

The Study and Application of Risk Assessment Ways for Special Purpose Railways

【作者】 周帅

【导师】 施富强;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 机械工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国铁路运输事业发展迅速,当前,正向着“高速、重载”的世界高水平目标不断迈进。但是伴随着这种快速发展,其“安全”问题也已经成为一个重大课题,成为需要国家铁路相关部门给予更多关注、投入的重要方面。而作为铁路路网的一部分一一铁路专用线、专用铁路,在铁路货物运输中居于重要地位。由于其自身特点和发展历程的关系,安全隐患分布较多,因此关于铁路专用线、专用铁路的安全问题亟需采取有力的对策措施。在铁路运输事业高速发展的过程中,安全管理方面的改革取得了阶段性的成果,突出表现在正逐步变“事后处理”为“事前预防”。实现这一目标的关键途径之一是安全评价。安全评价技术从20世纪80年代引入我国以来,经过实践的验证,在我国安全生产过程中发挥了有效的作用,并且在各个行业安全生产中的重视程度也逐渐增强。其中,对铁路专用线、专用铁路进行的安全评价工作即获得安全生产监督管理部门以及铁路相关部门的重视,并制订了有关的法律、法规以及标准等。本文正是在上述背景之下,针对目前针对铁路专用线、专用铁路的安全评价工作的研究不够系统、操作性不够强等,进行专用线、专用铁路的安全评价方法研究以及应用的有关探究。笔者首先从分析国内外铁路安全评价与评估的现状入手,阐述了本文的研究背景与研究目标以及内容。然后则是对风险评价方法的理论阐述,为引入铁路专用线、专用铁路方面的风险分析做准备。接着则是对铁路专用线、专用铁路安全评价的研究与实践,这一部分的基础主要源自成都铁路局所辖地区的专用线、专用铁路的安全管理,以及实际参与的专用线、专用铁路安全评价(估)项目。该部分对专用线、专用铁路的常见问题进行了分类总结,对常见事故进行了归纳分析,并对其危险、有害因素进行了基本辨识,结合风险分析理论,从而为进一步建立铁路专用线、专用铁路的安全评价模型打下基础。随之,在对专用线、专用铁路安全评价基本要求与评价程序的简单阐述,对现阶段安全评价过程控制与质量管理体系的总结基础之上,给出具体建立专用线、专用铁路的安全评价体系与模型的详细过程。为了具体说明和使用建立的安全评价模型,笔者针对水城钢铁集团的专用铁路进行了实际应用,并在最后得到用于指导专用铁路企业进行有关安全改善的安全评价报告。

【Abstract】 China railway transport undertakings have been developing rapidly, and the current, is heading towards "high-speed, high-loaded" world high level target continuously. But with this rapid development, its "safe" problem has also become a major issue, and needs state railway related departments to give more attention, to input more. As a part of the railway network---special purpose railway, seizes an important position in railway freight transport. Because of its own characteristics and development relations, special purpose railway’s safety hidden trouble distributions much more. Thus, for special purpose railway, its safety problems must be taken stronger countermeasures.In the high-speed development process of railway transport undertakings, safety management mode’s reform has made staggered results and outstanding performance, which gradually becomes "afterwards treatment" to "forwards prevention". To achieve this goal, risk assessment is one of the critical paths. Risk assessment technology was introduced to China in 1980s.After lots of practices since validation of production safety in China, risk assessment plays an effective role in every industry, and is more and more strengthened by the government. Among them, the risk assessment work of special purpose railway won the attention of the appropriate departments of railway and administration of production safety department, as well as the relevant laws, regulations and standards, etc.This article is developing upon the above background. For the risk assessment of the special purpose railway, whose research is not strong enough, less-systematic, so the article will try to explore appropriate methods and applications about the risk assessment of the special purpose railway.At first, the author describes from current situations of railway risk assessment both at home and abroad to the research background, research target and content. Then is the theory of risk assessment methods, which is prepared to introduce aspects of the risk analysis for special purpose railway. Next part is the research and practice about the risk assessment of special purpose railway. This part’s foundation mainly derived from the safety railway management on the lines of Chengdu city railway department, and the actual participations of the risk assessment work for the special purpose railway. In this part, the common problems and common accidents of the special purpose railway are classified. In addition, the author analyzed some dangerous and harmful factors, combining the basic theory of identification of risk analysis, so as to establish the risk assessment model of the special purpose railway further. Moreover, the risk assessment’s basic requirements and evaluation program of the special purpose railway is briefly discussed, as well as present risk assessment process control and quality management system. Based on the above things, the author establishes the assessment model. In order to specify the applications of the model, the paper gives an practical application example on the special purpose railway of the Shuicheng Steel Group. And at last, the author attains an risk assessment to guide the company of the special purpose railway.

  • 【分类号】U298
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】526