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 高速铁路作为当代铁路科学技术的一项重大成就,给我国铁路运输注入了新活力,代表着铁路建设运输的发展方向。高速铁路的生命力在于体现在其高速度、高密度、高舒适性和高安全方面。而要实现快速、舒适和安全,就需要高平顺和稳定的线路,这就要求严格控制线下结构各类变形误差。在铺设无砟轨道前,线下建筑的变形及各类测量误差满足规范设计要求,高精度的测量成果是高速铁路施工质量的重要保证。高速铁路从勘测设计、施工到运营维护过程中要经过较长时间,受到外界条件的影响,会造成各级控制点的移动,进而会不同程度地影响到线下工程的施工与运营养护维修观测工作。因此,在高速铁路建设过程中,必须对各级控制点进行周期性复测。论文主要研究成果包括以下方面:(1)高速铁路的特点是带状走向,其施工控制测量工作沿着一条或几条投影带范围内进行。若利用国家统一的3°或6°带高斯平面直角坐标系,经过两次归算,其成果大多满足不了投影变形要求。针对高速铁路对控制网的高精度要求,《高速铁路工程测量规范》中明确规定:高速铁路工程测量平面控制网应采用工程独立坐标系,在对应的线路轨面设计高程面上坐标系统的长度变形值不宜大于10mm/km。为了保证工程测量的质量和精度,可以选择合适的参考面或采用任意独立高斯坐标投影平面直角坐标系来减小投影变形;(2)如何选择合适的高级控制点作为起算数据将直接影响到复测控制网整体精度,影响到复测网与原测网的成果比较分析,进而影响到整个复测控制点的稳定性分析。论文采用单位权方差假设检验法、附合路线坐标闭合差检验法、约束平差分析法(检查点法)、尺度参数分析法、实测基线比较法五种不同的起点兼容性分析方法对复测控制网内已知高级控制点进行兼容性分析,判定基准点(起算点)的精度是否合格;(3)获得复测成果后,对复测成果与原测成果进行分析,比较两期或多期的平面直角坐标差值,合理建立数据处理数学模型,用最优方法估计位移值并进行显著性检验,综合野外标石外观检视评判控制点的稳定性;并运用洞外GPS控制点复测误差对隧道横向贯通误差的影响进行预计。

【Abstract】 As a major achievement of railway science and technology, Modern high-speedrailway has injected new vitality into China’s railway transport and represented thedevelopment direction of transportation and railway construction. The vitality ofhigh-speed railway is reflected in its high speed, high density, high comfort and highsafety. To achieve high-speed, comfort and security, we need smooth and stable highlinewhich requires strict control of the line structure of various types of distortionerror. In the pre-laying track ballastless, deformation of line construction and all kindsof measurement errors must meet the design specification requirements.High-precision measurement outcomes are an important quality assurance ofhigh-speed railway construction.High-speed railway from the survey design, construction and operation tomaintenance will go through a long period of time. By the impact of externalconditions, will result in the movement at all levels of the control points, and then willbe affected in varying degrees to the line construction and operation of engineering onMaintenance observations.The main research productions are listed below:(1) The characteristic of High-speed railway measurement is like of ribbon, theconstruction was done in one or several strips. For the high precision control ofHigh-speed rail network, some provisions in specifications for survey engineering ofHigh-speed railway clearly states: horizontal control network of high speed railproject measurement should use independent system. The system coordinate length ofdeformation should not be greater than 10mm/km in the corresponding designedelevation surface.The use of national unity 3°or 6°Gaussian plane rectangularcoordinate system mostly cannot meet those requirements after two imputed inHigh-speed railway network for the project and the retest. In order to ensure projectquality and accuracy of measurement, we can choose a suitable reference surface or using any of independent Gaussian coordinate projection plane rectangular coordinatesystem to reduce the projection distortion;(2) How to choose a high-level control points as the initial data will directlyaffect the overall accuracy of the retest control network and the retest of the originalsurvey grid network and the results of comparative analysis, thereby affect the entireretest stability analysis of control points. Paper uses five different methods such as theunit weight variance hypothesis testing, the comparison method of actual baseline,constraint adjustment method (direct analytic method of adjustment result)andannexed traverse coordinate misclosure testing method to analyses the stability of theknown high-level control points in retest control network and determines the referencepoint (starting point) compatibility.(3) Access to retest results, the author should analyses the retest and the originaltest results and compare two or more the difference between the plane rectangularcoordinates and establish a reasonable mathematical model of a data processing toevaluate the stability of the control points by means of the significance test of optimalmethod to estimate displacement and mark stone appearance in the view field.

  • 【分类号】P228.4;U212.2;U238
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】326
  • 攻读期成果