

The Research of Bonded Port Area Enterprise Cluster Evolution Based on Cluster Supply Chain

【作者】 张索

【导师】 彭其渊;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 保税港区作为中国内地开放层次最高、优惠政策最多、功能最齐全、最接近国外自由贸易区的港口后方经济开放高地,已经成为全球供应链和国际贸易中不可缺少的重要环节。来自国内外物流业、制造业、仓储业、贸易业、金融业和信息业的商业巨鳄纷纷瞄准保税港区这一块肥肉。随着保税港区入驻企业的多样化和复杂化,保税港区的企业群已经不是简单意义上的“企业扎堆”,而是不同产业链延伸、放宽、整合后的有机串联和并联。到底怎么样的一种组织模式才能保证保税港区企业群高效运作?而基于这种组织模式的保税港区企业群又是以什么样的形式进行演化的?本文从集群式供应链的角度出发,系统研究保税港区企业群演化的问题。论文在总结分析基于集群式供应链保税港区的特征和发展现状及趋势的基础上,指出保税港区企业群具有复杂性系统的特征。基于集群式供应链的保税港区企业群系统自身有像生物群种一样周期性的演化模式,该系统分别经历纯聚集阶段、专业化分工阶段、纵向供需链和横向功能链整合阶段、创新性发展阶段、衰退或转化阶段。在各个阶段,要受到环境、政府、市场层面外生力量的影响;同时,又要受到集群式供应链网络内生力量的影响。在定性分析的基础之上,本文结合元胞自动机原理和逻辑斯蒂函数,利用“自下而上”的建模方式,建立了适合基于集群式供应链的保税港区企业群这一特殊复杂性系统的仿真模型。每一个保税港区企业是一个元胞,每个元胞下一时刻的状态受到邻居元胞和自身上一时刻状态的影响,而且还受到用函数定义的不同因素的影响。然后,通过MATLAB软件仿真实验得到了保税港区元胞空间内核心企业和中小型企业的分布图以及保税港区内所有企业、处于生长和衰退状态的企业随时间的数量变化曲线。并通过改变不同因素函数的初始值的方法,分析比较不同方案下的仿真实验结果,得出结论:基于集群式供应链的保税港区企业群受集群式供应链网络结构完善度的影响最大,其次是保税港区基础设施建设环境,之后分别是政府政策的支持能力和市场需求的大小。最后,以重庆保税港区为实例,分析其演化现状特征,并从不同影响因素角度提出了加快重庆保税港区企业群发展的建议。本文通过研究基于集群式供应链的保税港区企业群演化过程,证明了集群式供应链是保税港区企业群发展到一定阶段的高级组织模式,对于保税港区管理优化和合理布局具有一定学术价值和工程意义。

【Abstract】 As a fenced-in industrial estate supervised by customs in port area or in the wider port hinterland, boned port area has more competitive advantages compared to other counterparts in China. Chinese boned port area have undertaken the dual roles of’windows’in developing the foreign-oriented economy and of’radiators’in accelerating inland economic development by introducing a series of reforms in the foreign free trade zone system by running these areas with a off shore location, more flexible business regulation, multi-functions and different preferential policies. Thus, it has become an indispensable part of global supply chain and international trade and targeted by increasing domestic and international enterprises from logistics, manufacturing, warehousing, trading, finance and information industries. With the complexion and diversity of boned port area enterprise cluster, it is no longer a simple sense of "enterprises get together", but the expansion and integration of different commodity chains. What type of organizational mode could ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of bonded port area cluster? And based on this type of organizational mode, how does boned port area enterprise group evolve?From the perspective of cluster supply chain, this paper studies the evolution of boned port area enterprise group in a systematically mythologies. Firstly, through the analysis of the characteristics, current situations and future trends of boned port area, it is notified that boned port area could be taken as a complex system with multi-factors. Thus, similar to biological evolution, boned port area has the periodical evolution process, which could be divided into five phases that consist of aggregation, specialized division, integration of vertical supply chain and horizontal function chain, innovational development and recession or transformation. It is noting that there exist external influence factors featured by infrastructure environment, policies and market demand, also influenced by internal cluster supply chain network.On the basis of qualitative study, combining cellular automation with logistics function to build simulation model suitable for boned port area with characteristics of cluster supply chain and complex system. In this model, each enterprise in boned port area is taken as a cellular, and its state in the next time is not only decided by the states of itself and neighbor cells in the former time, but only influenced by external and internal factors mentioned before. Then. Matlab 7.1 software is applied to carry out simulation. Finally, cellular distribution map of core-enterprises and middle-small enterprises and variations curves of number of total enterprises, enterprises in growth state, entering state and declining state with time are obtained. Furthermore, other four simulation results are gotten by altering initial values of varies factor functions. Followed by comparative analysis, it is concluded that cluster supply chain network influences boned port area enterprise group most, infrastructure environment takes the second place, then policy and market demand after it. In the final section, Chongqing CunTan boned port area is taken as an example, some suguestions about how to accerelate boned port area enterprise cluster development are proposed.In a nutshell, cluster supply chain plays an important role in boned port area enterprise cluster. It is an advanced and efficiency organizational model when the development of boned port area approaches to a certain stage. This paper has far-reaching significance for the optimization of boned port area management and planning system.
