

The Study of Administrative Accountability in the Government Crisis Management

【作者】 吕文娟

【导师】 王琪;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,公共危机事件的不断发生,考验着政府的综合治理能力。具备高度的责任心和负责精神、完善的责任机制和可问责机制,无疑是一个有效率和有公信力的现代政府所必须的品格及活力源泉。在政府危机管理中,政府机构及其工作人员的责任意识具有举足轻重的作用,行政问责制是建立责任政府,提升官员责任意识的重要途径,是政府危机有效治理的关键。自“非典”事件,我国正式启动行政问责制,政府危机管理中的行政问责制不断走向制度化的道路。借鉴新制度经济学关于制度构成的理论作为本文的逻辑分析思路,通过对现状的分析,发现目前存在的问题,试图构建完善的政府危机管理中行政问责的制度框架。目前我国政府危机管理中行政问责制的建设还不完善,影响其作用的发挥。首先,在政府危机管理中,行政问责正式制度供给的数量不足、质量不高引起制度短缺,主要体现在法律制度短缺和配套制度的不完善;其次,非正式制度的约束,使问责的实施缺乏良好的文化氛围。行政人员的责任意识、公众的参与意识淡薄,行政问责心理不成熟等阻碍政府危机管理中行政问责制的完善;再次,在政府危机管理中,行政问责制的实施机制不健全,行政问责制的实施没有专门的负责机构,各地方政府在问责的过程中也是标准不一,机构繁杂。针对目前存在的问题,借鉴发达国家的经验,要在政府危机管理中要构建完善的行政问责制,使问责贯穿在政府危机管理的全过程,促使行政问责作用的有效发挥,必须构建一套完善的制度体系,包括由行政问责文化、心理等因素的非正式制度,法律、法规和政策等组成的正式制度,以及促进制度有效实施的机制建设。

【Abstract】 In recent years, public crisis have taken place continuously in our country,testing the ability of the comprehensive management of government. Have a high sense of responsibility and a perfect accountability or accountability mechanisms, is undoubtedly an efficient and credible to the character and the source of vitality of modern government. In government crisis management, a sense of responsibility of government agencies and their staff plays a decisive role. Administrative accountability is an important way to establish responsible government and enhance the officials’sense of responsibility. It is also the key to effective governance of Crisis. Since the "SARS", China’s official launch of administrative accountability, the administrative accountability in the government crisis management move towards institutionalization. Learn about the new institutional economics theory as a logical analysis of this idea, analyze the situation and found the current problems, trying to build a sound administrative accountability in government crisis management system. At present, the administrative accountability in government crisis management is not perfect, limiting its role to play. First of all, there are some problems of the quantity and quality system supply. It mainly reflects in the legal system and supporting system imperfect. Second, the informal system impeded the implementation of the administrative accountability. The official’s sense of responsibility and the sense of public participation are weak, psychological immaturity of administrative accountability……All of this Impede the administrative accountability system Improve. Third, the implementation of administrative accountability system is effectiveness, that implementation of the mechanism is not perfect. There is no specific charge of the implementation agencies; the local government in the accountability process is uneven and the organizations complex. According to the existing issues and learn from experiences of developed countries, if we want to build a sound government crisis management in the administrative accountability system, we must build a perfect system of administrative accountability in the government crisis management. Including the culture of accountability administration, psychology and other factors constitute the informal system; laws, regulations and policies to form a formal system and good mechanisms.
