

Analysis for the Couple Problem of Time and Temperature Field When Paving Hot Mixture Asphalt in Long Tunnel

【作者】 鄢桂龙

【导师】 陆阳;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着西部大开发的深化,山区公路建设规模得到了迅速的发展。由于隧道能够大幅度缩短里程、提高运营效率、节约土地、保护环境等优点,长大隧道在公路工程中得到了越来越多的采用,长大隧道内沥青路面施工所面临的问题也更为突出。热铺沥青混合料会释放出大量的热量和有害气体,导致隧道中的施工环境恶劣,严重影响施工机械和施工人员的正常施工。因此,隧道内热铺沥青混合料的温度场随时间的变化规律一直为学术界所关注,其研究成果可为施工环境的优化提供参考。本论文基于传热学的基本原理,通过建立3D有限元数值模型,对隧道内热铺沥青混合料的过程进行了动态模拟,分析了隧道内热铺沥青混合料时的温度场分布特点,本论文主要包括:(1)根据能量守恒的原理,通过FLUENT中的用户子程序,以热流密度的形式对模型的热拌沥青混凝土单元进行赋值,从而模拟在隧道限定空间内,热拌沥青混合料的动态铺筑过程。(2)通过有限元软件的数值模拟计算,探讨不同工况下铺筑热拌沥青混合料时,隧道内温度场分布特点。纵向温度分布特点:在隧道内纵坡为零时,隧道内空气纵向温度分布呈现“沙漏”状,隧道中的热空气从两端的洞口流出,温度相对较高区域发生在已铺筑段长度中点附近;当有纵坡存在时,隧道中的热空气主要从高程较高的洞口流出,空气中温度相对较高区域向上坡方向偏移。横向温度分布特点:在纵坡为零的隧道内,已铺筑段内温度较高区域横断面上的温度,随距路面高度增加而减小,随距中心对称轴距离增加而减小;已铺筑段内(不包括温度较高区域)距路面一定高度范围内温度随距路面高度增加而减小,一定范围外温度随距路面高度增加而增大。(3)通过改变铺筑速度、隧道纵坡和铺筑厚度不同工况下,施工作业区间温度的对比分析,考察影响施工人员和施工机械工作环境温度的因素。结果表明在规范推荐的铺筑速度范围内,改变铺筑速度对隧道内温度的分布趋势和大小改变不大;铺筑的混凝土越厚,隧道内温度相对越高,因此,薄层混凝土更有利于施工;隧道纵坡的存在有助于热空气的排出,有利于改善施工环境,但在规范允许的纵坡范围内,改善不大。

【Abstract】 As the great western development of deepening, the scale of mountainous highway construction has been rapid development. Because the tunnel will be able to reduce substantially the totel length of road, improve operation efficiency, save the land resources, protect the environment etc, the scale of the long tunnel on the highway projects, especially of high-grade highways, is getting bigger, and grown tunnel asphalt pavement construction problems facing also become more outstanding. However, when paving hot mixture asphalt (HMA) in tunnel, it can release a lot of heat and harmful gas will cause construction environmental of the tunnel degradation, serious impact of construction machinery and construction workers normal construction. Therefore, internal temperature field variation law with time of paving asphalt mixture in tunnel has been concern as the academic community, and its research results can provide reference for construction environment optimization.This paper is based on the theory of heat transfer and the three dimensional finite element numerical simulation model, simulation dynamic process of paving hot mixture asphalt in tunnel and further analysis air temperature field distribution pattern of the tunnel, the research content of this paper mainly includes the following:(1) According to the law of conservation of energy, through the UDF of FLUENT, with heat flux in the form of model of HMA elements assignment, in order to simulation dynamic process of paving hot mixture asphalt in tunnel and examine the effect.(2) Through finite element numerical simulation software, to explore the different conditions, the horizontal and vertical air temperature field distribution pattern. Longitudinal temperature distribution characteristics:when the longitudinal slope of tunnel is zero, air longitudinal temperature distribution shows "hourglass" shape, the hot air flow from both tunnel hole, temperature relatively high regional occurred in the length midpoint nearby; When the longitudinal slope of tunnel is not zero, tunnel of hot air mainly flow from elevation higher hole, air temperature is relative taller area to uphill direction deflection.Temperature distribution characteristics of cross-section of tunnel:when the longitudinal slope of tunnel is zero, the temperature of cross-section of higher temperature area in already paving section, increases with the distance from the pavement, and decreases with increasing distance from the center axis of symmetry; the temperature of Already paving section within (not including high temperature area), decreases with the increasing of the height from the pavement within a certain height from the pavement, and increases with the increasing of the height from the pavement outside a certain range from pavement.(3) By changing the speed of paving, the longitudinal slope of the tunnel and spreading thickness different working conditions, the temperature contrast analysis of construction work area, the research on the influencing construction personnel and construction machines working environment temperature factors. The results indicate that within the confines of the code, the change of the speed of paving HMA (2m/min-6m/min) has little influence on the temperature of construction circumstance; The change of spreading thickness(4cm-7cm) deeply influence the temperature of the construction circumstance, therefore, thin layer concrete more conducive to the construction; The effect of the change of the longitudinal slope(≤3%) on air temperature field distribution is obvious, but minimal on the temperature of construction circumstance.
