

One RFID Reader Design Based on ARM and Linux

【作者】 熊永中

【导师】 陈金鹰;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的不断发展,物联网具有广阔的应用前景。RFID技术作为物联网核心技术之一,也得到了很广泛的应用和发展。阅读器作为RFID系统重要组成部分,在系统中起着重要作用,具有很大的研究价值。本文通过对当前RFID阅读器的分析比较,提出了一种嵌入式阅读器设计方案。研究和实现基于ARM和Linux的RFID阅读器设计,旨在促进RFID阅读器功能的完善,提高RFID技术的发展水平,促进物联网的推广。本论文研究主要包括两大技术,一是ARM嵌入式技术,二是RFID技术。主要要解决的问题是引导加载程序和嵌入式操纵系统的移植,RFID通信协议的研究及通信的实现,主要研究内容包括:1.首先进行了大量的基础研究,为设计做好准备。研究了嵌入式系统概念、特点、硬件与软件分析、比较以及选取等。通过比较当前RFID阅读器的特点,分析了选用ARM芯片作为控制器的优点。通过对常用的几种嵌入式系统的分析和比较,选择uClinux作为本设计所用嵌入式操作系统。研究了RFID技术发展现状,RFID系统的组成、标准等。2.通过比较,选用价格低廉、功能丰富、可扩展性强的ARM7系列芯片S3C44B0X,RFID模块使用CY14443A-C,该模块性能优良、接口简单、使用方便。通过对控制器与RFID模块之间接口的研究,完成硬件的设计和实现。3.研究了RFID模块的通信协议,包括发送、接收指令的研究,研究了电子标签的读取。运用嵌入式C语言和汇编语言混合编程,实现了RFID阅读器读取电子标签应用程序的编写。利用S3C44B0X的JTAG功能,实现应用程序的在线仿真和调试。4.研究了U-Boot和uClinux源代码,然后根据实际硬件对其进行修改,编译,移植。完成uClinux添加应用程序和移植,最终完成整个系统的移植工作。上述研究内容和成果,对于RFID阅读器前端数据采集提供了一种很好的指导方案,对于RFID技术的发展和进步具有重要意义。本论文研究的RFID阅读器使用简单、价格低廉、可扩展性强、通用性强,为用户继续研究和开发提供了极大的便利。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of information technology, the internet ofthings has broad application prospects. RFID technology has also been a very widerange of applications and development as the core technology of the internet of things.RFID reader plays an important role in the RFID system as an important componentof the system, and has a lot of research value. Based on the analysis and comparisonof current RFID readers , one embedded reader design was put forward. The researchand implementation of RFID reader design based on ARM and Linux was to improvethe function of RFID reader, to improve the level of development of RFID technology,and to promote the promotion of the internet of things. In this study, two technologieswere included, one was ARM embedded technology, the other one was RFIDtechnology. The main problems to be solved were to transplant the bootloader andembedded operating system, to research RFID communication protocol andimplement communication, the main research contents include:1. Firstly, a great deal of basic research for the design was done. Status of theRFID technology, RFID system components and standards were researched. Theconcept of features, hardware and software analysis, comparison, and selection ofembedded system and so on were researched. By comparing the characteristics of thecurrent RFID readers, the advantages of selecting ARM chip as the controller wereanalyzed. By analyzing several commonly used embedded operating systems, uClinuxembedded operating system was chosed.2. By comparison, ARM7 chip S3C44B0X which has low cost, rich features,extensibility was chosed. CY14443A-C was chosed as the RFID module, which hasgood performance, simple interface, and is easy to use. Through researching theinterfaces between controller module and RFID module, design and implementationof the hardware were done. 3. The communication protocols of RFID module including sending andreceiving instruction, how to read tag were researched. Using the JTAG function ofS3C44B0X, application online simulation and debugging were achieved.4. U-Boot and uClinux source code were researched, and then were modifiedaccording to the actual hardware, compile d and transplanted. Finally , applicationswere added to uClinux, then uClinux was transplanted.The contents and results of the study provide a good mentoring to the RFIDreader front-end data collection, and are important for the development and progressof RFID technology. In this study, the RFID reader has advantages of using simple,low cost, extensibility, versatility, provides a great convenience for the user toresearch and development it.

【关键词】 嵌入式系统RFID技术ARMLinux
【Key words】 Embedded SystemRFID TechnologyARMuClinux