

Prediction Study on Traps Within The Third Sand Set of S-1 Member of Shawan Formation in Chunguang Block, Junggar Basin, China

【作者】 王牧

【导师】 徐国强;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 春光区块位于准噶尔盆地西北缘的车排子凸起。该区的油气勘探始于上个世纪50年代,当时的勘探目的层主要集中于白垩、侏罗、二叠甚至深层的石炭系,而对浅层的新近系几乎没有关注。2005年胜利油田在红车断裂以西车排子区块钻探中,排2井无意中发现新近系沙湾组轻质油层,从而揭开了第三系轻质油的勘探序幕。后续的勘探成果表明,车排子地区浅层的沙湾组(N1s)具有良好的勘探潜力。而早期的“亮点”勘探模式在取得迅速突破后,逐渐滞缓,已经不能有效地指导油气勘探,因此,需要总结新的或全面的油气勘探模式来指导油气勘探。本文主要使用研究区内的测井、钻井资料进行了合成记录的制作以及钻井层序划分,以近1000余平方公里的三维地震资料为基础,井资料为约束,在前人研究的基础上,通过井-震对比、地震线描、连井剖面层序划分对比,搭建沙湾组的层序地层格架;在此基础之上,通过提取砂泥岩速度值,明确了沙一段砂岩类型,再运用波形分析与地震砂体扫描技术开展了目的层段的砂体扫描,最终结合地震相-沉积相分析,明确其沉积体系类型,进而预测有利储集相带以及有效圈闭分布范围。通过上述研究主要取得了以下进展和认识:1)初步形成了一套利用波形分析、地震砂体扫描技术在地震剖面上识别砂体,通过砂体追踪扫描进而展示砂层组的砂体平面分布特征的方法;2)通过对春3、春5、春8以及排8井的单井层序划分,以及研究区内三条过井剖面的沙湾组地层顶拉平处理,同时结合连井剖面对比成果,综合分析后,将沙湾组(N1s)划分为3个三级层序,每个层序均由LST、TST、HST和FSST4个体系域组成,同时搭建了沙湾组地层的层序地层格架,基本明确了沙湾组以发育三角洲与湖泊沉积为主,初步落实了砂体发育的有利相带分布范围;3)利用地震线描法,总结出了沙湾组一段(N1s1)地层的层序地层格架模式,进一步明确了格架内砂体分布:主要为发育在低位和湖退时期形成的斜坡扇、盆底扇和湖退时期形成的退覆孤立砂体,以及靠近岸线区三角洲前缘和河道两侧的砂体;4)通过提取16口井的砂泥岩速度数据,编制了沙湾组一段的砂泥岩压实曲线图,揭示了沙一段的砂岩速度普遍低于泥岩、若充注油气后速度值更低这一规律,属于N.A安斯蒂认为的Ⅰ类砂体,也为后期波形分析和地震砂体扫描奠定理论基础;5)通过地震砂体扫描技术(以波形分析识别砂体为基础),明确了N1s13砂体分布范围,同时结合层序地层格架和地震相-沉积相,综合分析认为:沙一段沉积期主要发育“三角洲朵叶-斜坡扇-盆底扇”组成的沉积体系,该段内共发育四个期次的砂层组,而N1s13是其中的一期;6)在砂体分布基本落实的情况下,结合圈闭评价的条件,在N1s13内预测出三个规模较大的岩性地层类圈闭,其储集砂体主要为滩坝砂、斜坡扇和三角洲前缘湖退砂,而断层是最重要的油气运移通道。结合春8井的钻探情况,综合分析认为上述三个圈闭具有形成一定规模油藏的潜力,可以作为下一步勘探的目标。

【Abstract】 Chunguang block located in Chepaizi swell of the northwestern margin zone of Junggar Basin. Oil and gas exploration of this area dated from in the 1950s, when the exploration targets mainly focused on Cretaceous, Jurassic, Permian and even deep-seated Carboniferous, while no pay attention to the Shallow Neogene.When the Shengli oilfield drilled in the Chepaizi block of the west of Hongche fracture zone in 2005, the technicist inadvertently found the light oil layer in the Shawan formation of Neogene from the Pai2 well, thereby which unveiled the exploration prelude of light oil of Tertiary. The next exploration results suggest that the shallow Shawan formation of Chepaizi region has good potential for exploration. However, the early exploration mode of "Bright Spot" had become gradually slow after a breakthrough, which has not directed the oil-gas exploration effectively, so we need summarize a set of new or full-scale exploration mode of oil-gas to direct the exploration of oil and gas.This paper mainly used the data of well drilling and logging of this area, through these material made composite recording and drilling stratigraphic classification, based on nearly 1000km2 3-D seismic data , well data and previous research , through well-seismic contrast, line-drawing of seismic and well tie profile sequence stratigraphic classification, established the framework of sequence stratigraphic of Shawan formation; on this basis, through extracting the sandstone and mudstone velocity value, explicited the type of sandstone of S-1 member of Shawan formation, then using waveform analysis and seismic sand body scanning technology so as to develop sand body scanning of target layer, then conbining seismic faces-sedimentary faces confirmed their type of sedimentary system, and then forecast the faeorable reservoir facies belt and distribution range of effective trap. Through above research,we mainly obtained these progress and know as follows:1)Initially formed a set of methods of using waveform analysis and seismic sand body scanning technology to identify sand body in the seismic profile, through this methods, we can got the sand body plane distrition charateristics of sand formation;2)Through stratigraphic classification of single well to chun3,chun5,chun8,and pai8 well and Top laping of shawan formation to three seismic profile of traverse well in the research area, meanwhile, combining the contrast results of well tie profile, after the comprehensive analysis, we have divided the Shawan formation into three Third-grade sequences, each sequences constituted by LST, TST, HST and FSST, meanwhile, established the framework of sequence stratigraphic of Shawan formation, and basic clear the Shawan formation mainly developed delta deposit and lake sedimentary, preliminary implemented the distribution range of favorable facies belt of sand body;3)Making use of the line drawing of seismic-reflection profile, we summarized the framework of sequences stratigraphic mode of N1s1, further confirmed the distribution of sand body of in the framework: where mainly constituted by slope fan,basin fan developing in LST and FSST, and the offlap isolated sand body formed in FSST, in addition,which also contain some delta front and river sides sand body close to shoreline area;4)Through extracting sand-mud stone speed data of 16 wells, we compiled the compaction graph of sand-mud stone of S-1 member of Shawan formation, which reveals that the speed of sand stone generally lower than the speed of mud-stone in the S-1 member of Shawan formation, if it was filled by oil-gas, then the speed of it will be more lower this rule, so it belong to class 1 sand body admitted by N.A Anstey, meanwhile, which laid a theoretical foundation to later waveform analysis and seismic sand body scanning;5)Through the seismic sand body scanning technology(based on waveform analysis to identify sand body), we confirmed the distribution range of sand body of S-1 member of Shawan formation, at the same time, we combining the framework of sequences stratigraphic and seismic facies-sedimentary facies, after comprehensive analysis thinks: it mainly developed this kind of sedimentary system constituted by "delta lobes-slope fan-basin fan" in the S-1 member of Shawan formation sedimentary periods, which totally developed four times of sand formation in the section, while the N1s13 is only one of them;6)In the distribution of sand body basic implement situation, combining the conditions of trap evaluation, we have predicted three larger lithologic-stratigraphic trap in the N1s13, its reservoir mainly is sand beach and bar,slope fan and delta front lake withdrew sand, while the fault is the most important oil-gas migration channel. Combined with the drilling situation of chun8 well, we comprehensive analysis thinks: aforementioned three traps have potential to form a certain scale oil pool, therefore,it can be used as the next exploration target.
