

Research on Traditional Opera in Qing Court

【作者】 卞冀

【导师】 刘文峰;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 戏曲是一门高度综合的艺术,它是歌舞、古优、角抵戏等众多门类的艺术高度融合的结晶。从萌芽之日起,它就与宫廷产生了深厚的渊源。统治者出于政治目的以及享乐的需要,歌舞、百戏等进入宫廷,并且在宫廷中得到了规范和提升。大规模的百戏、散乐集演更是促进了各门类艺术的交流与融合,因此说宫廷对于戏曲的形成是起到过十分积极的作用的。清代是戏曲艺术繁盛发展的时期。来自关外的满族贵族统治者在接受汉族文化的同时也接受了戏曲艺术。历任清朝统治者对于戏曲艺术都表现出了极大的兴趣,这促使戏曲在宫廷中迅速发展起来,成为宫廷生活中不可缺少的组成部分。从现存的宫廷戏曲档案以及宫廷戏曲剧本中可以看出,戏曲艺术不单单是统治者日常生活中的享乐,它在宫廷的仪礼庆典中占有十分重要的位置。宫廷的仪礼庆典代表着王室的形象,因而仪典中的戏曲演出活动从剧目到排场等方方面面都有十分严格的要求。这种特殊的环境促使清代宫廷承应戏显现出了不同于民间戏曲演出的风格与艺术特色。虽然环境是相对封闭的,但是清代宫廷承应戏与民间戏曲的交流一直不曾中断。民间新兴的剧种很快会传入宫廷,因而宫廷中戏曲剧种的更迭几乎与民间可以保持一致。同时,清宫承应戏独特的艺术特征也对民间戏曲产生了深远的影响。

【Abstract】 The Traditional Opera is a highly integrated art. In the process of the formation of Theatrical Art, communication of court art and folk art has had a significant role in promoting. Rulers concerned Traditional Operas when it is formed. Because of the special environment, Traditional Opera in court is different from the folk opera in customs and art features.In the Qing Dynasty Traditional Opera is in the period of prosperity and development. The Manchu Nobility from customs accepted Han culture in the same time accepted the opera art. Nearly every art of the Qing dynasty emperor have shown great interest for the drama. This prompted the opera arts developed rapidly in the court. From the existing files and opera script we can know that opera performances in Qing had strict regulation. From the Qing Kangxi to Qianlong was the formation period drama regulation. Theatrical Art is not only a daily pleasure, but also plays a very important position in a celebration of the court. Celebration of the court represents the image of royal. Thus the opera performances of the celebration have very strict requirements.Traditional opera in Qing court and folk drama had not been interrupting the exchange. The emerging genre of civil would soon be passed into court. So the change of court operas can be almost consistent with civil. Meanwhile, the court drama also had a profound impact to folk drama.
