

Analysis of the Number Seven in Chinese Mythology

【作者】 马丽娜

【导师】 李扬;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 人们在日常生活中经常频繁地、习惯性地使用的一些数字诸如:四、七、九、十二等等,殊不知它们除了本身的计算意义之外,还兼有某种非数字的文化功能,它在哲学、宗教、神话、巫术、诗歌、习俗等方面作为结构素反复出现,具有神秘或神圣的蕴含,因而人称“神秘数字”。而至今可参阅到的古籍和口头流传的众多神话故事正是保留“神秘数字”生发源流及其文化内涵的载体,因此本文选取数字七为例,试通过对相关神话材料的梳理分析,以期理清它的生发流变情况,力图阐述数字“七”在神话中的文化功能以及透过神话思维所能窥见的原始文化的影响。虽然我国早在秦汉时期已有研究神秘数字的专著出现,但直至二十世纪才有了系统科学的研究方法,遗憾的是神秘数字的研究学者们大多只是以神话材料作为例证来支持其论点,并未深入挖掘其丰富的内涵。有鉴于此,本篇论文选取包含神秘数字“七”内容最丰富、最有代表性的两类神话作为主要研究对象:北斗七星神话和七日造人神话。通过对西南和北方众多少数民族北斗神话的内容、叙述结构和故事情节的对比研究发现,少数民族北斗七星神话首先是基于原始先民对北斗天象的长期观察,反映了少数民族在一定历史时期的社会生产状况和生活内容。北斗神话是在先民对北斗七星实际观察的经验中形成的一种“集体表象”,它包含着一定历史时期的先民的信仰意识和思维模式。最早的数字七的神秘性实际上很大一部分是来源于原始先民对北斗七星的崇拜信仰,这种崇拜信仰也只有在当时极端的自然环境和蒙昧的原始社会中方能得以形成。对于后世人频繁地使用数字七表达某种神秘意义,主要有两种情况:一种是以七为载体,象征、暗示北斗七星信仰或其内涵;另一种情况是使用七作为一种数字模式,以致于人们“日用而不知其意”,当把七作为模式数字来使用时,它的意义就已经脱离了帮助表达北斗信仰的藩篱,而被赋予了一层神秘意义。分析七日造人神话可以发现,以七为时间限度的情节在众多神话故事中都屡见不鲜,由此引申出《周易》“七日来复”卦象、月亮圆缺周期以及人体的生理周期,通过对这些特殊现象的深层挖掘表明:人体确实存在着一个以“七天”为界限的生理周期,即“七日节律”。这一节律贯穿生命始终,并且在女性身上体现得尤为明显。由此,数字七在这类神话中的被赋予另一层意蕴:即“七日”作为时间界限体现着生命活动的周期规律:“七日节律”。数字七在这里就起到了一个标志界限的循环代码的作用,在某种意义上也可视为一个阴性符号。从本文的研究中可以看出:中国神话中的数字“七”的神秘性主要是作为一种原始崇拜信仰留存下来的,而数字七在今日之所以仍具有别样的内涵则与它被惯用为模式数字及其体现出的生命活动的七日周期规律有着直接关联。

【Abstract】 People frequently in daily life customary use of some figures, such as: four, seven, nine, twelve, etc. Little do they know their significance in addition to their calculations, but also both the cultural function of a non-numeric. It is in philosophy, religion, myth, magic, poetry, customs, etc. As a recurring structural element. Contains a mystical or sacred, so called " mystic number”. So far refer to the ancient oral tradition and myth is to retain the many " mystic number " germinal origin and the cultural connotation of the carrier, this article made an example to the number seven. Test materials by sorting out the relevant analysis of the myth in order to clarify the situation of its germinal meology .This article example to select the number seven, seeks to elaborate the "Seven" in the cultural function of myth and the myth of thinking that can get a glimpse through the original culture.Although the Qin and Han Dynasty in China as early as the mystic number have been studies of monographs appear, but only until the twentieth century the system of scientific research methods. Unfortunately, the mysterious figure of scholars mostly mythical material as examples to support their arguments, did not dig the rich connotations. In view of this, this paper contains the mysterious select the number "seven " richest, most representative of the two types of myth as the main object of study: Big Dipper myths, Seven days create human beings myths .Through the myths of many southwest and north minority content, narrative structure and the comparative study found that the Big Dipper minority myth is based on the original ancestors of the first planetarium in the long-term observation of the Big Dipper, reflecting the ethnic minorities in a certain historical period the content of social production and living conditions. Big Dipper myth is observed in the ancestors of the actual experience of the Big Dipper form a "collective representation", it contains a certain historical period of the ancestors of faith awareness and thinking mode. The mystery of the first number seven from the original in fact a large part of the worship of ancestors of the Big Dipper. The worship of that time only in extreme natural environment and ignorance of the primitive society to the formation of China. For use after the world number seven frequently express a mystical meaning, there are two cases: One is based on seven as the carrier, the symbol of faith or meaning implied Big Dipper. Another situation is the use of seven as a digital model, let people to "not knowing Italian daily", when the number seven as a model to use, its meaning has been expressed from the Big Dipper to help the barriers of religion, and was given a mystical significance.Analysis of Seven days create human beings myths can be found as the time limit of seven plots in many fairy tales are not uncommon, which extended the "ZhouYi ", "seven days to recovery, " the images , the moon waxed and waned cycle and the body’s menstrual cycles, these special phenomena through the deep excavation that: the existence of a body of "seven days"as the boundaries of the menstrual cycle, the "seven rhythm.". The rhythm of life has always been through, and embodied in women, especially. Thus the number seven in such mythology was given another layer of meaning: the "seven days"as the time limit reflects the life cycle of the activities of law that "seven rhythm. " Number seven played here on a sign code limits the role of the cycle, in a sense be regarded as a negative symbol.From this study can be seen: Chinese mythology "Seven" in the mystery is primarily a primitive worship of surviving, The number seven different kind of today still has the connotation of the reason is and it embodies the life cycle of the seven laws of activities has a direct correlation.
