

Studies on Chemical Constituents from Przewalskia Tangutica Maxim

【作者】 朱华勇

【导师】 周先礼;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 微生物与生化药学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 马尿泡Przewalskia tangutica Maxim为茄科马尿泡属多年生草本植物,藏药名为唐冲嘎宝,为我国特有珍稀濒危物种。生于海拔3200-5000米的高山砂砾地及干旱草原。分布于青海、甘肃、四川和西藏。具有镇痛散肿,治毒疮、瘤癌痈疽、乳蛾、白喉、腹痛等功效。对马尿泡化学成分的系统研究在国内外尚属首次。本文从马尿泡全草中分离得到15个化合物,利用光谱法(IR、MS、1H-NMR、13C-NMR、DEPT、)和化学方法确定了其中14个化合物的结构,分别为:(RS)-Hyoscyamine(1)、樟柳碱(2)东莨菪碱(3)、山莨菪碱(4)、东莨菪内酯(5)、阿魏酸二十四烷基酯(6)、3、4-二羟基苯甲酸(7)、东莨菪苷(8)、法荜枝苷(9)、咖啡酸(10),乙酰胺(11),三油酸甘油酯(12)、正十八酸(13)、正十九酸(14)。化合物5-14为首次从马尿泡属植物中分离得到。结构类型涉及生物碱、酰胺、香豆素、酚类,为进一步的活性筛选提供供试样品。为进一步了解藏药马尿泡化学成分和莨菪类生物碱资源的进一步开发提供依据。

【Abstract】 Przewalskia tangutica Maxim is a plant of the genus Przewalskia tangutica of the Solanaceae family and it’s Tibetan name is TangChongGaBao. Przewalskia tangutica Maxim is Rare and endangered species endemic to China. It’s produced in Tibet Sichuan and qinghai province.g It is borned in the mountains above sea level 3200-5000 meters of gravel land and arid steppe as well as distributing in the area of Tibet Sichuan and qinghai province. TangChongGaBao which is widely used for anti-inflammatory analgesic,governance boils, tonsillitis cancer tumors, diphtheria.bellyache and so on.The systematicexamination of Przewalskia tangutica Maxim’s Chemical constituents is the first time.Fifteen compounds have been isolated from the whole plant of Przewalskia tangutica Maxim. Fourteen of them were identified as (RS)-Hyoscyamine (1),Anisodine(2), scopolamine(3), Anisodamine(4), scopoletin(5), tetracosylferulate(6),protocatechuic acid(7).scopolin(8), fabiatrin(9), caffeic acid(10), acetamide(11), margaric acid(12), nonacosane(13), Glycerol trioleate(14). their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectral data. Compounds 5-14 were isolated from Przewalskia tangutica Maxim plant for the first time. The structure types were involving with alkaloids, coumarins, amides, phenols. The examined samples will be provided for further pharmacological screening. The study of Przewalskia tangutica Maxim’s constituents in order to further understand the Przewalskia tangutica Maxim chemical composition and Belladonna alkaloids resources provide the basis for further development.
