

Research on Investigation and Evaluation of Geohazard in Da Gang Shan Region

【作者】 曹景峰

【导师】 邓辉;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地质工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着地理信息与遥感技术的不断发展和完善,地理信息与遥感技术已经广泛的应用于地质灾害危险性评价的所有领域,为制定防灾减灾计划和部署防治工程提供科学的依据。近年来,随着我国水电工程事业的快速发展,引起西部山区地质灾害频发,其中以滑坡、崩塌、泥石流最为普遍,这些地质灾害严重影响大渡河库区的运营安全,在客观上要求加大地质勘察力度,提高地质勘察水平和质量。这就要求采用地理信息与遥感技术,加快地质勘查进度,扩大地质勘察范围,提高地质勘察精度和效率,为库区整体地质勘察工作提供便捷的手段。本文试图将地理信息与遥感技术应用到大岗山库区地质灾害危险性评价中去,旨在快速有效地对大渡河大岗山库区地质灾害现状及其发展趋势进行调查与评价,为制定防灾减灾计划提供科学的依据。本文以大岗山库区地质灾害为研究对象,利用野外勘察资料和wordview2高精度遥感影像研究大岗山库区地质灾害发育特征及分布规律,并利用地理信息系统空间分析方法和叠加分析方法,对大岗山库区地质灾害进行危险性调查和评价,在课题研究工作中取得了如下成果:(1)wordview2高精度遥感影像的空间分辨率可以达到0.5米,相比于传统外业勘察,具有很强的宏观把握能力,能够大范围地了解测区的地质构造格局,滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等不良地质体发育特征及分布规律,并对工程地质条件做出空间判断与分析。本文采用遥感解译成果与外业勘察资料相结合的方法,分别对滑坡、崩塌、泥石流三种主要地质灾害进行解译,共解译崩塌灾害11处、滑坡灾害14处、泥石流沟7条,从解译结果上来看,数量上以崩塌、滑坡为主,在面积上,滑坡略大于崩塌,二者比较接近。(2)本文利用研究区遥感影像和DEM数据建立三维遥感模型,获得了比较清晰直观的地质灾害影像资料,对沿线地形地貌、地质构造、活动性断裂分布、水系、水文地质现象、外动力地质现象及第四系分布、植被种群分布状况、土地利用状况等进行了解译。(3)本文利用GIS的空间分析功能,结合研究区地质灾害现状,探讨了地层岩性、地形高程、地形坡度、地形坡向、水系、地质构造与该区的崩滑流地质灾害的空间分布关系。(4)本文针对区域灾害研究中的核心问题——灾害危险性评价,以地理信息技术为主要研究平台,选取地形坡度、地形坡向、土地利用类型、高程分布、地层岩性、距构造线距离、距水系的距离、距道路的距离、地震烈度及降雨量等10个地质灾害评价因子,结合研究区地质灾害现状,采用层次分析法确定因子权重并建立危险性评价模型,最后利用GIS的叠加分析功能,制作研究区地质灾害危险性评价图,其结果与研究区地质灾害发育现状吻合较好,具有一定的利用价值。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development and improvement of geographic information and remote sensing technology , geographic information and remote sensing technology has been widely used in all areas of geological disaster hazard assessment ,which provide a scientific basis for the prevention and mitigation plan as well as the development and deployment of control works. In recent years, as the rapid development of China’s hydropower projects, geological disasters occur frequently in the western mountains, of which landslides, avalanches and debris flow are most common. These geological disasters seriously affect the safe operation of the Dadu River in the reservoir area,and objectively require increased geological survey and improve the level and quality. This requires geographic information and remote sensing technology,which can speed up the progress of geological prospecting, expand the scope of geological survey, improve accuracy and efficiency of the geological survey.As a whole geological survey work for the reservoir area,it provides a convenient means. This article attempts to use geographic information and remote sensing technology to Dagangshan geological hazard assessment,so to quickly and effectively investigate and evaluate on the Dadu River Dagangshan geological disaster situation and development trend . Finally, it provides a scientific basis for disaster prevention and mitigation plan.In this paper, Dagangshan geological hazards are used for the study, by field survey and wordview2 high-precision remote sensing images, Dagangshan reservoir characteristics and distribution law of geological disasters are researched. Spatial analysis and overlay analysis methods of geographic information system are also used to research Dagangshan geological disasters risk survey and evaluation. Achieved the following results: (1)The spatial resolution of wordview2 high-precision remote sensing image is up to 0.5 meters, and has a strong ability to grasp compared to traditional field survey. It understands a wide range of the geological structure of the surveyed area, the development and distribution of adverse geological features,such as landslides, avalanches and debris flow. So it can make space determine and analysis of the geological conditions.In this paper, results of remote sensing interpretation and field survey data are used to interprete landslides, avalanches and debris flow respectively. There are 11 avalanches, 14 landslides, 7 debris flow. As the results, Dominated by landslides and avalanches, In area, landslides are slightly larger than avalanches.(2)In this paper, remote sensing images and DEM data of the study area are used to establish three-dimensional remote sensing model to obtain a clearer visual image data of geological disasters. The topography, geological structure, distribution of active faults, water, hydro-geological phenomenon,geological external power phenomenon and Quaternary distribution,vegetation species distribution and land utilization, etc along are interpreted.(3)This paper used GIS space analysis function and combined geological disaster situation, discussed the relationship.between the stratigraphic lithology, terrain elevation, terrain gradient, terrain slopes, water system, geological structure and the spatial distribution of geological disasters.(4)This paper against the core study of the area mail hazards—the risk of hazard assessment, With geographic information technology as the main research platform, Selected terrain gradient, terrain slopes, land use types, vertical distribution, stratigraphic lithology, the tectonic line distance, the distance from the water system of the distance from the road,, the earthquake intensity and volume 10 geological disaster evaluation factors, combined research area geological disaster situation used AHP to identify factors weights and establishing risk evaluation model. The resultthe development present situation ofgeological disasters instudy area anastomosishas some of the usefull value.
