

The "Concert" of Fangshan District Beijiao Village Inherited Score and Its Live Transmission Research

【作者】 周晓爽

【导师】 项阳;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 音乐学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中国传统音乐文化历经了几千年的发展,目前虽然在城市文化中已不占主流,但在紧邻城市的乡村中依然生生不息。这些目前积淀于乡间的所谓民间音乐,许多乐曲在历史上却曾是国家礼仪用乐。北窖村为北京市房山区的一个山区村落,其音乐会传谱《音乐曲儿本》抄于清光绪二十三年(1897),谱本上记载的年号似与传承年代相关。如此,《音乐曲儿本》上的乐曲有可能传承了384年。其中三分之一的曲目依然在北窖村音乐会中“为用”,个案意义不言而喻。本文以曲谱《音乐曲儿本》为切入点,结合田野调查与文献查阅,历时探讨谱本曲目的来源以及能够传承几百年不变的内在动力和外部原因,共时分析谱本曲目与周边传统音乐组织所继承的曲目有大量同名曲目的缘由。同时尝试运用统计学的方式对北窖村音乐会活态传承曲目的“阿口”韵腔进行总结,用以试译未传承曲目。研究意义在于相对完整的还原历史,能够通过现状管窥和把握“传统”。导致音乐会传承数百年且不变的原因为民间信仰的力量,北窖村音乐会将这些乐曲用于祭祀神灵、超度亡灵、祈福禳灾的仪式之中,在虔敬中不去随意改变。北窖村现今民间信仰氛围缺失以及经济衰落造成了其音乐会发展堪虞的现状。作为民间信仰祭祀礼仪的用乐,《音乐曲儿本》之上的曲目具有礼仪用乐的性质。通过对其曲目溯源,可以看出这些曲目大多来源于教坊承载的国家礼仪用乐。音乐会称其乐曲为僧传,明代在国家意义上将社会上主流存在的俗乐赐与佛道所用以及国家小祀乐用教坊司,如此显现出民间礼俗用乐曲对其接衍的意义。北窖村音乐会使用笙管乐队亦与其有直接关联。由于国家礼仪用乐有规定的同一性,将传统社会中的“国家”理念与民间信仰中的乐曲承载接通,继而与多乐社的承载比较会深化这种认知。本文通过对《音乐曲儿本》的曲目分析,并与它地音乐会社同名曲目进行比较分析对此有深切地感受。在传统的把握工尺谱骨干音的基础上,本文作者利用音乐会传承乐曲的活态进行阿口、润腔的规律性总结,并尝试对音乐会不传、谱本中存在的乐曲进行释解,对于还原传统,辨析史实做出有益的探索。

【Abstract】 After thousands of years of development, Chinese traditional music culture has not accounted for the mainstream in urban culture at present, but thriving still in the country along the city. These so-called folk music which accumulate in the country currently once is used as national etiquette music in the history.BeiYao village is a mountain village of Beijing fangshan district.The concert preach spectrum there called music book was copied in the qing dynasty emperor guangxu 23 years (1897).The "nianhao"(a method to record the age in ancient china) recorded in the preach spectrum seem to have the relationship with the age of inherance. So the songs in the "music book" may be inherited by 384 years. And one third of repertoires in it are still in use in concert of BeiYao village.The significance of case is self-evident. This paper,which takes the "music book" as the breakthrough point and is combined with field research and literature, explore the source and the inner motive and external reasons of the inheritance after hundreds of years of this spectrum repertoire historically, and analysis synchronicly the reason of there are plenty of repertoires in the spectrum having the same name with the repertoires which is inherited by the traditional music organization in the surrounding area. At the same time I try to use the statistical methods to summarize the BeiYao village’s concert repertoire which could be live transmission called "A Kou" Accent to attempt to translate the repertoire that has not been passed down.This paper’s research significance is reductiving the complete history relatively, and having a restricted view at and holding to "traditional"through the president situation.The reason that the concert could be inherited by hundreds of years and remain unchanged is the strength of folk beliefs.So the BeiYao village’s concert use these pieces of music with piety and no optional changing in ceremonies for sacrificing spirit, turning undead,praying bliss and exercising spell to break disaster. Now the lack of folk beliefs atmosphere and the economic decline in the BeiYao village cause that the development of concert get into alarming situation.The repertoires in the "music book" have the nature of etiquette music as the music of sacrifices etiquette that folk beliefs. Through tracing its repertoire’s source, we can see that these pieces of music mostly come from national etiquette music that "JiaoFang"(the organization that manage instrument people in the ancient China) beared. The concert says its music were handed down by monks.The music for appreciation that exists as the mainstream in society was given to the Buddha’s path in the national sense,and the national small etiquette music use the"JiaoFang"’s music in Ming dynasty.So it could be show that the folk’s music is meanful to national etiquette music’s inheritance.And there is also a direct link between it and using shengs brass band in the BeiYao village concert. Connect the national etiquette music in the traditional society with the etiquette music that was believed in by the folks now,and compare them with the etiquette music in other music clubs.Then we can see similarities among the national etiquette music in different areas.This paper have deep feelings through the repertoire analysis to the "music book", and carrying on the comparative analysis about the same name repertoires in other music clubs. On the basis of mastering "GongChi,PuGu,GanYin"traditionally,auther try to explain the music in the music score book, concert "BuZhuan",and make beneficial exploration of restoring tradition,differentiating historical facts by using the concert inheriting music in the living condition to summarize "Akou", "RunQianng" regularly.
